Theo Walcott? ..

No, just no, just absolutey not. Just no no no no. He is such a poor player. No.
SamTheGuru said:
No, just no, just absolutey not. Just no no no no. He is such a poor player. No.
26 league goals in 151 appearance is impressive for a wide forward
Unless youre Spanish or Argentine this board believes you to be shite. Imagine if this player was plying his trade for say Valencia or Athletic Bilbao.

alky313 said:
Unless youre Spanish or Argentine this board believes you to be shite. Imagine if this player was plying his trade for say Valencia or Athletic Bilbao.


The English style of wingplay has more or less been superseded from the game (especially ours). Add to that the fact that it seems to be a particularly bad crop of wingers in this generation. Add to that Walcott is probably the shittest of the bunch.
alky313 said:
Unless youre Spanish or Argentine this board believes you to be shite. Imagine if this player was plying his trade for say Valencia or Athletic Bilbao.


Throw one together of AJ and I bet it's more impressive.
SamTheGuru said:
alky313 said:
Unless youre Spanish or Argentine this board believes you to be shite. Imagine if this player was plying his trade for say Valencia or Athletic Bilbao.


The English style of wingplay has more or less been superseded from the game (especially ours). Add to that the fact that it seems to be a particularly bad crop of wingers in this generation. Add to that Walcott is probably the shittest of the bunch.

Has it though? Every 3-4 years we seem to get a shift in style of play. For some time it was the 4-4-2. At one point it was the 4-3-3. Now it seems to be the 3-4-3/3-5-2. As formations and style of play seem to come into popularity, their achilles heel becomes the dominant formation following. Its an ebb and flow.

Its quite easy to see that the way to stop the tight passing and tiki-taka is to park the bus and break quickly. Napoli did it, Chelsea did it. Now we are at a point where teams will attempt to do this to us. And I think we're going to have to have players like Walcott/Sinclair who can get into areas that Kolorav/Zabaleta/Clichy/Richards struggle to do. For lack of pace or formation deficiencies.

I don't think that this crop of wingers is any different than the ones that preceded it. As most of them (if they are any good) seem to end up somewhere in the center of the park or behind the striker (Ronaldo/Hazard/Bale and even Messi who can further wide). Fact is we're just finding new places to play them.

Is Walcott the next Messi? No. But there will always be a place in a team for players whose only objective is to get to the other end of the pitch as fast as possible.
First of all he's not a winger, but a wide forward. I know people will say the same, but its really not. A wide man goes out wide, beat players and provide. Theo is more of a forward that comes in try to run behind the defense. He's very good when he has space. But Theo is the last wide man I would look to if you was a wide man who can create against deep defenses.

I just dont get it. i thought we were looking for a wide man that can beat players and cause havoc to deep sitting defenses. Walcott is not a dribbler, he heavily depends on being played throught from team mates and his pace take care of the rest

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