Ticket info for the Capital One Cup Final

ManCitizens. said:
mrtwiceaseason said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
I got a restricted view one for a mate by phone at 10.30am
what made it more annoying was i qualified for my ticket on thursday asked about the kids tickets and was told could only have the one ticket for the kids as the lad was 125 points short !! so asked them which kid would they like me to tell they wernt going ,then the shit trick friday and when i did find out about the restricted view tickets rang back and was something like 81 in the waiting line so got thro twice and still missed out .the point stands they knew they had the restricted views at 9.00 so why the fuck wasnt i givern the chance to buy 3 that we all qualified for ?

-- Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:32 am --

SORTED said:
I was on here with the info about the restricted view about 9:40 and again at 10:20 which was minutes after they'd released them but I don't suppose all those still looking for tickets would be able to sit there refreshing the thread or the online booking page.
totally backs up my point no tickets at 9.06 200? released at 10.15 but they knew tey had them at 9.00 !!

Do you think your kid is more important than other ST holders with more points?
The ticket office were quite happy to recommend getting an extra qualifying supporter no and adding them to my friends and family then they would sell me one.do you think this is right ? Do you think its right that people come on here gloating how they used other peoples memberships to get tickets and stopped me and kids going .how many people will be at that final that didn't meet the criteria ? And yes I would put my kids before anything else that's why I turned down the two tickets and have missed the final we go as a family or we don't go at all !!
mrtwiceaseason said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
blue b4 the moon said:
Maybe the restricted view seats were only 'on-line' and not in the bundles the Ticket Office had?

Doesn't make it right mind you but if you got a casual staff member they perhaps wouldn't know about the restricted seats?

I got a restricted view one for a mate by phone at 10.30am
what made it more annoying was i qualified for my ticket on thursday asked about the kids tickets and was told could only have the one ticket for the kids as the lad was 125 points short !! so asked them which kid would they like me to tell they wernt going ,then the shit trick friday and when i did find out about the restricted view tickets rang back and was something like 81 in the waiting line so got thro twice and still missed out .the point stands they knew they had the restricted views at 9.00 so why the fuck wasnt i givern the chance to buy 3 that we all qualified for ?

-- Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:32 am --

SORTED said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
I got a restricted view one for a mate by phone at 10.30am

I was on here with the info about the restricted view about 9:40 and again at 10:20 which was minutes after they'd released them but I don't suppose all those still looking for tickets would be able to sit there refreshing the thread or the online booking page.
totally backs up my point no tickets at 9.06 200? released at 10.15 but they knew tey had them at 9.00 !!
To be fair to the person you spoke to they almost certainly wouldnt have known about the tickets as they are outsourced company not part of the actually ticket office. Understand your frustration though.
I've not looked into the differences between the Platinum & Gold Memberships re ticket allocation but I wouldn't be surprised to see it come into play soon. I'd imagine a scenario whereby Platinum Members get priority over their Gold counterparts.

Jeez imagine the fallout from that one!
SORTED said:
I've not looked into the differences between the Platinum & Gold Memberships re ticket allocation but I wouldn't be surprised to see it come into play soon. I'd imagine a scenario whereby Platinum Members get priority over their Gold counterparts.

Jeez imagine the fallout from that one!
it aplies now indirectly if i had gone platinum would have got 380 points not 190 so would have been going to wembley.i had the option but thhe £150 on the 3 cards was beyond my reach .
mrtwiceaseason said:
SORTED said:
I've not looked into the differences between the Platinum & Gold Memberships re ticket allocation but I wouldn't be surprised to see it come into play soon. I'd imagine a scenario whereby Platinum Members get priority over their Gold counterparts.

Jeez imagine the fallout from that one!
it aplies now indirectly if i had gone platinum would have got 380 points not 190 so would have been going to wembley.i had the option but thhe £150 on the 3 cards was beyond my reach .

Yeah I'm aware of that mate but I mean in the actual distribution of high demand game tickets.

Platinum cup scheme with 5000 points gets priority over Gold cup scheme with 5000 points.

...or even worse (for the Gold Members) a situation where all Platinum cup scheme get first dibs before any Gold cup scheme member regardless of points.

