This place makes me laugh......

Thatchersforearm said:
What has happened to us since Mancini's arrival? Where has all the attacking flair gone? We don't seem to have any swagger anymore. Why has this stopped? On the plus side we do seem more solid defensively but why can't we have a happy medium? We were great to watch going forward under Hughes but couldn't defend for our lives, and now we are so negative, even at home, prefering to grind out results. During the Portsmouth and Bolton games we didn't play well but did enough, away from home it isn't enough - like at Hull. What is going to happen when we face Chelsea and Liverpool? Or even when we play Stoke next week? I honestly don't see us getting anything from there. The attendance was piss poor today and I believe that's because we don't play attractive football. Going to COMS recently has been tedious, this reflects in the atmosphere being flat (the Stoke fans were right about us today, they put us to shame) and this is because of the pedestrian football we now play, and our style of football is down to the manager. I understand people will say 'look at the table, best performance since x, y and z' but with this style of play does anyone think we will seriously maintain it and push on to the next level? Will playing this way win us the league? I don't think it will. I am not saying 'Mancini Out' but he hasn't won me over at all.

it takes time fella no manager can take a team that attacks but cant defend to save its lives and then within a few games with the same players make them defend well and also look potent going forward, mancini himself said it would take months to get them to play his way, why people think that the way we are playing now is going to be the way he will always get us to play is laughable, knee jerking of the highest order
jimharri said:
Grimble said:
I rarely understand this place. Midweek and results went our way and you would think getting into the top 4 is now a stroll. Then one draw later and we are back to being awful and half the team isn't worthy. The over the top reaction to any result we have is cringeworthy.
Post of the day, without a shadow of a doubt. You have it absolutely spot on. Pity some of the less rational people on here can't see themselves in a cyberworld mirror. I'm sure they would cringe.

Quite an arrogant statement that, if you don't mind me saying.
SalfordCityBlue said:
Blue Tooth said:
The basic set up here is solid and I for one am starting to see what is coming.

I think this is exactly the point, and people are missing it.

Mancini has come in and seen the problem we could all see under Hughes - we couldn't defend. Now we can, bar the odd lapse (which, believe it or not, happens to every fucking team) and there are signs that we are starting to flex our attacking muscles again.

He cannot reintroduce that side too quickly IMO or we will just regress back to the shambles we were under Hughes at the end.

Seems ridiculous to have plead for patience from 'supporters' after LESS THAN TWO MONTHS, but that is what we must do ridiculously.

More good posting by you. I may actually have to stop posting on threads you are on, purely because you're better at it than I am :P
Damocles said:
SalfordCityBlue said:
I think this is exactly the point, and people are missing it.

Mancini has come in and seen the problem we could all see under Hughes - we couldn't defend. Now we can, bar the odd lapse (which, believe it or not, happens to every fucking team) and there are signs that we are starting to flex our attacking muscles again.

He cannot reintroduce that side too quickly IMO or we will just regress back to the shambles we were under Hughes at the end.

Seems ridiculous to have plead for patience from 'supporters' after LESS THAN TWO MONTHS, but that is what we must do ridiculously.

More good posting by you. I may actually have to stop posting on threads you are on, purely because you're better at it than I am :P

Don't I get a bit of credit too then? ;)
SalfordCityBlue said:
dw7 said:
i dont blame manchini but there is somethig horriably wrong at the club for the shit that we have to watch

There is nothing 'horribly wrong'.

We are the richest club in the world. MEANS FUCK ALL
We have some fantastic players. THAT ARE PLAYING SHIT
We are joint fourth. TRUE BUT CAN SEE US FINISHING 6TH
We made the semi of the Carling Cup and went out in the last minute. BEATEN BY THE FIRST DECENT SIDE WE PLAYED
We are in the draw for the Quarter finals of the FA Cup. STOKE WILL BEAT US
We have a new manager who has won (I think) nine games in less than two months. TRUE

We are not playing as well as we know we can, but still winning the vast majority of games that we play. TRUE BUT THE TEAMS WE HAVE WON AGAINS ARE PRETTY AWFUL

There is nothing horribly wrong.
dw7 said:
We are the richest club in the world. MEANS FUCK ALL

Tell that to Portsmouth. United. Liverpool. Every other team in the Premiership bar Chelsea (who would still rather be as affluent as us)

The rest of your rebuttals are opinion. I disagree on most of them, and the ones I can agree with (like the players not performing) is just temporary.

I would still rather have fantastic players temporarily playing shit than shit players playing to the best of their ability. Or, as I have witnessed for most of my City supporting life, shit players playing shit.

Maybe that's just me though.

One Paul Dickov and all that...

'Horribly wrong' my arse. Get some perspective FFS.
hgblue said:
jimharri said:
Post of the day, without a shadow of a doubt. You have it absolutely spot on. Pity some of the less rational people on here can't see themselves in a cyberworld mirror. I'm sure they would cringe.

Quite an arrogant statement that, if you don't mind me saying.
Not at all. You're perfectly entitled to your opinion....just as I am.
SalfordCityBlue said:
dw7 said:
We are the richest club in the world. MEANS FUCK ALL

Tell that to Portsmouth. United. Liverpool. Every other team in the Premiership bar Chelsea (who would still rather be as affluent as us)

The rest of your rebuttals are opinion. I disagree on most of them, and the ones I can agree with (like the players not performing) is just temporary.

I would still rather have fantastic players temporarily playing shit than shit players playing to the best of their ability. Or, as I have witnessed for most of my City supporting life, shit players playing shit.

Maybe that's just me though.

One Paul Dickov and all that...

tell it to united???????????????????????

i would rather their dept to our riches if we were to have their success
dw7 said:
tell it to united???????????????????????

i would rather their dept to our riches if we were to have their success

I wouldn't.

You said our riches 'mean fuck all' - tell that to the thousands of United fans protesting about the Glazers risking the future of their club by saddling them with massive debt. To them the future of their club is more important than temporary success. Good on them I say.

Money is not the be all and end all, but to say it means 'fuck all' is quite simply bollocks.
dw7 said:
there is somethig horriably wrong at the club for the shit that we have to watch
If you think today was shit, then you've clearly not watched City very long.

We started very well today, in fact probably the best we have played under Mancini, looked very attacking, we got in front, should have nailed the game.

THEN f**k me, Stoke turned up and fought for every damn ball, how dare they do this ? They should just read the "roll over" script written by City supporters who should know better.

We were not nearly as bad as some of the people who post on here think, we are a long way from being Barcelona yet, but we're still in the FA Cup, until they change the rules such that in a draw, the away team go through.

The youngsters should stop moaning about things, until they've endured some of the real shite this club has produced !

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