The true secret of Leicester City's success / doping thread merged

Personally, if we win the title by default because the winners are exposed as drug cheats I would not be doing much celebrating. I don't remember Carl Lewis being too happy at the '88 Olympics (google if you are too young to remember/know).

Not too young mate. I sat up all bloody night to watch "the race of the century" and I was supporting Ben Johnson! Ironic subsequently that Lewis, Christie etc were all convicted of drugs offences.

Ideally I'd prefer not to win it that way but I'd take it and celebrate it.
how do these drugs improve them as footballers??
if Leicester had been getting beat 2-0 after 10 mins each week, coming back and winning 3-2 id see the point
The whole Leicester situation is just weird.

Especially Ranieri, it's not like he was a manager who showed any glimpses at all of being brilliant. 18 months ago he was losing to Faroe Islands, now he takes a team from the relegation battle to Premier League champions in his first season.

If the statistic about Leicester being the least fittest team last season to the second fittest this season is true, then that's also a little weird. Could a team have such an enormous change in fitness in one pre-season? The workrate of Okazaki and Kante in particular doesn't seem very natural IMO. In a league where all the players are unbelievably fit, those two are off the charts fitness wise. And a team whose entire success is based around a huge workrate doesn't have any injuries the whole season? You'd expect the opposite to happen, wouldn't you?

5000/1 to win the league at the start of the season - is that correct? Just makes you wonder. I can't ever remember odds even remotely close to that coming in.
Not too young mate. I sat up all bloody night to watch "the race of the century" and I was supporting Ben Johnson! Ironic subsequently that Lewis, Christie etc were all convicted of drugs offences.

Ideally I'd prefer not to win it that way but I'd take it and celebrate it.
Remember the furore when his drugs test came out.

My immediate thought was that it was no surprise, as the fastest animal in the world is a cheetah!
I've heard that Turkey's 2002 WC team that reached the semi's was suspected of doping, which gave them superior stamina and meant they could go the distance (they knocked out Senegal with a late goal in extra time).
The 5000-1 odds might be a bit of a dead kipper.
The bookies think about sensible odds for the four or five realistic challengers and dream up oddball numbers for the rest. Odds fluctuate as bets are placed and very few would have been placed on Leicester.
The bit about them going from least fit to fittest is the most difficult to explain but some of that could be down to the training regime as I assume Ranieri and Pearson would have very different systems.
To my mind their real advantage is the lack of cup games; I think they played five while we've played seventeen with at least another two to play. They also don't have as many internationals meaning fewer players are knackered or injured after international breaks.

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