Things your missus does that drive you to despair

Likes to talk to me from the kitchen while I'm watching TV or doing something else. Not only can I barely hear her, but I'm not much interested in listening, because it is usually nothing important!

Walks around half singing/half humming all day. Need Alexa and a music service for her!

Likes to trim her own hair between trips to the salon. Like other wives, apparently, she's not brilliant about getting it out of, and around, the bathroom sink.

Can't complain, though, as I'm sure her list is a tad longer!
Mrs m7mcfc is a no nonsense girll she slams doors and finds me out when I've gone mad. Top mother though my kids adore her. The telly's on but no sound coming out though when I'm in the bad books.but,I love her......she does piss me off though
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I'm very happily single these days but here's a few belters, which in my experience, applies to the lot of em:

1. Cushions - feeling the need to spend money on several of these things to place on the couch and bed, only for them to be fucked right off onto the floor as soon as said furniture is being used. Brainless beyond words.

2. Expecting you to accompany her to any kind of 'do' for people you've never ever met, she is invited to. 'We're at Claire's kid's christening in Wales this weekend' etc etc. You might be, I am fucking not, City are at home and I shall be there, you ****.

3. Expecting you to see to the 'man' chores such as mowing the lawn, taking the bins out, taking her car for an MOT, as these are 'your jobs'. It's 2017 you fucking idiot.

4. Announcing to her friends that 'we' are in the midst of a certain task - 'we're right in the middle of doing up little Johnny's room' - when se hasn't and wont be lifting a finger in said task. 'We'? turn it in.

5. Asking why you need to watch MOTD when you've already watched football today. Why do you need 18 pairs of shoes you tit?

Only 18 pairs of shoes? How did you manage that?
Got some more;

She comes home with a 'something', i ask why she bought it, it's because it was a bargain, but we didn't need or want it so it's actually a waste of money, she can't see the logic behind that.

Cushions, been mentioned above, why ffs?

Xmas wrapping paper, she asked me last Xmas to get her a roll out of the loft, there were over 24 complete rolls that she'd accumulated over the years. 20 fucking 4!!

The car, hers is fucking filthy, she complained that i hadn't taken hers when i took mine to the car wash, how the fuck could i drive both cars i said, she was even at work in hers at the time!!

And as for shoes, Christ she's got more than fucking Timpsons!!

Quick edit...

Lists!! Why do women all leave us a list of things to do when they're out and we're having a quiet day in. I want a wank, watch some shit on the TV and maybe have a shit with the door open (TM Pigeinho) not do a whole set of chores that you couldn't be arsed doing if you were in!! We don't leave them a list.
Got some more;

She comes home with a 'something', i ask why she bought it, it's because it was a bargain, but we didn't need or want it so it's actually a waste of money, she can't see the logic behind that.

Cushions, been mentioned above, why ffs?

Xmas wrapping paper, she asked me last Xmas to get her a roll out of the loft, there were over 24 complete rolls that she'd accumulated over the years. 20 fucking 4!!

The car, hers is fucking filthy, she complained that i hadn't taken hers when i took mine to the car wash, how the fuck could i drive both cars i said, she was even at work in hers at the time!!

And as for shoes, Christ she's got more than fucking Timpsons!!

Quick edit...

Lists!! Why do women all leave us a list of things to do when they're out and we're having a quiet day in. I want a wank, watch some shit on the TV and maybe have a shit with the door open (TM Pigeinho) not do a whole set of chores that you couldn't be arsed doing if you were in!! We don't leave them a list.
Got some more;

She comes home with a 'something', i ask why she bought it, it's because it was a bargain, but we didn't need or want it so it's actually a waste of money, she can't see the logic behind that.

Cushions, been mentioned above, why ffs?

Xmas wrapping paper, she asked me last Xmas to get her a roll out of the loft, there were over 24 complete rolls that she'd accumulated over the years. 20 fucking 4!!

The car, hers is fucking filthy, she complained that i hadn't taken hers when i took mine to the car wash, how the fuck could i drive both cars i said, she was even at work in hers at the time!!

And as for shoes, Christ she's got more than fucking Timpsons!!

Quick edit...

Lists!! Why do women all leave us a list of things to do when they're out and we're having a quiet day in. I want a wank, watch some shit on the TV and maybe have a shit with the door open (TM Pigeinho) not do a whole set of chores that you couldn't be arsed doing if you were in!! We don't leave them a list.

Says it all really.
Leaving shit on the stairs for weeks on end, if your going up take the fucking stuff with you, put your shoes away while your at it, you do know there's a dishwasher under there then fucking use it, yep I'm a grumpy bastard.
As others are alluding to... Hoarding!!

Buying shite that just isn't needed.
Doesn't matter how many times they'll be informed of example the amount of toilet paper in the house, she'll still be out buying more.

Just buys, buys and buys.

With me being quite a minimalist, I hate every single fucking draw being crammed with so much shite.

I mean what 's the fucking point in owning so much when you can't even gain access to it anyway as it's all piled on top of each other.

Funny, women can be very decisive when buying something but ask them what their preference is in say : "what would you like to do today love? "

Which more often than not brings about the same fucking answer to everything in:


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