Those who think there's no agenda need to read this...

Well that' it for me, i'm converted. It's on a football blog therefore it MUST be true. Didsbury Dave, there IS an agenda afterall.

I found it funny yesterday on the balotelli thread where one poster even went as far as to say that the FA now have no need to make it look so obvious that there's an agenda, therefore by not punishing Balotelli further it makes it look like we are favoured, or at least like there is no conspiracy. Basically he was saying that if we were still top then Balotelli would have got the book thrown at him.

I looked at the whole Balofuckingtelli thing as the ref saw it, and that was that. For the record it shows how shit refs are as a whole, because Balofukingtelli should have gone for that challenge on Song, but he didn't and not only that, he's not been punished any further. Agenda?
Blue Mooner said:
Blue Mooner said:
Even if there were 'hard' evidence - which i doubt - (they would not be that stupid) do you not realise that it is in no one's interests, least of all journo's, to bite the hand that feeds them, it's known as a vested interest.So you don't think someone out there would love to unveil such a conspiracy? Someone who would love to have a desk full of evidence to support such a thing. Course they would. There always isim not sure such 'evidence' exists but even if it did it would take someone of extreme courage, fighting the whole establishment and they would be eaten for breakfast its only through forums like these that the joke decisions can be questionedThat's probably because such evidence doesn't exist. Also, if match fixing can be exposed in Italy (which had been happening only a couple of years) why can't corruption be exposed in the EPL since United have apparently been benefiting from it since 1994 (apart from the years when Arsenal & Chelsea began to dominate because they were bloogy good sides and got on with the jobs). Or was that because the FA fancied a couple of years break from passing around brown envelopes?

This inherent bias does not need backhanders, or cash exchanging hands its simply an inbuilt bias that is built into the dna of these institutions and that is shown on a matchday, the joke decision ms, the favourable draws, the new laws like ffp, homegrown rules etc etc
Favourable draws? Didn't they get drawn City in the 3rd round and 7 then Liverpool in the 4th round this year? Or are we going to go back a few years for this one?already answered this, in all likelihood they would have had to play us at some point but they wanted quick revenge for the 6-1thrashing and they got it with the obligatory helping hand. They got drawn against liverpool when they had played their biggest game of the season against us in the semi final, giving them a distinct advantage going into the game that they wouldnt have in later ties and when the prem would be coming to its more crucial period Brilliant. You really will conjure up any make-believe theory to try and back up your point wont you? United actually took the lead before the silly red card in that game so they MAY have gone on to win anyway. As for Liverpool in the 4th round being 'easy'. Utterly ridiculous argument. Ask United if they would rather have Liverpool away (even if it sandwiched between games against you) or Stevenage away. I'll let you work that out.
How is that such a difficult concept to grasp? If that were not borne out by the complete disparity in decisions then we wouldnt have a leg to stand on, but it has in quite dramatic proportions this season.

Football and english football is big business and if you think that the premier league would leave everything to chance then you are naive in the extreme.

Man U are the biggest institution in the premier league, they are burdened by a massive debt that can only be serviced by one thing.....success, without it the rags are in trouble, and a team the size if the rags goibg into administration would be hugely damaging to the premier league, but, they will not let that happen.
Do you really think there isn't some rich as fuck businessman out there who would be willing to buy United if they ever even got close to admin? Really? Come on. Now that is naive. no there isn't! You name me one businessman with a billion quid of capital burning a hole in his back pocket. If he did exist the glazers would have taken his money and run, realising their profit now, rather than sitting on a very large debt There will be many. But why buy now when the Glazers are asking for top dollar when they can keep waiting and waiting until the debt gets bigger and the Glaziers feel they have no choice to sell for ultimately a cheaper price.

How is it that the poorest rags team in history who went out of a po[or champs league group will likely get a record prem points total. That in itself strikes me as strange, ally that to the favourable decisions and things get very murky.
Because they are a 'team'. Not a collection of brilliant individuals. And before you start, I'm not stating you're nothing like a 'team' as such but there's been a lot of things this season which don't come across well - Tevez saga, Balotelli too often, Barry venting his fury at being subbed after half hour. Dzeko also being pissed off being subbed in Munich. That winning team spirit comes with time and experience and something City will inevitably get soon. norwich are a good 'team' but that doesn't mean they will win the premier league - so my point still stands
Norwich are an average team. Hence their league position. United's squad is arguably less individually talented than yours but as a team I feel they are better. PLUS, they have one of the best managers to have ever lived which also helps and a manager better than yours.
Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
whyalwaysLee said:
I'm gonna use some A-level psychology to help some people understand this thread. These are the basic human coping mechanisms to deal with loss.

