The worst thing about farcical officiating

The goal was clearly offside because Rashford interfered with play by following the ball to the last second, in effect shielding the ball. This caused uncertainty in the City defence. It's as simple as that. How a professional referee cannot come to that conclusion with all the external help at hand defies belief. Only in this country with our clown joker referee's is that allowed to stand. CL and its offside everyday of the week.

spot on

what we all know is Manchester city or any other of the 18 teams in the league would never be given the goal, even under the so-called rule that they keep going on about, simply if you watch the Rashford run, Ederson is defending his goal because of the Rashford run not Bruno, (Interfering)
How was the rule applied correctly?If Rashford was not interfering in play it was a simple pass back to Ederson, by simply being where he was Rashford was interfering with play. This is due to some ref trying to be smart and expecting praise for a great decision when all he has done is make himself and the rules look idiotic.
All this rule applied correctly is complete bollocks.

You won’t see a similar goal allowed anywhere in Europe this season.

But the law interpretation allows the ref / VAR to wriggle out of it. You only have to see the comments by ex refs like Walton and Foy to see how the bent decision can be argued from the officials side.
Rashford is a liar, simply. He needs his PR team around him and to tell him what to say
Rashford is certainly lying with this comment because the cameras show he ran behind the ball shielding it from the defenders for 30 yards. This would have been offside under any rules in the last 50 years. No matter how much some in the media try to twist and contort themselves it is offside. It is the worst decision I have seen at a City match. As bent decisons go it is up there with the worst of all time (in my view) when Jeff Astle helped West Brom beat Leeds in 1971 despite being 20 yards offside. It cost Leeds the title and I believe yesterday's bent decision (let's just call it what it was) will cost us the title this season.
There are more fans around the world who are happy for the scum to never win anything ever again too!

the thing is in sport nobody should be winning with help like Cheating from the officials, 20 teams should be equal and earn the right to be champions, Pep has said many times we don't get help when we win, it's the best feeling beating the system as well as being the champions,
I'm not saying we are the only ones getting shafted. Watford last week is a prime example. What I am saying is that results are being manipulated in an attempt to engineer favourable outcomes in the league, and City being one of the better teams are suffering more than most.

The last thing the PL want is for a single team to 'walk' the league every season. That is simply disastrous for their business model. Same with the relegation fight to an extent. Everyone wants an exciting league. Boring precessions don't sell TV rights worldwide.

This makes sense and I think it's true... But money is the reason.. And money isn't just broadcasting deal.. it's money for the individuals inside the system from gambling and return on their investments in players etc...

Everyone in football benefits more the more its fixed imo...

This opens up a HUGE can of worms.

I obviously believe there is corruption in the way results are manipulated, but for clubs to be in on the fix takes it to a whole new level.

It is a new level because that's facilitated now... Obscured club ownership.. Size of gambling market... Size of Agencies... And the BT Sports people are the same ones that created Football Italia - they know how all of these things work... the good and the bad...
I would think many people, and not just City fans, would agree with this. Really it would be nice to see Pep step up to the plate and say something similar, but he doesn't want to rock the boat either.
I think he hinted at that very strongly when he said.... [I paraphrase] "the goal was offside but we knew who we were playing and we knew which stadium we were playing at", then shrugs shoulders. Pretty clear to me.
The rule was applied correctly.
The problem is the rule is stupid and not specific enough.
The not interfering part should refer to a player stood near the corner flag or when they do that thing and put their hands up to show they aren't going for the ball.

The rule will be changed next season because of the goal yesterday.

I simply cannot agree with this perspective that the rules were applied correctly for a few reasons:

1) Everybody understands the ‘spirit’ of the law and the language of said law is absolutely not explicit enough to say this is a concrete and unarguable exception to a generally well-understood principle of the game.

2) This goal would absolutely not have stood 99 times out of 100. You will see this type of offside given before the player touches the ball multiple times a game (including yesterday). By saying the law was correctly applied you’re suggesting that it is incorrectly applied 99% of the time, and then what is even the point in having laws at all?

3) People saying this line, including the likes of Walton, are exonerating the referee from any accountability of making an incorrect decision in the eyes of the vast majority of the football community. You could use this kind of “well technically” approach to exonerate referees for nearly everything as the rules of the game are so subjective and it is exactly this which has led to the woeful standard of officiating we have today. We need more rigour in refereeing not more benefit of a doubt.

Not personally directing this at you, just stating why I have such a distaste of this type of argument.

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