Things that are missing from eastlands?

MadchesterCity said:
My wishlist to the sheiks

200 mph Monorail to city centre that serves free beer by topless waitresses or a tram to city centre

Small people painted sky blue like city oompa loompas handing out beer and free sweeties for kids

A gypsy woman with a crystal ball in a small hut that always predicts a City win and is right every time

A giant aquarium walkway

A travelator instead of the spiral staircase - health incentive for City fans

Giant bouncy castles filled with top heavy stunners and ice cream and jelly - not a fetish ; )

A bear pit for naughty away fans

Can Scotty go in your bear pit please, Madchester?
Boots_ said:
MadchesterCity said:
My wishlist to the sheiks

200 mph Monorail to city centre that serves free beer by topless waitresses or a tram to city centre

Small people painted sky blue like city oompa loompas handing out beer and free sweeties for kids

A gypsy woman with a crystal ball in a small hut that always predicts a City win and is right every time

A giant aquarium walkway

A travelator instead of the spiral staircase - health incentive for City fans

Giant bouncy castles filled with top heavy stunners and ice cream and jelly - not a fetish ; )

A bear pit for naughty away fans

Can Scotty go in your bear pit please, Madchester?

Ha I'm ready to throw myself in Boots, just give us PM when is up and running.
gagiesotherhalf said:
Something only very minor, but equally important, aesthetically

Some new chuffin lightbulbs for the tops of the wire things (technical term ;) )
The ground looks so lovely all lit up of an evening....properly!

Shouldn't cost more than a few bob...yet we never seem to have fixed the broken ones in 6 years!

Health & Safety prob wont let Sparky go up and change the bulbs!! Benjani however!!
.........and calm down with the number of posts Scotty otherwise before you know you'll be up around the 1000 post mark and then you'll have to accuse yourself of having no life and needing to get out more. Don't go out in Didsbury though they are all up in arms with you following your comments this morning. The Didsbury residents association have met this morning and have decided that should you enter the village, they will automatically claim you as their idiot and you should be executed by force feeding you with Sushi until you burst.

I've told them you didn't mean to start insulting people for no apparent reason and that your just a juvenile, hot head with a dodgy keyboard and no real perspective on forum banter. I'll keep working on them.
scotty said:
Boots_ said:
Can Scotty go in your bear pit please, Madchester?

Ha I'm ready to throw myself in Boots, just give us PM when is up and running.

Slight problem - they are out of stock of bears at the moment, can jump in the aquarium with the orcas though until I can get them back in stock

You reckon the shrek will build them
Don't know if anyone has mentioned this before but regarding the smaller shops and stalls, when we moved into Eastlands the club made a point of making sure that there were no unofficial retailers on the club grounds (which extends from the gates over near Mercedes, to the B of the Bang and down to the bottom of Joe Mercer way. Any unofficial retailer who wanted a pitch within the ground had to produce a petition of over 1000 names committing to buy from them. Thats why you'll find some badges and scarfs right at the bottom of Joe Mercer way, just outside the gates.
MadchesterCity said:
My wishlist to the sheiks

200 mph Monorail to city centre that serves free beer by topless waitresses or a tram to city centre

Small people painted sky blue like city oompa loompas handing out beer and free sweeties for kids

A gypsy woman with a crystal ball in a small hut that always predicts a City win and is right every time

A giant aquarium walkway

A travelator instead of the spiral staircase - health incentive for City fans

Giant bouncy castles filled with top heavy stunners and ice cream and jelly - not a fetish ; )

A bear pit for naughty away fans

Pmsl, love all of them ideas especialy jelly and ice cream, that would get a proper party atmoshpear :)

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