Those of you who left early

Re: Early Leavers

Disability and pissy kids aside, not everyone that leaves with potentially 12 minutes of a game left can have any other reason than getting in bed 10 minutes earlier!
Tricky_Trev said:
People can call him a twat all they like, but he has a point. A good 10,000 had left by the 85th/86th minute in an absolutely crucial, must-win game in our first ever Champions League campaign. It's disgraceful. It was a pretty popular reaction at the ground once all the carnage had died down to have a chuckle at those that gave up. I'm with the OP - Hahahahahahaha to all of them! Got what they deserved. WHAT a moment that goal was! Glad they missed it.

Gotta agree with most of this apart from the last sentence.
I was stood next to a lad who couldn't take the strain any longer and went about 10 seconds before the goal. Felt really sorry for the guy.
Re: Early Leavers

Hydemcfc said:
You OP are nothing but a cnut. I'm a disabled supporter and i stay at the game as long as i possibly can. Sometimes i manage to stay up to 75/80 minutes, but mostly i have to leave after 65/70 minutes because of my disability, does this make me less of a supporter than you?. I'm prepared to pay for my ST just like anyone else, the fact i don't see as much of every game can't be helped but i don't complain about it. You should just engage your brain cell before making sweeping comments you ignorant twat.

So because you're disabled he's a cnut?

Misplaced anger, much?
i don't understand why so many leave early, it's their perogative to do so. my point of view is that a season ticket costs alot of money, why leave before the end to save five minutes on the journey home when that much is being paid. was a great moment for those of us that were there yesterday, the place erupted
Re: Early Leavers

Hydemcfc said:
You OP are nothing but a cnut. I'm a disabled supporter and i stay at the game as long as i possibly can. Sometimes i manage to stay up to 75/80 minutes, but mostly i have to leave after 65/70 minutes because of my disability, does this make me less of a supporter than you?. I'm prepared to pay for my ST just like anyone else, the fact i don't see as much of every game can't be helped but i don't complain about it. You should just engage your brain cell before making sweeping comments you ignorant twat.

It's obviously that the OP's gripe doesn't apply to those that absolutely have to leave like yourself.
Early Leavers

Hydemcfc said:
You OP are nothing but a cnut. I'm a disabled supporter and i stay at the game as long as i possibly can. Sometimes i manage to stay up to 75/80 minutes, but mostly i have to leave after 65/70 minutes because of my disability, does this make me less of a supporter than you?. I'm prepared to pay for my ST just like anyone else, the fact i don't see as much of every game can't be helped but i don't complain about it. You should just engage your brain cell before making sweeping comments you ignorant twat.

I don't think he means people with genuine reasons like that. You should use some brain cells and figure out he's having a go at those who want to beat traffic or have bored kids.
Re: Early Leavers

MCFC-alan88 said:
Hydemcfc said:
You OP are nothing but a cnut. I'm a disabled supporter and i stay at the game as long as i possibly can. Sometimes i manage to stay up to 75/80 minutes, but mostly i have to leave after 65/70 minutes because of my disability, does this make me less of a supporter than you?. I'm prepared to pay for my ST just like anyone else, the fact i don't see as much of every game can't be helped but i don't complain about it. You should just engage your brain cell before making sweeping comments you ignorant twat.

So because you're disabled he's a cnut?

Misplaced anger, much?

Read my post properly, he's a cnut for making such a sweeping statement, anger has nothing to do with.
bluearmy77 said:
RyantheBlue said:
DiscoSteve said:
lock the fecking gates until the final whistle, thats what I say

No thanks, if there's an emergency where one of my family is taken seriously ill I wanna be able to get out thanks. Football isn't the most important thing in the world.
ryanthetart we don"t need your kind supporting us, is there a netball team you can follow instead?

Harsh but lol
I left 10 mins early with my son whose currently on crutches so he didn't get caught up in the crowds, saying that there were a fair few people leaving with 10 mins still to play

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