Ticket info for the Capital One Cup Final

jimharri said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Hi lads - Sunderland fan here.

First of all - congrats on your win today, always good to see the arrogant cockneys slayed, especially in such a comprehensive manner.

I've got some good mates that are City fans, we go back over 20 years when our groups teamed up on lads holidays for a few years. We are going to be meeting up in London over the CC final weekend, should be great.

We (the Sunderland fans) are making a big thing about the Saturday night at Trafalgar square. Whilst I appreciate that you have loads of big games to pay for these days ( you lucky twats) it would be great to see loads of you out there and make a great night of it.

ps hope you enjoyed our win at OT a tenth as much as we did.


Trafalgar Square?!?!?PMSL

That's what the Scotland fans used to do on their big day out to London in the Home Internationals. Drinking warm cans, wearing tight replica shirts and CU Jimmy hats and ballooning like oafs in front of the locals, dropping their pants in the fountains and that.

When you've been more than once you might realise that London's got some superb places to drink or eat, but on the back of Nelson's Column in March is not one of them.

Fuck that mate. No offence, like ;-)
I don't agree with much of what you say on here David, but you're spot on here. A big get together in Trafalgar Square? Sounds very chavvish.

Disagree. This is what the lads I went to Stoke final with did and it was a bloody good laugh. After doing a lap of the Trafalger Sq fountains we went in to the spoons on Whitehall which was full of blues. Had a good old song song followed by passing a plant lot around pretending It was the FA cup with everybody lifting it with a "wayyyy"!
peter.evans said:
There are a number of points I would like to raise re the whole issue of cup finals and loyalty points. I will, of course, be banging my head against a brick wall as far as many are concerned, namely those with thousands of points and who are "Alright Jack" and no doubt some will reply in their own inimitable style ! However, consider the following. First of all, and I would be surprised if any blue disagreed, we have the annual argument over ticket allocations. 31,600 tickets is clearly not enough for us and the likes of me have missed out again on getting one largely because of the Wembley annual fiasco where only two thirds of the ground will consist of supporters of either club, or at least two thirds bought via legitimate and fair means. Club Wembley will be half empty and the ground capacity of 90,000 will not be achieved. I reckon at best there will be 85,000 in the stadium with at least 4 or 5,000 empty club wembley seats. I am sure nobody would say this is right. Have City attempted to get some more tickets ? Even with club Wembley out of the equation that still leaves another 10,000 tickets that are either floating around and being sold at four times the price or have been distributed in other ways. Why don't City at least make public their attempts to try and get a couple of thousand more tickets ? Indeed are they trying ? It would be nice if they would let us know ! BTW, I am sure somebody said last season both teams got 33,000 each. So why did we only get 31,600 ? Is that true ?

What concerns me more though is the way City have set up this loyalty points 'system' over the last five years or so. If, like me, you are blue member with a couple of thousand points and for various reason have been unable to attend every game so not in possession of a season ticket, clearly you have no chance of ever getting any kind of cup final ticket. I think this is wrong. I also think the way the whole loyalty points system has been set up is wrong and I will be writing to the club about it. ( BTW I have signed up for a season ticket and am on the waiting list ) My understanding is that the club issues loyalty points for what can often be described as extremely dubious reasons, based around the ability to pay. The club tempts fans with the offer of x hundred points for gold and platinum membership based on increasing revenues and ability to pay, not loyalty of support, it seems to me. They also give hundreds of points for merely being a season ticket holder and a variety of other dubious money making methods, As a result we get a ridiculous situation where some have got thousands more loyalty points than others based on ability to pay rather than loyalty of support over many decades. Hence we get the new type of fan, similar to the post Italia 90 types, who have been regulars since we got taken over or moved to the new stadium and were nowhere near the club when times were hard.
This does not apply to everyone and many blues have been very loyal over many decades.

