These so called city "glory hunters"

DavidM said:
I was not aware that I supported an "exclusive" football club.
If you're a Blue then you're a Blue, end of.
We really need to get more people supporting City, buying merchandise, attending matches and generally talking about our beloved City. Only then can we grow as a Club.
What does it matter that their not from Manchester?
How does it effect those who have supported City for 10/20/30/40 years?
Manchester City Football Club is a business and any successful business needs customers and plenty of them.
If a new supporter of our great Club was to sit next to me at a match, then he's my equal. The only difference is I have more memories of City, but we both want the same thing.
Over my 40 years of being a City supporter, I have had periods where I attended most if not all home games and some away games in season, I have also had periods where I didn't attend any games for one reason or another. I've had season tickets, stopped having season tickets, then taken up season tickets again. I've never once stopped supporting City, they are in my DNA.
My main claim to fame is that I was the only City supporter who didn't go to York away.
So let's welcome anyone who wants to support City, educate them, explain the history, tell them what they've missed, but above all encourage them.
These new supporters will help us grow and achieve our owners vision for the Club.

even tho it wasn't meant to be, there I got my answer :) thanks! I guess that anyone (adult) with common sense would say the same stuff. cheers!
Elcor said:
I have a question for you old timers..

I started closely following City since Dzeko signed in. Previously, I had no preference in PL, only cause I couldn't relate myself to any of the clubs. meant nothing to me. Certain things happened in last 3 years of my life, and as a result I am (hopefully) moving to Manchester in december. I would have to make some choice when it comes to PL clubs when I would get there anyways, cause I am a big football fan, but I don't have to now as I have MCFC! so, my question is, will you guys treat me like some "glory hunter" as you say, slag me as less worth and keep me at distance, or will you actually invite me to get a beer together and be less judgemental?

Of course that clubs success brings new fans. that is completely normal. otherwise I would choose Sale United as my closest local team there!

If your buying the beers everyone will invite you. ;)
Oh, I am a glory hunter. It cost me at least two serious relationships (what decent Moscow girl would understand a dude who goes on about Trabelsi being a bit useless, while being on a date FFS), it cost me an infinte number of pisstaking jabs from my mates (Kinkladze is that chap who can't even play for Rubin Kazan on consistent basis - way before they won back-to-back Russian leagues and held up their own against Barca). I should probably be invited to a whole bunch of bartenders' weddings back here - just on the basis of drunk tips being flushed away to these very same bartenders in Moscow over the last 15 years. Yeah, I remember almost throwing a pint at the TV when The Pointman was pointing somewhere during Keggy's reign. I remember literally crying after THAT Spurs comeback. I am a gloryhunter, but I'm proud of it:) If there was a war to start betwenn Russia and Engalnd tommorow, I would personally oversee that no City fan would be killed, harmed or even remotedly involved:)))))

Fookin ell, we are the big boys now. We are bound to evoke some emotion among the non-Mancunian, non-English-British football fans. As a dude who still hopes that Jo can make it in a City shirt - I salute the brutal honesty of the "foreign" posters on here. Win, draw or lose - WE WILL ALWAYS BE BLUES. That's all that matters to me.

P.S.:Spurs are shite, Droopy is clueless!
Don't mind new fans, turncoats and the like.... just don't claim to know everything and get all squeaky bummed when something doesn't work the way it does on Footy Manager or FIFA 12
If you want to talk plastics you only need to look at the M6 last night. As we were getting near to home the last 30 or so miles of our journey the M6 southbound was chocca with cars minibuses and coaches full of Rags -laughable!
Isnt it enough getting batteret like this even at home....oh you only started watching City when they got on telly after beeing bought.

But on the other me what you wan't i dont give a f**k...isn't that a propper city fan attitude????
To all you small minded blues, if you dont want to welcome any new fans are you going to make sure you attend every home and cup game?Are you going to make sure you buy every replica shirt, souveneer ever made. Some on here want to keep city in a time warp well guess what the project by the owners is the oppossite. We need as many fans on board as possible and if that means a new fan (glory hunter) who wants to support us because we won the FA cup then good, because without these fans the project could fail.
I know some mancs who claim to support city but have never been to a game. If they now start going does it also make them a glory supporter.

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