The Westminster Paedophile Dossier

Chancy Termites said:
scall said:
Nick Clegg was on Breakfast this morning, and said "if people high up in government have covered for other people,....if that's what is going to be alleged" etc.

He spoke like a man who had been given an idea of the shitstorm ahead and was trying doing a terrible job of pretending he hadn't.

The worry is, this could send the three main parties into approval ratings in single figures. Up stands a party like UKIP or BNP to fill the popularity vacuum and we'rd in trouble.

Leon Brittan gave Clegg his first job in politics. Clegg gave Britton a job as a trade advisor in this government. He's probably been hearing stuff for the last 20+ years.

If you've been to loads of UKIP meetings, written to your local candidates, met them, questioned them, been to other areas, met more candidates, questioned more candidates, talked to councillors - the white ones and the non-white ones, the straight ones and the gay ones, if you've done all of that and still think they're the same as the BNP then fair enough.

But if you've come to that conclusion based on what's been said about UKIP by the very politicians we're talking about here, and by the reporting from their friends in the mainstream press and in the BBC, where Savile, Harris, Stuart Hall etc carried out much of their abuse, then just stop and have a think about it for a minute For god's sake!

I briefly knew Godfrey Bloom. Is that sufficient?
Kirkstall Blue said:
God this is shocking stuff, I really hope we get justice for the victims of child abuse. A retired police officer on 5 live just said when investigating Cyril Smith MP he was threatened with serious consequences and told to hand over every scrap of information he had on the case to the top brass as they were taking over the case, nothing was heard or done about the case afterwards. Reminds me of the Hillsborough cover up.

One can only guess just how widespread the abuse was. The more that comes out, the more I'm inclined to think that it was utterly rife which appears to have been the general feeling since Savile was exposed. From then on it's been like a house of cards job and as such, I doubt that they'll be able to sweep this latest saga under the carpet.

If it turns out that all 3 main parties are implicated in some way then as Scall says, this could seriously damage all of them. The expenses scandal was bad enough but this is something infinitely more abhorrent and I can see this being several steps too far for the majority of the British public. Trouble is, there aren't any viable alternatives worth voting for in a general election.
cibaman said:
Chancy Termites said:
scall said:
Nick Clegg was on Breakfast this morning, and said "if people high up in government have covered for other people,....if that's what is going to be alleged" etc.

He spoke like a man who had been given an idea of the shitstorm ahead and was trying doing a terrible job of pretending he hadn't.

The worry is, this could send the three main parties into approval ratings in single figures. Up stands a party like UKIP or BNP to fill the popularity vacuum and we'rd in trouble.

Leon Brittan gave Clegg his first job in politics. Clegg gave Britton a job as a trade advisor in this government. He's probably been hearing stuff for the last 20+ years.

If you've been to loads of UKIP meetings, written to your local candidates, met them, questioned them, been to other areas, met more candidates, questioned more candidates, talked to councillors - the white ones and the non-white ones, the straight ones and the gay ones, if you've done all of that and still think they're the same as the BNP then fair enough.

But if you've come to that conclusion based on what's been said about UKIP by the very politicians we're talking about here, and by the reporting from their friends in the mainstream press and in the BBC, where Savile, Harris, Stuart Hall etc carried out much of their abuse, then just stop and have a think about it for a minute For god's sake!

I briefly knew Godfrey Bloom. Is that sufficient?

There's to be an inquiry but the people involved in the inquiry will not be under oath.

How's about just arresting them and then go from there like they would with anyone else?

This smacks of a Becky Brookes type whitewash I have absolutely no confidence that anything will come of it.
dazdon said:
There's to be an inquiry but the people involved in the inquiry will not be under oath.

How's about just arresting them and then go from there like they would with anyone else?

This smacks of a Becky Brookes type whitewash I have absolutely no confidence that anything will come of it.

OOOOOOH you cynic..........surely not?
Mathew Parris and Boulton giving somebody who wants an inquiry a very hard time on Sky now, the cover up is in full swing!
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Clevers said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Hancock has a string of sexual complaints against him as long as your arm - he has reached financial settlements out of court with several of his accusers.
But then I'm sure there is a perfectly rational explanation for all of this.

Not all sex pests are paedophiles.

I never knew that - thanks for your clarification..

Glad to help. :)

Seriously I was worried for the forum, I can't see any verified information about the "kiddie fiddler" part.

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