However, in my case we have a ridiculous situation where my own son, who has had a season ticket for five ish years, has more than double the number of loyalty points that I have and yet I have been to approximately 1000 City matches over more than forty years compared to his 100 matches over 5 or 6 years. How does this happen ? Well ,mainly for the reasons I have already stated where the 'loyalty' points are handed out like confetti a bit like the voting system at the fucking Eurovision song contest. City are wrong over this and the system is totally unjust. It should be based around attending matches, not the ability to pay. Capitalism at its best as personified by MCFC ! In my case I will be writing to the club and demanding to know why I have not been given a good few thousand additional loyalty points for the years I had season tickets at Maine Rd, approximately 20 of them ! I expect them to redress the balance asap ! They must have the records in their systems. No junior should have more loyalty points than those of us who went for many years and had season tickets long before they were born. What pisses fans like me off is that not only will there be thousands of corporate Johnnies who don't support either of the two clubs attending a game that they barely care about, if they can even be arsed to turn up, but also sadly many City fans who really don't deserve to be there either. Or at least, should not be there ahead of some of us who have been going for a lot longer than they have. It leaves a very bad taste as far as I and many others are concerned. Anyway, are you trying to get any more tickets City ?!! PS good luck to the lucky ones who have got tickets and make sure we win it.

I am in complete agreement with you Peter.

What also winds me up is that an Internet search to Buy Capital One Cup Final tickets brings up many Online Touting Sites.

To take just 2 at random -

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.ticket4football.com/capital-one-cup-tickets/9018/9047/capital-one-cup-final---manchester-city-vs-tbc-wembley-stadium-02-march-2014-tickets.aspx?ppc=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ticket4football.com/capital- ... aspx?ppc=1</a>


<a class="postlink" href="http://www.livefootballtickets.com/capital-one-cup-final-2014-manchester-city-v-sunderland-tickets/london-15612.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.livefootballtickets.com/capi ... 15612.html</a>

claim to be able to get hold of and sell Tickets in the City end

IE Tickets in Blocks issued to City

The first site has (can get ) 53 Tickets in the City Section (ignoring Club Wembley or Neutral areas) and

The second site OVER 300 Tickets !!!!

Bearing in mind that there are about 10 ONLINE TOUTING SITES
that comes to thousands of Tickets.

Call me naive / unworldly / out of touch / don't know how the system works etc

but if these sites are able to get Tickets in the City Section then the Tickets are only coming from ONE source.
foxy said:
passing a plant lot around pretending It was the FA cup with everybody lifting it with a "wayyyy"!

Sounds like a riot, gutted I wasn't there to share in the hilarity.
greenfingers said:
peter.evans said:
There are a number of points I would like to raise re the whole issue of cup finals and loyalty points. I will, of course, be banging my head against a brick wall as far as many are concerned, namely those with thousands of points and who are "Alright Jack" and no doubt some will reply in their own inimitable style ! However, consider the following. First of all, and I would be surprised if any blue disagreed, we have the annual argument over ticket allocations. 31,600 tickets is clearly not enough for us and the likes of me have missed out again on getting one largely because of the Wembley annual fiasco where only two thirds of the ground will consist of supporters of either club, or at least two thirds bought via legitimate and fair means. Club Wembley will be half empty and the ground capacity of 90,000 will not be achieved. I reckon at best there will be 85,000 in the stadium with at least 4 or 5,000 empty club wembley seats. I am sure nobody would say this is right. Have City attempted to get some more tickets ? Even with club Wembley out of the equation that still leaves another 10,000 tickets that are either floating around and being sold at four times the price or have been distributed in other ways. Why don't City at least make public their attempts to try and get a couple of thousand more tickets ? Indeed are they trying ? It would be nice if they would let us know ! BTW, I am sure somebody said last season both teams got 33,000 each. So why did we only get 31,600 ? Is that true ?

What concerns me more though is the way City have set up this loyalty points 'system' over the last five years or so. If, like me, you are blue member with a couple of thousand points and for various reason have been unable to attend every game so not in possession of a season ticket, clearly you have no chance of ever getting any kind of cup final ticket. I think this is wrong. I also think the way the whole loyalty points system has been set up is wrong and I will be writing to the club about it. ( BTW I have signed up for a season ticket and am on the waiting list ) My understanding is that the club issues loyalty points for what can often be described as extremely dubious reasons, based around the ability to pay. The club tempts fans with the offer of x hundred points for gold and platinum membership based on increasing revenues and ability to pay, not loyalty of support, it seems to me. They also give hundreds of points for merely being a season ticket holder and a variety of other dubious money making methods, As a result we get a ridiculous situation where some have got thousands more loyalty points than others based on ability to pay rather than loyalty of support over many decades. Hence we get the new type of fan, similar to the post Italia 90 types, who have been regulars since we got taken over or moved to the new stadium and were nowhere near the club when times were hard.
This does not apply to everyone and many blues have been very loyal over many decades.

