Those of us who thought Arsenal couldn't be caught, when did you start to believe again?

In the "points to win the league" thread" I said I couldn't see Arsenal going from 69 points last season to 88+ this season as swings like that don't happen. So I always thought they would start dropping points at one point or another. However when they were 8 clear my confidence in my theory had all but gone. But when it was clear that beating them at home would put us close if not clear of them I started to believe again which was around the beginning of April I think?
I'll be honest after the rags game i thought Arsenal would win it and that we'd been majorly screwed over. However, after i'd calmed down a bit & had a chat with my mate, we came to the conclusion that we could still do it as Arsenal still hadn't had a wobble yet. Just glad that wobble did come when we went on a mad un!
Never doubted we couldn't do it but also never expected Arsenal to fully implode. On this subject it does get tiring the constant negativity which seems to start very early in the season when we may fall behind by 6 points or so... "Leagues done" "might as well quit".
The West Ham game for me. I put the dippers result down to the weird Anfield voodoo that we’ve been victims of enough times.
But when they dropped points at the London Stadium after Saka’s missed penalty that would have put them 3-1 ahead, you could feel the fragility in their heads from hundreds of miles away.
Always felt that if we could be within 5 points of when we played them at The Etihad we would have a chance. Didn't feel confident at all in January after the Southampton and United loss, and Spurs away felt like we didn't have it in us. When we won at their place and went top of the league I felt like it was back on, but only a few days later at Forest I felt like we were going to have to go on a run comparable to 2019 which we have done. No way on earth did I see Arsenal having the form they've shown since the international break. Until about 10 days ago I thought it would go down to the last day of the season!
After we went to Forest away I didn't think it would our year. I just couldn't see us stringing enough wins together but just hoped we'd make Arsenal work for it
When Arsenal drew at Liverpool and then West Ham the next week after being 2 nil up, I knew we would do it. Obviously after we spanked them at home it was done.
That Paddy Power tweet where they did a spoof of Jaws was funny but so true for Arsenal
Was never in doubt as it was Arsenal and had the feeling they'd blew it up when it really matters and they did exactly that :)
Like many others on here, I can genuinely say that I never stopped believing.
Firstly, because we've got insane previous for going on these ridiculous runs from what look like difficult/impossible positions. Starting with being eight points behind the rags in 2012 with six games to play. The rags were still widely believed to be impregnable at that point, they had that habit year after year of picking up the three points without actually playing very well, often coming from behind to do it.

Then, there's the little question of LFC. Set their supporters aside for a minute, and let's be fair. That was one hell of an attack in 2014 (not the team, you notice, but the attack), and a hell of a team in 2018-19. They weren't too shabby last year, actually. What we did in all three seasons against Liverpool is simply stratospheric. It must have been soul-destroying for them.

Good as they were, the Gooners have been a young team that's been flying. I never saw them as being in the same battleship class as either the rags in 2011-12 or Liverpool in the three seasons I mention. They also depended on not picking up injuries (almost impossible over a whole season unless you're called Leicester City). I always felt we were a better team, man for man, than Arsenal, and our two early season victories against them merely confirmed that impression. They are a young team, playing talented football. They don't have anything like the steel of the United or Liverpool teams.

In short, there was never any reason to stop believing, especially as early as January, which is when I think the eight-point advantage was acquired.

When all this happens again next season, and the flappers are out in force, I hope everybody will remember our track record over the last eleven years. When we've lost the league in the last decade, we've lost it by a mile, with very little tension involved, actually. The only possible exception to that was when we made the monumental effort to catch up with Chelsea and go level on points on New Year's Day (and that with all our strikers injured — David Silva was playing up front ffs!) only to start dropping away again immediately.
The take-home message is: if we're still in the mix by spring, then look out, you lot in the PL…
I suppose I.mever really doubted. 8 points with a game in hand. I figured we'd win that - down to 5 points. I was also sure we'd turn over arsenal at the Etihad - 2 points. I also thought Liverpool would get something against them. 0 points different.

I thought their last 8 or so games were tougher than ours, so.always figured they were more likely to drop point than us outside of those games mentioned, and they did.
If you doubted Arsenal would go arse over tits please read on.

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If you are interested in this once upon a time opportunity, pm me and we can discuss the cost as well as some basic H&S advice when both ascending and particularly when descending with a giant hot on your heels.

No time wasters or bottlers, as the giant isn’t fucking around. He really loves that goose.

No time wasters and defo no refunds.

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