Three years of bad transfer dealings

Dax777 said:
mosssideblue said:
A lot of words there mate. So with the finances avail (inc wage caps) WHO would you have bought?
in fairness, I can better tell you who I wouldn't have bought. I definitely would Not have bought Mangala, Fernando or Caballero. They are all very good players, but weren't going to make the difference BECAUSE none would have improved the staring 11 this season. History should have been our guide. When we improved our staring 11 in 2011 (Aguero) we won the league. We improved the squad in 2012 and won nothing. We went back an improved the 11 with 3 starters in 2013 ( Dihno, MDM, Negredo) we won the league again. Now we have reverted back to 2012 again, improving the squad ;(

My targets would have been Sanchez and Fabregas. I said as much in the summer. Both play in the 2 areas of greatest need. CM and Attacking LM. In one position we were going to be down to 2 players Yaya and Dihno so this was a must need. The fact that we eventually purchased 2 players in that position (Fernando and Lampard) supports my claim that it was the position of most need.

Sanchez on the other hand is not a position buy, he is an option 2 buy. He is the guy you give the ball too when your practiced plan simply isn't working. Sure you start him on the left, but it's not about the position, it's the difference his dribbling/speed/technique brings.

Oh, not to mention Fabregas was homegrown. I mean talk about a no brainer :(

You appear to be in the category of he's the one we need and then shout when City don't secure him.

Fabregas we were (someone will correct me if I am wrong) after him, but he made it clear he wanted to go back to London - so hardly a no brainer
Sanchez, if we were after him and didn't get him, there will be a justifiable reason behind it.

Transfers dont occur at argos where you pick the one you want, pay your money and go collect. There are several parties all involved who's interests all need to align before it will happen.

Because we have a very wealthy owner, doesn't mean we just throw a bigger wad at it and we get them. That is very raggish thinking IMO
Dax777 said:
mosssideblue said:
donkinho said:

Just look at the defensive record we had when Kompany/Nastasic played in tandem regularly - best defence in the league by a country mile - since that partnership was broken up we've started to ship goals all over the place !
Even if you think Mangala is more promising than Nastasic, which I disagree with, how can you justify spending £32m which, as many others have pointed out, could've bought Fabregas, Costa, Reus etc when all the time we had a perfectly good centre half at a fraction of the cost ( and wages !! ) ????
I hope that Mangala becomes the player that we all think he can be, but it won't alter my opinion that we've spent an awful lot of money that we didn't need to while not attending to the real areas that needed addressing.

Sorry mate and not having a pop.

Most on here recognised we were desperate for a CH
Could have got Fabregas, Costa or Reus for similar money, are you sure on that inc salaries?
And most as usual were wrong! Why exactly did we need a CH? Is it because we didn't have 2 good starting CHs?( Komps and MDM) No! Is it because we didn't have an up and coming young CH? (Nastacic), No! is it because we didn't have a beffy of future starters? (Rekkik, Denayer, Boyata), No? And even in the case of multiple injury, is it beacause we couldn't find talented cover? Sagna, No! In short, once Sagna signed on as a free agent our CH need, pretty much was nonexistent.

The basis for why we needed a CH was predicated on how shaky our defense was at the beginning of last season. An analysis that had become mute by the end of the season, when the defense showed bite, and the CHs were top of their game. I can't how often I have pointed this out.

So, no, we did not have a CH need. We had a CH want. We failed to finish business in January with Porto, but rather than reanalyze get our situation, we simply tried to complete what was unfinished. It's a natural human instinct, but in this case it led to poor decisions.

So your OK with just having two principle names as our leading CBs, therafter were at the Nasty then Junior level? Nasty cannot play the high line and the juniors are not proven. One injury to either Vinnie or MDM and we were in deep poo poo. As for Mangala. He was scouted for some period of time so they must see something there. Our management team are not daft and can throw £30m+ around on a punt.
The CM and winger situation is poor say it how it is....

Bar Toure our CM options are not good enough. I can't see us getting far in the CL with Fernando, Milner, Toure and Fernandinho. Compare them to Bayern, Madrid, Barcelona and PSG...and you will laugh! You will also have to remember that Toure is 30 now...he isn't going to be getting any better especially when you consider that his game relies on strength and pace.

The fact that our 'best' winger is Navas says it all. He is awful for a team competing for CL and PL honours...he can never get a cross in, he can't beat a man, he can't shoot...he is basically the Spanish Aaron Lennon, just really, really fast. Such an infuriating player, and to top it all off...he is almost 30. If he was in his early 20's you could understand that most young wingers will frustrate the life out of you, but Navas isn't this. A top winger has to be priority. How we didnt go for Alexis Sanchez is beyond me.

Since the Aguero signing, we haven't made one top signing that has made you think wow or has improved the team drastically...and that is disappointing.
blueinsa said:
Fuck me we have some trolls on here lately.


Trolls or people speaking the truth?

Out of the league cup, out of the fa cup, lost both times to teams who we should be beating and played many first teamers. Lose against Chelsea and the league will be very hard to win. Have to play Barca in the CL, and in recent weeks they are looking much better and Messi is looking much more interested. Exciting times ahead deffo!
I will just paste a post i previously made about it, this is my analysis of the situation.

Bob had momentum with him.
Before the 2011/2012 season, we weren't seen like a threat and were never taken really seriously.
I believe we could have signed anyone we wanted at that time.
Since the 6-1 massacre at the swamp and the PL title, we are recognized as a real threat by the established UEFALONIAN clubs.
And this my fellow Blues, changed everything for us.
Just look at Mancini's struggle to sign first grade player since January 2012 : we missed every single target we went for.
Either the transfer fees asked for were blatant rip-off, or we have been out-played by the competition.
In the mean time, we have also now to fight with a new powerful new raising force : PSG.
With the ffp effect kickin-ing, all this makes it triple difficult for Manuel, while Bob had it easy when we were still " under the radar".

Since 2012 and from now on, any A-grade player we target is seen as a lethal weapon by and against them established Elite clubs.
To sign those will be like going for an arm-wrestling contest, and we will still have to brake the bank outrageously no matter what,
because we are City !
For anyone who thinks Txiki has done a great job

We need a pacey wide left sided player
We need a top partner for Kompany (Big fan of Demi but he’s too old to play twice a week all year)
We need an energetic holding midfielder
We have poor back up to Joe Hart
We don’t have a standout left back

This has been the case for 3 years now, we’ve spent £180m and haven’t addressed any of those well enough
Three years of bad transfer dealing and yet still won a few trophies in those three years and got out of the champs league group stages twice,ill take that any day of the week.

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