Those of you who left early

Tricky_Trev said:
People can call him a twat all they like, but he has a point. A good 10,000 had left by the 85th/86th minute in an absolutely crucial, must-win game in our first ever Champions League campaign. It's disgraceful. It was a pretty popular reaction at the ground once all the carnage had died down to have a chuckle at those that gave up. I'm with the OP - Hahahahahahaha to all of them! Got what they deserved. WHAT a moment that goal was! Glad they missed it.
Agree 100%
I was home for 25 past 10 sit in south stand the car is about 15 min walk away and live in heywood. We always stay till the end. Dont see why u would need to get home any earlier.
Massive_Shroom said:
I was home for 25 past 10 sit in south stand the car is about 15 min walk away and live in heywood. We always stay till the end. Dont see why u would need to get home any earlier.

I was home for 5 past midnight, sit in the East Stand, the car is 15 min walk away and live in Cumbria. We always stay to the end.

We all pay our money, we all take our choices.

What I've never been able to get my head around is why, with the cost of watching football nowadays, anyone living locally should want to leave so early ? Particularly so when such an important match is on a knife-edge. Surely getting home 15 minutes or so later isn't such a big deal ?
Nowt so queer as folk, I suppose.

Maybe when they go to the cinema they leave ten minutes before the end of the film. Just to avoid the traffic.
Re: Early Leavers

Outside of the people that need to leave early due to disability etc. I find it very disrespectful to the players and the team. It's like leaving early from a concert. Whether you mean it or not, if I were to be out there and see a half empty stadium by the final whistle I would feel let down, or I would start asking myself "Have we been that shit that thousands of people have left early?" You're pretty much saying, you're not worth an extra five/ten minutes of my life, see ya. It definitely wouldn't inspire me to put in an extra effort on the field in the dieing minutes. Get behind your team and sacrifice the little bit of time.
mackenzie said:
danburge82 said:
mancmackem said:
10/10. Thought you were a nob/woman with previous posts to me but I like you again x <3 x
Sorry! Sometimes I can post things that seem a bit arsey when reading them back, but they aren't meant to be like that intentionally. Written word can be interpreted differently to how it would be spoken at times. Plus I don't always read who has written posts or who I'm quoting so never think I'm singling you out. If you met me in real life you'd probably have a whole different view of me than many would just from Bluemoon. I'm alright really!
SWP's Back said the same thing to me in a pm, and he's a twat in real life too.

BillCarlisle Ex-Manchester said:
Massive_Shroom said:
I was home for 25 past 10 sit in south stand the car is about 15 min walk away and live in heywood. We always stay till the end. Dont see why u would need to get home any earlier.

I was home for 5 past midnight, sit in the East Stand, the car is 15 min walk away and live in Cumbria. We always stay to the end.

We all pay our money, we all take our choices.

What I've never been able to get my head around is why, with the cost of watching football nowadays, anyone living locally should want to leave so early ? Particularly so when such an important match is on a knife-edge. Surely getting home 15 minutes or so later isn't such a big deal ?
Nowt so queer as folk, I suppose.

Maybe when they go to the cinema they leave ten minutes before the end of the film. Just to avoid the traffic.

hallelujah, sense at last! theres people quoting disability and kids needing to piss and allsorts on here! i had an 8 year old with me who is being taught to never ever leave before the final whistle, bursting or not!!
Re: Early Leavers

the early leavers should be picked out on cctv and banned.

not the paper throwers.
As I see it, it shows disrespect for the players and team. Unless you have a good reason (ie disability, have to work) make the sacrifice of an extra 30minutes it will take or whatever. Do you think having 5000-10000 empty seats at the final whistle is going to inspire the team on to victory? Make them want to put in that little extra bit of effort?

If you're a band on stage and half the venue leaves before the set is done, are you going to come out for an encore? More likely not. If you expect the team to play to the final whistle, supporters should stay to the final whistle.
acquiesce said:
As I see it, it shows disrespect for the players and team. Unless you have a good reason (ie disability, have to work) make the sacrifice of an extra 30minutes it will take or whatever. Do you think having 5000-10000 empty seats at the final whistle is going to inspire the team on to victory? Make them want to put in that little extra bit of effort?

If you're a band on stage and half the venue leaves before the set is done, are you going to come out for an encore? More likely not. If you expect the team to play to the final whistle, supporters should stay to the final whistle.

Absolutely Spot-on. Well said.

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