Those of you who left early

I don't leave early, it's not my style, even if it means me and a mate had to up the tempo to get back to Victoria last night for 22:25 with the trains being every hour after 21:30. Those who do leave early I'm not fussed about any more, it's a shame they don't support the lads in the dying moments when they need it but when the team repay the support with a last minute goal it's those who chose to support the guys who get the rush of emotion in the ground.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
If I leave early which I do sometimes I don't care if I miss a goal. The only thing that matters to me is that we win. Whether I see it or not is irrelevant
go to the game but dont care if you see the goals???????????????? why dont you go blindfolded next time then???
SambaBoys said:
I haven’t read all this thread as quite honestly I can’t be bothered!
My pet hate is people leaving at 85minutes!
Is it really that important not to stay until the end of the game? To clap your team off? To support them until the final whistle?
I would never dream of leaving until the end!!!!!

Can somebody who goes early explain the logic to me???

Well I for one am disabled,so I think I fall into the criteria,of those whinging,as a "we`ll let you off due to your circumstances"
Just been thinking about this.

If 20,000 leave early then surely they create a crowd, which is what they seem to be trying to avoid in the first place.
If you stay 'til the end then you'll be in roughly the same sized crowd when you leave.
If you wanna get away without hassle due to reasons other than getting home a bit quicker then why not stay and clap the last player off the pitch, sit down for a couple of minutes then leave when the place is almost empty.
stonerblue said:
Just been thinking about this.

If 20,000 leave early then surely they create a crowd, which is what they seem to be trying to avoid in the first place.
If you stay 'til the end then you'll be in roughly the same sized crowd when you leave.
If you wanna get away without hassle due to reasons other than getting home a bit quicker then why not stay and clap the last player off the pitch, sit down for a couple of minutes then leave when the place is almost empty.

you're missing the point ......... the "leavers" aren't arsed about the game so they may as well leave at half time and miss all the crowds.
leenik said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
If I leave early which I do sometimes I don't care if I miss a goal. The only thing that matters to me is that we win. Whether I see it or not is irrelevant
go to the game but dont care if you see the goals???????????????? why dont you go blindfolded next time then???

I don't miss 99pc of the goals. I have missed about 5 in 30 years. It's not the end of the world. For some night matches I have had to leave early to catch a train. On the couple of occasions I have missed a goal I don't think "oh shit why did I leave early" I just think great we have scored and won the game.
acquiesce said:
kippax boy said:
Its called freedom of choice you pay your money and leave when you want,staying to the end doesnt make you more loyal or a better supporter .people often arrive late , who cares

I beg to differ. Unless you have good reason to, it's disrespectful to the players and team. If I was a player and I saw people leaving for the exits with ten/fifteen minutes left I would care. It wouldn't make me want to give that little bit extra for the cause.

I would imagine that the people who leave eary have a good reason because afterall they have spent their hard earned and took the trouble to attend in the first place,
But I ask you this what would you as a player prefer a supporter who stays 85 minutes and cheers for and backs the team 100 % or a supporter who stays all game often drunk shouting and swearing and slagging off his own team or manager for the full 90 minutes. I know what I would choose

Also I go all homes (season ticket etc and some aways) but that doesnt make me a better supporter than anyone else.In my eyes the bloke near me is by far a bigger and better supporter , he lives in London has a job where he travels and is away from his family but still has season ticket and attends the home games(mid week included) travelling up by train or car he leaves on the 90 minute mark so he can get off quickly back down South .Only to be abused by a bloke a few rows back .
I wonder how much sacrifice the abuser makes, in monetary terms ,and leaving his family etc etc I am sure far less.
Therefoe I feel the individual makes his own choice
Re: Early Leavers

m20.benny said:
the early leavers should be picked out on cctv and banned.

not the paper throwers.

Oh and people who leave food on their plate, should be publicly shot for wasting what could keep someone alive in 'Africa'. If someone pays THEIR money for a ST, they can do what ever the fuck they like!

As i said a page ago, we normally leave with 10 or so to go, but after being away for the villa game, having to watch it on the box, it looks shite emptying out at the dying stages of the match, but EVERY CLUB's fans do it.
Re: Early Leavers

glen quagmire said:
m20.benny said:
the early leavers should be picked out on cctv and banned.

not the paper throwers.

Oh and people who leave food on their plate, should be publicly shot for wasting what could keep someone alive in 'Africa'. If someone pays THEIR money for a ST, they can do what ever the fuck they like!

As i said a page ago, we normally leave with 10 or so to go, but after being away for the villa game, having to watch it on the box, it looks shite emptying out at the dying stages of the match, but EVERY CLUB's fans do it.
I don't recall seeing any other club that are quite as bad as us for this.

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