However, in my case we have a ridiculous situation where my own son, who has had a season ticket for five ish years, has more than double the number of loyalty points that I have and yet I have been to approximately 1000 City matches over more than forty years compared to his 100 matches over 5 or 6 years. How does this happen ? Well ,mainly for the reasons I have already stated where the 'loyalty' points are handed out like confetti a bit like the voting system at the fucking Eurovision song contest. City are wrong over this and the system is totally unjust. It should be based around attending matches, not the ability to pay. Capitalism at its best as personified by MCFC ! In my case I will be writing to the club and demanding to know why I have not been given a good few thousand additional loyalty points for the years I had season tickets at Maine Rd, approximately 20 of them ! I expect them to redress the balance asap ! They must have the records in their systems. No junior should have more loyalty points than those of us who went for many years and had season tickets long before they were born. What pisses fans like me off is that not only will there be thousands of corporate Johnnies who don't support either of the two clubs attending a game that they barely care about, if they can even be arsed to turn up, but also sadly many City fans who really don't deserve to be there either. Or at least, should not be there ahead of some of us who have been going for a lot longer than they have. It leaves a very bad taste as far as I and many others are concerned. Anyway, are you trying to get any more tickets City ?!! PS good luck to the lucky ones who have got tickets and make sure we win it.

I am in complete agreement with you Peter.

What also winds me up is that an Internet search to Buy Capital One Cup Final tickets brings up many Online Touting Sites.

To take just 2 at random -

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.ticket4football.com/capital-one-cup-tickets/9018/9047/capital-one-cup-final---manchester-city-vs-tbc-wembley-stadium-02-march-2014-tickets.aspx?ppc=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ticket4football.com/capital- ... aspx?ppc=1</a>


<a class="postlink" href="http://www.livefootballtickets.com/capital-one-cup-final-2014-manchester-city-v-sunderland-tickets/london-15612.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.livefootballtickets.com/capi ... 15612.html</a>

claim to be able to get hold of and sell Tickets in the City end

IE Tickets in Blocks issued to City

The first site has (can get ) 53 Tickets in the City Section (ignoring Club Wembley or Neutral areas) and

The second site OVER 300 Tickets !!!!

Bearing in mind that there are about 10 ONLINE TOUTING SITES
that comes to thousands of Tickets.

Call me naive / unworldly / out of touch / don't know how the system works etc

but if these sites are able to get Tickets in the City Section then the Tickets are only coming from ONE source.
You haven't a clue what you are talking about. Those sites have no tickets they will sell you one for £300 and then go out and buy from a city fan for say £200 and make a hundred quid they're certainly not coming from ONE source.
greenfingers said:
Call me naive / unworldly / out of touch / don't know how the system works etc

I feel for anyone that misses-out but this is the reality so all 4 apply I'm afraid.
Most away games go to general sale,the points are there to be had if you are willing to put the effort in
Do you think any of us at Norwich last week or west ham a few weeks ago are struggling for a final ticket ?
Paulpowersleftfoot said:
Most away games go to general sale,the points are there to be had if you are willing to put the effort in
Do you think any of us at Norwich last week or west ham a few weeks ago are struggling for a final ticket ?
This being the whole point.

I wasn't at either so I won't be moaning when I can't get a ticket for the swamp derby but there will be plenty on here who will be.
peter.evans said:
In my case I will be writing to the club and demanding to know why I have not been given a good few thousand additional loyalty points for the years I had season tickets at Maine Rd, approximately 20 of them ! I expect them to redress the balance asap ! They must have the records in their systems.

Nope, the reason why the original loyalty points scheme didn't extend further back was that past records for S/T holders, especially in the Swales era, were less than complete - not too much of a surprise really given the general state of the club in those days.
Paulpowersleftfoot said:
Most away games go to general sale,the points are there to be had if you are willing to put the effort in
Do you think any of us at Norwich last week or west ham a few weeks ago are struggling for a final ticket ?

stop being sensible, the johnny come latelys wont like it.

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