The Waiting List

kp220 said:
Just to throw something else into this discussion....

I wonder how many people who currently have season tickets for seats on Level 1 or 2 would want to relocate to the cheaper option further away from the pitch, that would only be a financial decision and not one for better view or comfort..

Even if you have paid a £100 deposit they were explicitly clear that if you decided against buying a ticket (if you were offered one) that you could get a refund. This was set out clearly in the FAQ's.

Ah, my mistake. That's much fairer.
299 season tickets

I've just got my name on the queue today.
my dads st if you want one get your name down quick she did my name and by the time she did mine 4 people were in between us
Re: 299 season tickets

syedorf said:
I've just got my name on the queue today.
my dads st if you want one get your name down quick she did my name and by the time she did mine 4 people were in between us
as your the last poster mate what number did you get just wandering how its panning out ?
Good news. With all the criticism I've read on this message board, I thought we might only end up with one extra tier, but sounds like there's a lot of demand

Be a great sight to see the opening game with 60,000 City fans, and great to be part of it
kp220 said:
BlueGMD said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
You may well be disappointed if you are putting names down for £299 tickets because ST wishing to relocate will get priority over newcomers.

In 2015/16 there will be at least a couple of thousand level 2 ST holders looking for new seats plus many others enticed by the price.

Question-----" I am currently ST holder. Do I need to join the waiting list to have the opportunity to relocate to any alternative seat either for 2014/15 or in a potentially expanded stadium in 2015/2016"

Answer-- "No, The relocation process ahead of 2014/15 will be the same as previous seasons. Providing you renew for 2014/15, you will be given first priority on any available seats within the stadium (including new seats made available via the proposed stadium expansion) for 2015/2016 during the seat relocation period. 2014/15 St holders will have priority over supporters who have joined the waiting list.

That to me says any of the current 34000 or whatever it is ST holders who fancy a cheaper seat can get first pick leaving none for waiting list people. Obviously there will be other seats available but doubt the £299 ones.

Yeah, this is my thinking too. I spend around £300+ each year on tickets to watch City so each year I have a weigh up as to whether I want a season ticket. I'd be paying more and would probably stop going to the cup matches, which is the majority of games I go to due to the price and availability. I don't see this new offer as all that tempting, yeah a £299 season ticket is a great price but how many will available? Putting a £100 deposit for me and the other half means that at some point we will have to get a season ticket (or loose the deposit), even if it's at a higher price than we wanted.

What happens after the 2014/15 season, is there still going to the a £100 waiting list?

Just to throw something else into this discussion....

I wonder how many people who currently have season tickets for seats on Level 1 or 2 would want to relocate to the cheaper option further away from the pitch, that would only be a financial decision and not one for better view or comfort..

Even if you have paid a £100 deposit they were explicitly clear that if you decided against buying a ticket (if you were offered one) that you could get a refund. This was set out clearly in the FAQ's.

My guess is looking at that picture that there will only be around 1500 tickets and £299, maybe even less and potentially 34000 people could relocate there and this will include 2000 or so in CB and ES level 2 who don't want to pay £1150 minimum.

I think those £299 seats will be snapped up

1.because the view will still be good, just a bit higher
2 because it will save most people at least £300 a year which is not to be sniffed at.
3. They are not value gold, you know where you will be sitting, you know you will be dry and you know you should always be able to afford it.

Some will no doubt pay the higher price for a seat near the front but it only takes 1 in every 20 to want to move and they are snapped up. There may even less than 1500, could be less than 1000.

If we do both ends then more chance of getting one but if south stand only then little chance in my opinion unless a ST holder.
really really hope we do both ends and think the £299 tickets can only be good ,but what if the waiting list says 12,000 are interested so we go ahead and commit to expansion .what if most of the £299 tickets are taken up by level 2 CLUB ETIHAD evacuees and others wanting to take advantage of the price? what if all the club has to offer is season tickets at the new increased price for 15/16 .what do people think the take up would be at these prices ? i think we need to be very careful how we play this one as 8,000 ? people could go £500 not paying that and withdraw their interest ?
mrtwiceaseason said:
really really hope we do both ends and think the £299 tickets can only be good ,but what if the waiting list says 12,000 are interested so we go ahead and commit to expansion .what if most of the £299 tickets are taken up by level 2 CLUB ETIHAD evacuees and others wanting to take advantage of the price? what if all the club has to offer is season tickets at the new increased price for 15/16 .what do people think the take up would be at these prices ? i think we need to be very careful how we play this one as 8,000 ? people could go £500 not paying that and withdraw their interest ?

I haven't put my name down, but do you choose which price band to go on the waiting list for, when you pay your deposit ? This may help the club to decide how many to put in each price band.
mrtwiceaseason said:
really really hope we do both ends and think the £299 tickets can only be good ,but what if the waiting list says 12,000 are interested so we go ahead and commit to expansion .what if most of the £299 tickets are taken up by level 2 CLUB ETIHAD evacuees and others wanting to take advantage of the price? what if all the club has to offer is season tickets at the new increased price for 15/16 .what do people think the take up would be at these prices ? i think we need to be very careful how we play this one as 8,000 ? people could go £500 not paying that and withdraw their interest ?
Depends on the pricing of other seasoncards elsewhere in the ground? Good point though which others have raised.

There will be considerable excitement as the stands go up and if a new applicant can't get a £299 to £450 ticket, perhaps there'll be reasonably priced ticket in South Stand Level One? They are around £500 I think

As long as mine does not shoot up, I'll probably stay where I am and I think a lot will. The third tier behind the goal is after all quite some way from the pitch, and the atmosphere in Tier 2 under Tier 3 might make these areas more popular?

The £299 Valuecard is not after all new. And fans had the opportunity to go for it before. Last 2 seasons they've sold out on Day 1, but possibly because there were so few available.
If people only chose the £299 - £499 option is it not possible the club will just extend the cheap seats down the tier?
The main thing to do to maximise the number of cheap seats is get on the waiting list so both stands are built and more seats are available.
blueparrot said:
mrtwiceaseason said:
really really hope we do both ends and think the £299 tickets can only be good ,but what if the waiting list says 12,000 are interested so we go ahead and commit to expansion .what if most of the £299 tickets are taken up by level 2 CLUB ETIHAD evacuees and others wanting to take advantage of the price? what if all the club has to offer is season tickets at the new increased price for 15/16 .what do people think the take up would be at these prices ? i think we need to be very careful how we play this one as 8,000 ? people could go £500 not paying that and withdraw their interest ?

I haven't put my name down, but do you choose which price band to go on the waiting list for, when you pay your deposit ? This may help the club to decide how many to put in each price band.
just checked the brochure there is four price bands to pick from ,assuming most people will choose £299/£449 ,the above scenario could play out ,but your right when you register the club can see who wants what and maybe adjust quantity of cheaper tickets accordingly ?

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