There hasn't been a thread on this. Any trouble after game??

AliceAyres said:
Royaloak said:
He probably deserved it - in fact, I'm yet to meet a rag who doesn't deserve a smack in the mouth and I don't mind confessing that I could have happily axed one of the fuckers at full time while they were singing along to their Max Bygraves CD - and 5ft or 7ft, their all the same to me.

Personally I don't think there's anything to be proud of in punching another teams supporter. Imo the fans of neither club can take any kind of moral highground because we've seen or heard about acts of violence from both sides. I reckon most of you on this forum has friends or family who support Utd but wouldn't dream of "smacking them in the mouth" if you saw them at the match.

No rags in my family and up until about midnight last night, a crowing rag, friend or not (no friends either who are full on Utd fans) would have been risking his front teeth. Can't do with them, especially at the game last night,and seeing a few go down wouldn't have offended me.
ljk said:
There is a light said:
What a dickhead.

I saw an OAP getting treated by paramedics with my own eyes last week, later confirmed that he was attacked by Reds. Another poster on here performed a 'citizens arrest' on another Rag who had managed to hit a kid with a bottle - he then subsequently started blubbing when he knew he was about to get nicked. Several posters also witnessed United attacking a fence and charging parents with their kids.

But then ljk you would deny that United are shitbags as you are probably one yourself, acting the hard man on here but admitting you were in your seat 30 minutes before kick off last night.
Confirmed by whom?

If it's the 60+ year old being treated outside the ground last week you mean, then he fell over, nothing to do with being attacked or punched. Don't let that get in the way of a good old 'OAP/Women beating' story though.

Apologies if you are talking about another incident here.

your mum should have swallowed you. how is surrey at this time of year?
My girlfriend's sister's boyfriend's brother saw about 30 rags run off Warwick Road by 4 blues.

Typical rags, no women to fight with and they ran off.
Ollie said:
My girlfriend's sister's boyfriend's brother saw about 30 rags run off Warwick Road by 4 blues.

Typical rags, no women to fight with and they ran off.

So fucking witty you red twats......
Didn't see any trouble going to the game or on way home but in upper tier block 336 East stand was really bad especially after we scored...two stewards on their side of the dividing home/away fans didn't control their fans. One fat stward had to call for reinforcements coz he had mismanaged the situation - the irresponsible pillock - he had been joining in with the p..s takes. Coins and bottles etc. were being thrown at us after scoring then again at the end of the game.

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