Those of you who left early

bluerthanblue said:
The reason people leave the game early is pure and simple , its called a habit , there dads ,uncles , granddads etc prob all did it its the way they were brought up. They think it's what you are supposed to do. IMHO
I really don't understand?
dom12345 said:
bluerthanblue said:
The reason people leave the game early is pure and simple , its called a habit , there dads ,uncles , granddads etc prob all did it its the way they were brought up. They think it's what you are supposed to do. IMHO
I really don't understand?

never mind maybe you should see a doctor
bluerthanblue said:
The reason people leave the game early is pure and simple , its called a habit , there dads ,uncles , granddads etc prob all did it its the way they were brought up. They think it's what you are supposed to do. IMHO
my grandad robbed banks, I dont!!
leenik said:
bluerthanblue said:
The reason people leave the game early is pure and simple , its called a habit , there dads ,uncles , granddads etc prob all did it its the way they were brought up. They think it's what you are supposed to do. IMHO
my grandad robbed banks, I dont!!

Your Grandad was part of Bonnie & Clyde ?????
Re: Re: Those of you who left early

oakiecokie said:
SWP's back said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Well if you take that to its logical conclusion then surely it's better to stay at home and listen on the radio then.
You're just saying that as your mobility scooter lets you stream past people upon exit and still get home fast.

Not certain if that remark was made at me,as it certainly had no bearing on the above posts ??
No. I'm just taking the piss out of PB for being old in a lighthearted manner as he is against early leavers.

I had no idea you had one.
Re: Early Leavers

glen quagmire said:
m20.benny said:
the early leavers should be picked out on cctv and banned.

not the paper throwers.

Oh and people who leave food on their plate, should be publicly shot for wasting what could keep someone alive in 'Africa'. If someone pays THEIR money for a ST, they can do what ever the fuck they like!

As i said a page ago, we normally leave with 10 or so to go, but after being away for the villa game, having to watch it on the box, it looks shite emptying out at the dying stages of the match, but EVERY CLUB's fans do it.
showsec pick glen out and ban him!

-- Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:26 pm --

kippax boy said:
m20.benny said:
the early leavers should be picked out on cctv and banned.

not the paper throwers.

I would rather have a fanbase on loyal supporters that stay the majority of the match than a load of supporters who stay until the death but spend the whole game slating the players the manager the tactics the subs etc etc

what about the piss pots who spend the whole game on the concourse or the greedy bastards stuffing pies down their face the whole game
or latecomers who miss the early part of the game (conceeded early last night because Silva and NDJ were not inspired because 600 in the East stand arrived late).Who cares people can do what suits them
showsec pick kippax boy out and ban him

-- Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:28 pm --

Didsbury Dave said:
You lot talk such shite.

If people want to leave early it's up to them.

All those shouting and desperately grabbing the moral high ground about them staying and supporting their team are talking rubbish. The crowd weren't making any noise anyway.
showsec another one pick didsbury dave out and ban him<br /><br />-- Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:32 pm --<br /><br />
baldmosher said:
Manchestercitychorlton said:
maybe if they sorted out the buses going back to Piccadilly it might help
It's a 20-25 minute walk to Piccadilly Station from my seat in 207. What's the point of queueing to sit on a bus for 20-25 minutes to get to Piccadilly Gardens and then have to walk 10 minutes to Piccadilly Station?
showsec pick baldmosher out and ban him for life
Citizen_Ando said:
First time I've left early.....30 seconds before the goal. Ended up dancing round the concourse like I was possessed. Still a valuable lesson...won't happen again with me.
Same here.
A stupid o'clock shift was the reason for departure but it was my choice and only myself to blame.
Each to their own.
The blessing in disguise is that blues will think when it's a draw near the end now.

I don't really care if people leave early, each to their own. But that rush of blood to the head after we scored would of sucked to miss out, it's pretty much that feeling why we go to footy matches.
Re: Re: Re: Those of you who left early

SWP's back said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
If I leave early which I do sometimes I don't care if I miss a goal. The only thing that matters to me is that we win. Whether I see it or not is irrelevant
Well if you take that to its logical conclusion then surely it's better to stay at home and listen on the radio then.
You're just saying that as your mobility scooter lets you stream past people upon exit and still get home fast.
Says the man who told me he was too knackered to walk to Blackburn station!
You have to stay until the end - I ended up getting hugged by the rather attractive young lady sat next to me whilst her hubby hugged the rather large bloke sat next to him.

You just never know your luck!

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