Those of you who left early

We expect the players to give 100% until the final whistle yet a lot of the fans are not prepared to support us t'ill the final whistle...... or even watch us.

We have one gobshite who sits near us and all he did last night was slag off Dzeko and Kolorov at the the top of his voice and yet he disappeared at 85 minutes (I only noticed because the slagging had ceased) .................... he even had the audacity to scream at an Asian family leaving at 75 minute for being "part time supporters" ......... and it wasn't in jest either.
Re: Early Leavers

stonie said:
Spot on pal but I can appreciate those who need to catch the last train but not that many, to be honest I didn't see the goal coming...buzzing

totally agree, couldn't see it coming last night, and when the locals starting leaving early i loudly joked, 'why are you going? we're just about to score!', :) oh it felt so sweet.
Re: Early Leavers

I get up from my seat with 60seconds of injury time left and slowly walk to the exit.

I normally get to the top of the stairs for the final whistle.

Last night however my lads we bursting for the loo so they ran up the stairs and across the concourse.

I got into the bog and City score...........

Re: Early Leavers

^^^One of the many reasons I don't have any kids yet..haha. I mean, how bad would it have been to have to smell piss all the way home if it meant you got to see that goal??? Would have been worth it, really.

Feel bad for you though, mate.
RyantheBlue said:
DiscoSteve said:
lock the fecking gates until the final whistle, thats what I say

No thanks, if there's an emergency where one of my family is taken seriously ill I wanna be able to get out thanks. Football isn't the most important thing in the world.
ryanthetart we don"t need your kind supporting us, is there a netball team you can follow instead?
Re: Early Leavers

With two young children almost asleep,the ball in our half for a throw in and in theory 15 seconds left I decided to leave. Was still on the spiral when we scored. Oh dear I must be a shocking supporter and must do better!
Re: Early Leavers

bojinov29 said:
stonie said:
Spot on pal but I can appreciate those who need to catch the last train but not that many, to be honest I didn't see the goal coming...buzzing

totally agree, couldn't see it coming last night, and when the locals starting leaving early i loudly joked, 'why are you going? we're just about to score!', :) oh it felt so sweet.
Nothing beats it
Re: Early Leavers

You OP are nothing but a cnut. I'm a disabled supporter and i stay at the game as long as i possibly can. Sometimes i manage to stay up to 75/80 minutes, but mostly i have to leave after 65/70 minutes because of my disability, does this make me less of a supporter than you?. I'm prepared to pay for my ST just like anyone else, the fact i don't see as much of every game can't be helped but i don't complain about it. You should just engage your brain cell before making sweeping comments you ignorant twat.

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