The Westminster Paedophile Dossier

Wilf Wild 1937 said:
If 10% of what that Michael Shrimpton has said is true then the whole of the Establishment is now at risk of falling.
We know that some serious shit must have happened since we now have Norman Tebbit talking about cover ups.
When ex cabinet ministers are distancing themselves from the events of their era then the truth appears to be
close to coming out. Exactly how much will come out who knows? I guess it depends on what the current
government and the security services will allow. Hypothetically for example would it be "in the national interest"
if it was confirmed that a former PM (Heath) was a paedophile and a murderer? I honestly don't know if it would
or it wouldn't. Gut reaction is it would be and we could sweep away possibly all 3 of the established parties and
start again. It would probably though lead to some nutter like Farage running the country. This could be like the
Arab Spring, who knows where that will finally end up? I bet MI5 are reading those "lost" documents at the moment
wondering what the fuck to do. My guess is we will get some but by no means all of the story.

Our lords and masters have been acting like there's no such thing as the internet, believing that they can keep everyone in the dark and keep a lid on things. It just doesn't work that way any more.

What we need are more Edward Snowdens, dozens more of them - here, in Brussels, in Russia, in China, everywhere. I'd like to see a few in Islington and Scotland too for the sake of this paedo scandal.
Chancy Termites said:
Our lords and masters have been acting like there's no such thing as the internet, believing that they can keep everyone in the dark and keep a lid on things. It just doesn't work that way any more.

What we need are more Edward Snowdens, dozens more of them - here, in Brussels, in Russia, in China, everywhere. I'd like to see a few in Islington and Scotland too for the sake of this paedo scandal.

I don't think it's likely that you would get an Edward Snowden in Russia or China though ... they'd get shot.
We have to remember that because we have free speech and democracy (albeit limited in both cases) we
are operating at a disadvantage to some other countries in terms of National Security who would seek to
exploit our weaknesses. What we are talking about here is pretty serious stuff that is alleged to have gone on.
I definitely think that heads should roll in Westminster when things are proved, maybe starting with Leon Brittan.
Where I would be concerned would be if this totally destroyed peoples' trust in our democracy. We need to reform
the system so it doesn't happen again (assuming it's already stopped) not totally destroy it. Certain things will
remain covered up and probably rightly so. People have mentioned that stories about Savile have been around on
the internet for years. The internet is powerful but it's not on it's own that powerful. People have to believe what is
posted. How many conspiracy websites are there? A bet on some of them there are things that are true but which things?
Wilf Wild 1937 said:
Chancy Termites said:
Our lords and masters have been acting like there's no such thing as the internet, believing that they can keep everyone in the dark and keep a lid on things. It just doesn't work that way any more.

What we need are more Edward Snowdens, dozens more of them - here, in Brussels, in Russia, in China, everywhere. I'd like to see a few in Islington and Scotland too for the sake of this paedo scandal.

I don't think it's likely that you would get an Edward Snowden in Russia or China though ... they'd get shot.
We have to remember that because we have free speech and democracy (albeit limited in both cases) we
are operating at a disadvantage to some other countries in terms of National Security who would seek to
exploit our weaknesses. What we are talking about here is pretty serious stuff that is alleged to have gone on.
I definitely think that heads should roll in Westminster when things are proved, maybe starting with Leon Brittan.
Where I would be concerned would be if this totally destroyed peoples' trust in our democracy. We need to reform
the system so it doesn't happen again (assuming it's already stopped) not totally destroy it. Certain things will
remain covered up and probably rightly so. People have mentioned that stories about Savile have been around on
the internet for years. The internet is powerful but it's not on it's own that powerful. People have to believe what is
posted. How many conspiracy websites are there? A bet on some of them there are things that are true but which things?

What do you think would have happened to Edward Snowden had he stayed in the USA?
Nick Clegg was on Breakfast this morning, and said "if people high up in government have covered for other people,....if that's what is going to be alleged" etc.

He spoke like a man who had been given an idea of the shitstorm ahead and was trying doing a terrible job of pretending he hadn't.

The worry is, this could send the three main parties into approval ratings in single figures. Up stands a party like UKIP or BNP to fill the popularity vacuum and we'rd in trouble.
Apparantly Keith Vaz has written a letter to the senior civil servant involved at the Home Office asking a series of questions about the content of the files and dossier and has 'received a detailed and comprehensive response'

how the fu*k can they supply a detailed and comprehensive response if they've lost the files?

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