The Westminster Paedophile Dossier

Are you suggesting an ex-MP might have sufficient friends in high places to allow him to get away with a story about the images being part of his research into the problem?

edit, apologies replying on the wrong topic there to the same poster.

Im suggesting that people in power have an ability to often influence the sentencing they receive or more to the point, they are looked on favourably by the establishment although a poster earlier did say that less and less charged and found guilty are going to prison so i may be very wrong?
edit, apologies replying on the wrong topic there to the same poster.

Im suggesting that people in power have an ability to often influence the sentencing they receive or more to the point, they are looked on favourably by the establishment although a poster earlier did say that less and less charged and found guilty are going to prison so i may be very wrong?
I think you may be right, and I agree with you. The sarcastic nature of my post didn't come across in print.
Sorry but the justice system is biased. If a 21 year old ex-Eton student at Oxford and a 21 year old former comprehensive student who is unemployed do the same thing, I can guarantee the latter will get a tougher sentence. The former "comes from a good family" and it would "be a shame to ruin his future." The latter is "feral" and needs "to be cracked down on to set an example."

Read the papers/media over time and you will see this pattern repeated.

If you are "establishment" you are half way to getting off. For one thing you have better lawyers. For another you have more influential connections.
Just imagine the uproar in the media if the people mentioned in this thread had their citizenship revoked. Imagine of that Tory MP had lost his citizenship.

They were castigated in the media, they were victims of slurs, their characters questioned. They were accused of horrific crimes.

As British citizens they should of course face British justice and be proven innocent or guilty under the law.

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