Stage 1
"It's a conspiracy. The FA, the premier league, Uefa, Rupert Murdoch are all to blame for what has happened."

Stage 2
Intense Concern
"What the fuck is happening? Why did he put Kolorov on? Mancini doesn't know what he's doing?" "Balotelli needs to go, and take Dzeko with him!"

Stage 3
"Here we go again, typical City!"

Stage 4
"We'll fuckin storm the title next year with Hazard and Cavani. This is only the begining! Onwards and upwards!"

That made me smile. Next year, my friend, next year. Just to put a damper on things though, the scummy bought the league twats lose at Wigan tomorrow because of a few dodgy decisions from the officials, and what then?

I love conspiracy theories for the sheer and utter stupidity of them.

It wont happen. It never does
Pigeonho said:
Well that' it for me, i'm converted. It's on a football blog therefore it MUST be true. Didsbury Dave, there IS an agenda afterall.

I found it funny yesterday on the balotelli thread where one poster even went as far as to say that the FA now have no need to make it look so obvious that there's an agenda, therefore by not punishing Balotelli further it makes it look like we are favoured, or at least like there is no conspiracy. Basically he was saying that if we were still top then Balotelli would have got the book thrown at him.

I looked at the whole Balofuckingtelli thing as the ref saw it, and that was that. For the record it shows how shit refs are as a whole, because Balofukingtelli should have gone for that challenge on Song, but he didn't and not only that, he's not been punished any further. Agenda?

They think the FA are trying to even it up.

It's incredible. Had they given him a 9 game ban yesterday they'd have been coming out with comments like 'Joke, do you think *insert United player here* would be banned for so long? He's targeted.

Instead, as Atkinson claims to have seen the incident so no further action has been taken (which is ridiculous by the way as the tackle was horrendous) and all of a sudden the FA are twats for letting him off.

You really couldn't make this shit up. The FA are obviously doing this all wrong because no matter how their well thought up plans to destroy City and elevate United are, they keep getting rumbled by the MIBluemoon on every decision/outcome.

Paranoia at it's finest.
sjk2008 said:
Pigeonho said:
Well that' it for me, i'm converted. It's on a football blog therefore it MUST be true. Didsbury Dave, there IS an agenda afterall.

I found it funny yesterday on the balotelli thread where one poster even went as far as to say that the FA now have no need to make it look so obvious that there's an agenda, therefore by not punishing Balotelli further it makes it look like we are favoured, or at least like there is no conspiracy. Basically he was saying that if we were still top then Balotelli would have got the book thrown at him.

I looked at the whole Balofuckingtelli thing as the ref saw it, and that was that. For the record it shows how shit refs are as a whole, because Balofukingtelli should have gone for that challenge on Song, but he didn't and not only that, he's not been punished any further. Agenda?

They think the FA are trying to even it up.

It's incredible. Had they given him a 9 game ban yesterday they'd have been coming out with comments like 'Joke, do you think *insert United player here* would be banned for so long? He's targeted.

Instead, as Atkinson claims to have seen the incident so no further action has been taken (which is ridiculous by the way as the tackle was horrendous) and all of a sudden the FA are twats for letting him off.

You really couldn't make this shit up. The FA are obviously doing this all wrong because no matter how their well thought up plans to destroy City and elevate United are, they keep getting rumbled by the MIBluemoon on every decision/outcome.

Paranoia at it's finest.
It's funny as on the way into town to pick Mrs P up, the story broke on talksport, with Durham quite rightly wondering what the fuck the FA are playing at by not taking any further action. At the lights on Portland Street I actually thought to myself, (and it's sad that I am thinking about Bluemoon when not near a computer), 'someone on BM will think the FA are trying to even things out, i can guarantee it'. Low and behold, someone did!
This talk could be dismissed if only there was a city fan in a position of influence at English footballs governing body. Surely he'd be able to see through all this corruption.
Until then, the FA are in united's pocket.
It's the inconsistency that is doing everyone's heads in, who is to blame the officials, I have seen at least 8 similar tackles as balotellis in the premiership this season, but never seen an outcry in football as I have seen this week,
those who scorn the very idea of bias seem to rely on "it's because we are shit" ,the "game is too honest for that to happen" "utd have had more penalties against them" etc etc

On the other hand, those of us who believe what our eyes tell us, and not comfortable with it only have the long list of dubious events which point to favouritism.

