The true secret of Leicester City's success / doping thread merged

No it just means I can debate issues with the more mature and less cliquy members of the forum. It's like a school playground in here.
You're highly unlikely to get much debate when most have you pegged for what you are. Whilst I might appear as an oddball to you, the tone of your posts from the minute you joined doesn't paint your character as particularly mature.
I don't do cliques. Some members I've got to like over the years some not so. I imagine it's the same with most others posters.

Your two years on Rawk does go some way to explain things.
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But do you seriously think foul play via drugs is to account for their season? Or a togetherness, luck with injuries and a system to beat teams nobody has managed to replicate?

Both could be possible

(and doping could account for part of this 'luck with injuries')
its so daft it could be true????? but the thing is with the british press they jump to early and they never let a good story lie and now its in the public eye's what chance have you got to bring the right truth. you must never bring it to the press first let the police handle there work is now done and can not really touch it. the truth is the press love a good story forget the facts just film under cover and point the finger. but the harm and any chance of the truth is gone they will have the best lawyers on it and cry a setup and walk free the CPS will not touch it with a barge pole
The good news is that we know City players are not being mentioned. If they were there would be a joint UN/FIFA/EUFA/FBI/KGB and MI5 investigation underway already.
Ha ha people comparing our win in 2012 to what has happened with Leicester this season.

I'm not comparing it i'm just saying that our story is just as good as Leicesters. Nothing to do with the likelihood of us winning the league. Us winning the season with the last kick of the game taking it from the jaws of our biggest rivals who have mocked us for years for not winning anything. Could be argued it was just as scripted as Leicester winning it this year.

If you think it's scripted/rigged stop watching, I would if I believed these crackpot theories.

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