Throwing the placards on the pitch

Hang on, an innocent old man got singled out and physically assaulted on Saturday and there is a bit of a reaction in the form of some paper being thrown at showsec and everyone is in uproar at the paper being thrown! Something was bound to happen tonight, could of bin alot worse. Not saying it was the right way to go about it but hopefully the message has got across we will not tolerate these pricks behaving the way they do!
It really pissed me off what was the childish fucking obsession of throwing paper around and not watching the match????

If anyone one here is one of the total dicks that thought that was clever - well............. sorry you looked a total dick and did CITY no favours at all - wtf was all that about!!!!
Let's not pretend it's not happened before, beckham at Maine Road ? But I've just watched the game again and there were no planes on the pitch just scrunched up paper. So I hope you cunts that threw this feel good. Yes it's only paper, but it's not 'what' is thrown, it's that it's thrown at all. Well done wankers, and anyone that defends them
FeedTheGoat10 said:
They were pieces of paper and completely harmless.
that maybe the case but its not how UEFA see it...hence the two which point people should have knocked it on the head.
dsc1401 said:
johnmc said:
dsc1401 said:
You'd better go on the stadium to watch the games, rather than moaning here.Only then you'll be able to use "us" in this kind of sentences.
And by the way, it was funny to see the Showsec cunts getting hit by the paper balls.

Been to over 50 stadiums watching "us" so please don't preach your shit to me.

I'd freely admit that throwing them at the stewards would be a bit amusing for 5 minutes. That's not my point.

I think you shouldn't preach about a game you didn't attend.But nevermind, I should have kept my mouth shut.This place is mainly for couch fans anyway.
Have fun!

I don’t normally slag people off on here but you really are a tosser.

If everybody who has ever supported City over the years stayed in the North West unemployment would be in the millions. We served our time at games and moved away, so bloody what, life moves on.

It does not stop US being embarrassed by seeing supporters of OUR team acting like tossers.

Think back a few weeks and remember what WE said about Everton fans throwing plastic bottles ?

edit: tosser is probably not the right word because you probably were.....konbhead seems more apt.
johnmc wrote:
Well done for making us look like cunts.

not too difficult is it,I don,t mean you by the way,but there is a need to throw a few of the dicks out,the 109ers in particular.
so stabbing people is ok (the italians) but throwing paper isn't. ALthough throwing at players is OTT and shouldnt happen
johnmc said:
Well done for making us look like cunts.

I guess some people thought it was piss funny
I must admit i thought it was funny as fu*k especialy when they were bouncing of the stewards heads .but you right it wont put us in good light with the authorities i can see us being slapped with a big fine ,how come show sec didnt batter the people who were doing it ?
All these idiots saying "it was only a bit of paper need to get a grip" the club clearly told everyone to stop throwing paper so you listen. Bet the owners will be delighted with getting a fine off UEFA just because some idiots couldn't follow basic instructions
Would it have been ok if the paper was ripped up and looked like tikka tape?

The text the club sent out should have said any supporter throwing the cards at or onto the pitch after the display will be subject to a season ban.

Problem solved.

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