Fergie time, so blatant people laugh about it
Inexplicable sendings-off of opponents (with the added bonus of 3 game bans)
The media black-out on thuggish behaviour by utd players compared to the blanket, rolling-loop showing of any city player etc etc etc

The fixture fixing that gave them a home tie after every away euro game and city an away game.

Circumstantial evidence : who benefits from the bias? The most corrupt corporation (under investigation on many counts of serious crimes) that is news corp.

The FA and prem, for whom the status quo is a goldmine

Finally to those who insist there are no grounds for suspicion "dont piss on my head and tell me it's raining" ffs.
friend said:
This talk could be dismissed if only there was a city fan in a position of influence at English footballs governing body. Surely he'd be able to see through all this corruption.
Until then, the FA are in united's pocket.
Ha ha, that pretty much sums it all up perfectly.
Pigeonho said:
sjk2008 said:
Pigeonho said:
Well that' it for me, i'm converted. It's on a football blog therefore it MUST be true. Didsbury Dave, there IS an agenda afterall.

I found it funny yesterday on the balotelli thread where one poster even went as far as to say that the FA now have no need to make it look so obvious that there's an agenda, therefore by not punishing Balotelli further it makes it look like we are favoured, or at least like there is no conspiracy. Basically he was saying that if we were still top then Balotelli would have got the book thrown at him.

I looked at the whole Balofuckingtelli thing as the ref saw it, and that was that. For the record it shows how shit refs are as a whole, because Balofukingtelli should have gone for that challenge on Song, but he didn't and not only that, he's not been punished any further. Agenda?

They think the FA are trying to even it up.

It's incredible. Had they given him a 9 game ban yesterday they'd have been coming out with comments like 'Joke, do you think *insert United player here* would be banned for so long? He's targeted.

Instead, as Atkinson claims to have seen the incident so no further action has been taken (which is ridiculous by the way as the tackle was horrendous) and all of a sudden the FA are twats for letting him off.

You really couldn't make this shit up. The FA are obviously doing this all wrong because no matter how their well thought up plans to destroy City and elevate United are, they keep getting rumbled by the MIBluemoon on every decision/outcome.

Paranoia at it's finest.
It's funny as on the way into town to pick Mrs P up, the story broke on talksport, with Durham quite rightly wondering what the fuck the FA are playing at by not taking any further action. At the lights on Portland Street I actually thought to myself, (and it's sad that I am thinking about Bluemoon when not near a computer), 'someone on BM will think the FA are trying to even things out, i can guarantee it'. Low and behold, someone did!

You can almost predict the threads tonight.

Scenario#1: United awarded dodgy penalty.
Fans on here go ape. Corrupt! Agenda! Ensuring title over before the derby! All this despite the very same fans yesterday claiming that the FA are now in 'Square things up' mode after letting Mario escape a further ban.

Scenario#2: Wigan awarded dodgy penalty *awaits flurry of 'Yeah, right' posts*
Corrupt! Agenda! Fans going ape saying how it's obvious how the FA are still in 'Square things up' mode. 'It's all too late for that' they say.

People on here have got that paranoid that they are over analysing every decision/outcome to try and support their conspiracy theories.

It really is something else. Whilst all you hear are United sing songs about City at every game (obsessed?), threads like this appearing every day also come across as (bitter)!<br /><br />-- Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:12 am --<br /><br />
Dubai Blue said:
friend said:
This talk could be dismissed if only there was a city fan in a position of influence at English footballs governing body. Surely he'd be able to see through all this corruption.
Until then, the FA are in united's pocket.
Ha ha, that pretty much sums it all up perfectly.

Bernstein must be in on it.

Either that or expect the conspiracy leaders to come out with claims such as Murdoch & other FA chiefs have got his wife and kids locked in a basement somewhere.

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