Those of you who left early

kippax boy said:
In my eyes the bloke near me is by far a bigger and better supporter , he lives in London has a job where he travels and is away from his family but still has season ticket and attends the home games(mid week included) travelling up by train or car he leaves on the 90 minute mark so he can get off quickly back down South .Only to be abused by a bloke a few rows back .
I wonder how much sacrifice the abuser makes, in monetary terms ,and leaving his family etc etc I am sure far less.
Therefoe I feel the individual makes his own choice

Glory hunter ;P
You lot talk such shite.

If people want to leave early it's up to them.

All those shouting and desperately grabbing the moral high ground about them staying and supporting their team are talking rubbish. The crowd weren't making any noise anyway.
Re: Early Leavers

I normally stay till the end, my dickhead of a cousan was moaning "i need a piss badly" so we decided to get up in injury time when Villareal had that throwing and were taking ages..... Stood outside the toilets heard everyone inside say "go on!!!" then just go mental.... Stood there thinking fml! Lol
Re: Early Leavers

Armaan said:
I normally stay till the end, my dickhead of a cousan was moaning "i need a piss badly" so we decided to get up in injury time when Villareal had that throwing and were taking ages..... Stood outside the toilets heard everyone inside say "go on!!!" then just go mental.... Stood there thinking fml! Lol
If hes old enought to say Piss, hes old enough to go to the bog on his own!!!!
Re: Early Leavers

m20.benny said:
the early leavers should be picked out on cctv and banned.

not the paper throwers.

I would rather have a fanbase on loyal supporters that stay the majority of the match than a load of supporters who stay until the death but spend the whole game slating the players the manager the tactics the subs etc etc

what about the piss pots who spend the whole game on the concourse or the greedy bastards stuffing pies down their face the whole game
or latecomers who miss the early part of the game (conceeded early last night because Silva and NDJ were not inspired because 600 in the East stand arrived late).Who cares people can do what suits them
I left thoroughly pissed-off on 91 minutes.

And if you had witnessed the scenes on Ashton Old Road just a minute or so later, you could not accuse anybody who attended the game, itself, of not being any less of a blue.

It was crazy.
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
kippax boy said:
In my eyes the bloke near me is by far a bigger and better supporter , he lives in London has a job where he travels and is away from his family but still has season ticket and attends the home games(mid week included) travelling up by train or car he leaves on the 90 minute mark so he can get off quickly back down South .Only to be abused by a bloke a few rows back .
I wonder how much sacrifice the abuser makes, in monetary terms ,and leaving his family etc etc I am sure far less.
Therefoe I feel the individual makes his own choice

Glory hunter ;P

I would call him a loyal supporter , I couldnt do what he does I would be divorced in no time if I did that but thats just my opinion
kippax boy said:
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
kippax boy said:
In my eyes the bloke near me is by far a bigger and better supporter , he lives in London has a job where he travels and is away from his family but still has season ticket and attends the home games(mid week included) travelling up by train or car he leaves on the 90 minute mark so he can get off quickly back down South .Only to be abused by a bloke a few rows back .
I wonder how much sacrifice the abuser makes, in monetary terms ,and leaving his family etc etc I am sure far less.
Therefoe I feel the individual makes his own choice

Glory hunter ;P

I would call him a loyal supporter , I couldnt do what he does I would be divorced in no time if I did that but thats just my opinion

errrmmm ..... the wink and the tongue poke
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
kippax boy said:
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
Glory hunter ;P

I would call him a loyal supporter , I couldnt do what he does I would be divorced in no time if I did that but thats just my opinion

errrmmm ..... the wink and the tongue poke

Oh I forgot to add he has been coming to Eastlands 10 years and had his ticket at Maine RD as well
But yes he did go in a coporate box for the FA cup final so yes .....glory hunter
I'm normally all for people doing what they want, it's their money and their ticket.

But I hope they realise that every time they leave early it is inconveniencing others who are trying to watch the game but end up spending the last 5-10 minutes sitting down, standing up and having their view blocked by people who can't sit out the last few minutes.

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