This weekends other Prem Games

Re: This weekends other Prem Games

The cookie monster said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Pigeonho said:
No. Did Liverpool get screwed at ours? Their fans would say yes, but I would say the ref simply got the decision wrong.
We are capable of beating Liverpool, and we will.

People have bizarrely switched from united being the refs and media faves to liverpool. Odd.

We got away with an outrageous bit of good fortune yesterday. Seems to be overlooked and Liverpool got a terrible decision today as well as a fortunate one. Taylor is just a wank ref and if he is a rag as many say, would he really be helping Liverpool out?
Folk on here are just fucking paranoid that it's now the refs & the world v city
The best of it is they were quoting another clubs forum about how paranoid their fans are. That was a slice of delicious half time irony pie!
Re: This weekends other Prem Games

Pigeonho said:
The cookie monster said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
We got away with an outrageous bit of good fortune yesterday. Seems to be overlooked and Liverpool got a terrible decision today as well as a fortunate one. Taylor is just a wank ref and if he is a rag as many say, would he really be helping Liverpool out?
Folk on here are just fucking paranoid that it's now the refs & the world v city
The best of it is they were quoting another clubs forum about how paranoid their fans are. That was a slice of delicious half time irony pie!

Carry on!
Re: This weekends other Prem Games

Ducado said:
Pigeonho said:
The cookie monster said:
Folk on here are just fucking paranoid that it's now the refs & the world v city
The best of it is they were quoting another clubs forum about how paranoid their fans are. That was a slice of delicious half time irony pie!

Carry on!
You are saying I can't post what I want, despite knowing its bang on the money?
Re: This weekends other Prem Games

I would be amazed if Liverpool don't get a penalty against us next week. Hopefully we can score enough of our own to not make it matter. As for Pidge claiming everyone thought United had the referees but changing their mind, Liverpool have always received more penalties than everyone else, that's just a fact. We only mention it now as it's the first time they've been relevant to us.
Re: This weekends other Prem Games

jimharri said:
samharris said:
jimharri said:
I don't suppose there were many on here who were expecting anything else than a Mickeys win; I certainly wasn't. Hoping? Definitely. Expecting? No.

A draw at Anfield will do the trick. Check your table.
so if we win all our games we wont win.. you pedantic sod. ;)
Fair point. I (wrongly) assumed you meant we had to win all our games. A humble, grovelling apology.

Do it in style Jimbo... no comebacks from anyone.. Win em all. :)
Re: This weekends other Prem Games

The refs aren't bent,they're just piss poor in general,watching Liverpool today I think we'll get at least a draw but genuinely think we'll beat them
Re: This weekends other Prem Games

super_city_si said:
SkyBlueCanuck said:
i shudder to think of the flopping the scousers will do next weekend.

would love to see Pellegrini fire a warning shot in the press to the ref.
Trouble is there will be 40000 amped up scousers baying for every decision. Ref will have to be strong next week.

precisely why i hope that our classy, understated manager chooses this week to use whatever bully-pulpit he has to attempt to preempt those howling dippers.
Re: This weekends other Prem Games

with Liverpool winning 1-2 away at west ham means those fools at utd have now conceded the title.
First weekend of April!
ha ha
Re: This weekends other Prem Games

DTKOAG said:
They looked very average today.

We did, not our best game.

But I dont care, im sure we'll be up for it next week

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