Could it happen? Will the club be actively pursuing such a divisive scheme in the future?
ManCitizens. said:
mrtwiceaseason said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
I got a restricted view one for a mate by phone at 10.30am
what made it more annoying was i qualified for my ticket on thursday asked about the kids tickets and was told could only have the one ticket for the kids as the lad was 125 points short !! so asked them which kid would they like me to tell they wernt going ,then the shit trick friday and when i did find out about the restricted view tickets rang back and was something like 81 in the waiting line so got thro twice and still missed out .the point stands they knew they had the restricted views at 9.00 so why the fuck wasnt i givern the chance to buy 3 that we all qualified for ?

-- Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:32 am --

SORTED said:
I was on here with the info about the restricted view about 9:40 and again at 10:20 which was minutes after they'd released them but I don't suppose all those still looking for tickets would be able to sit there refreshing the thread or the online booking page.
totally backs up my point no tickets at 9.06 200? released at 10.15 but they knew tey had them at 9.00 !!

Do you think your kid is more important than other ST holders with more points?

I think whilst mentioning the above, he is actually more annoyed that he didn't get offered tickets at 9am on Friday and then people did get them later. I got mine for a mate at 10.30 and got through straight away. No they must have known they would be releasing them at some point but rather than say that they kept it quiet. Now it may be that the people on the phones don't have a clue what the ticket office are doing but I can't see his point and can see why he is angry.

The other possibility is that they didn't have three together.
SORTED said:
mrtwiceaseason said:
SORTED said:
I've not looked into the differences between the Platinum & Gold Memberships re ticket allocation but I wouldn't be surprised to see it come into play soon. I'd imagine a scenario whereby Platinum Members get priority over their Gold counterparts.

Jeez imagine the fallout from that one!
it aplies now indirectly if i had gone platinum would have got 380 points not 190 so would have been going to wembley.i had the option but thhe £150 on the 3 cards was beyond my reach .

Yeah I'm aware of that mate but I mean in the actual distribution of high demand game tickets.

Platinum cup scheme with 5000 points gets priority over Gold cup scheme with 5000 points.

...or even worse (for the Gold Members) a situation where all Platinum cup scheme get first dibs before any Gold cup scheme member regardless of points.

Could it happen? Will the club be actively pursuing such a divisive scheme in the future?

Platinum system is a disgrace really,just a leg up the ladder for the better off
Fortunately I have absolutely no shame and have it myself
At the start of the season the club should be open and transparent re order of priority for each competition. They could give an approximation of how many are in each points bracket. They could state how many tickets they intend to gift to partners etc.they could highlight how many tckts were available for each of corresponding finals / fixtures and so fans would have better indication of where they stand in pecking order and thus reduce disappointment levels/ frustration all round. I had intended to take son to barca away but didn't have enough points therefore can't go- tough titty that's life.generally those that want to go get there one way or another.its like life you have to put in the time and effort or be resourceful to get the rewards.we all have our tipping point where we think it's not worth the hassle and move on.as much as I'd like to go to every game it's rarely feasible so I've saved myself 1000 quid easy,can still watch the game on TV where you get to see more and don't have to faff around travelling and all that
Paulpowersleftfoot said:
SORTED said:
mrtwiceaseason said:
it aplies now indirectly if i had gone platinum would have got 380 points not 190 so would have been going to wembley.i had the option but thhe £150 on the 3 cards was beyond my reach .

Yeah I'm aware of that mate but I mean in the actual distribution of high demand game tickets.

Platinum cup scheme with 5000 points gets priority over Gold cup scheme with 5000 points.

...or even worse (for the Gold Members) a situation where all Platinum cup scheme get first dibs before any Gold cup scheme member regardless of points.

Could it happen? Will the club be actively pursuing such a divisive scheme in the future?

Platinum system is a disgrace really,just a leg up the ladder for the better off
Fortunately I have absolutely no shame and have it myself

Many of us older supporters look on the Platinum points as making up for the zero points we got for having a S/T and travelling away for many years before the points system started.

Whatever system the club used, some people would be moaning, there will never be enough tickets to go around for a major final.
The club has got rid of 32000 tickets,it is not their fault you are near the bottom of the qualifying criteria.
Stop belly aching,attend more matchs and you will get more points -harsh but simple

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