Those of you who left early

As we get better more teams will "park the bus" and be satisfied with a draw.

As fans we must learn patience and to stay until the end and get behind the team if we are behind.
moomba said:
I'm normally all for people doing what they want, it's their money and their ticket.

But I hope they realise that every time they leave early it is inconveniencing others who are trying to watch the game but end up spending the last 5-10 minutes sitting down, standing up and having their view blocked by people who can't sit out the last few minutes.

Just playing devils advocate but so do the latecomers ,the piss pots who go to the bar and the toilet the bar then the toilet and the toilet
The greedy bastards who go for the pies
The gamblers so it is fair to say most people dont watch the full game
oakiecokie said:
SambaBoys said:
I haven’t read all this thread as quite honestly I can’t be bothered!
My pet hate is people leaving at 85minutes!
Is it really that important not to stay until the end of the game? To clap your team off? To support them until the final whistle?
I would never dream of leaving until the end!!!!!

Can somebody who goes early explain the logic to me???

Well I for one am disabled,so I think I fall into the criteria,of those whinging,as a "we`ll let you off due to your circumstances"

I think it’s been obvious throughout the posts that we are not being disrespectful to people who like yourself have no choice but to leave the match early. I think you know that we are discussing the majority of people who “want to avoid traffic” etc
Apologies if that wasn’t made clear
Re: Re: Those of you who left early

Prestwich_Blue said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
If I leave early which I do sometimes I don't care if I miss a goal. The only thing that matters to me is that we win. Whether I see it or not is irrelevant
Well if you take that to its logical conclusion then surely it's better to stay at home and listen on the radio then.
You're just saying that as your mobility scooter lets you stream past people upon exit and still get home fast.
francis henry lee said:
to all you "i have a bigger dick and support city more than you coz i stayed to the end" supporters i left when the board goes up as always so i dont sit in traffic.... lit my cig on the spiral on my way out... heard the roar...or wimper coz most of us had home 30 mins after final whistle sat with a beer rewound my tivo box to last 5 mins and savoured the goal 2-3 times.... thanks sergio saw it from all angles before bed

Why not watch the whole game on your tivo then if you want to see it from all angles? I got home probably 20 minutes after you after seeing the goal live & celebrated still being in the Champions League with the other fans that stayed to the end. Tell you what it felt good! I even watched it on skyplus when i got back. Got up for work at 6.30 this morning & I feel fine. You should give it a try.
Manchestercitychorlton said:
maybe if they sorted out the buses going back to Piccadilly it might help
It's a 20-25 minute walk to Piccadilly Station from my seat in 207. What's the point of queueing to sit on a bus for 20-25 minutes to get to Piccadilly Gardens and then have to walk 10 minutes to Piccadilly Station?
At the end of the day individuals will make their own choices based on priorities.
My priority is to watch the match from start to finish.

I 'wish' it was a shared priority with the whole ground but it's not.

For some people getting home early is MORE IMPORTANT than watching the game and whilst I find that bizarre personally, it's a free world.
Re: Re: Those of you who left early

SWP's back said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
If I leave early which I do sometimes I don't care if I miss a goal. The only thing that matters to me is that we win. Whether I see it or not is irrelevant
Well if you take that to its logical conclusion then surely it's better to stay at home and listen on the radio then.
You're just saying that as your mobility scooter lets you stream past people upon exit and still get home fast.

Not certain if that remark was made at me,as it certainly had no bearing on the above posts ??
The reason people leave the game early is pure and simple , its called a habit , there dads ,uncles , granddads etc prob all did it its the way they were brought up. They think it's what you are supposed to do. IMHO

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