Ticket Office again!! (Arsenal) Joke

I must admit that I totally sympathise with everyone that might miss out on this game due to taking the words of the ticket office staff in good faith.

That's the problem though - if you get hold of the wrong person at the other end of the line, you end up being given the wrong information. I almost ended up missing out on a ticket for this game for that very reason. Although I've got well over 5000 points I was after 2 tickets together so had to take a calculated risk in waiting until it came down to my mate's points bracket last Friday morning. I phoned the ticket line at about 8.20AM and was told they were waiting for a further batch winging their way over from the ticket office and that it should be with them just after 9, and to ring back then. I assumed that this was the further allocation from Arsenal but it now appears that it was just part of the original 2000 and that the ticket line must've ran out of their allocation. Anyway, I phoned back just after 9 and the bloke I got hold of said that it looked like they didn't have any left. I asked him if he was sure because I'd phoned earlier and been told to phone back as they were waiting on a further batch arriving from the club. He went away and checked with his manager who told him that's exactly what was happening and that they should have them within 20 minutes - obviously he hadn't been briefed that they were getting a further batch from the ticket office. I phoned back about 9.30 and got 2 tickets, but if I'd believed what this bloke had told me without being armed with the knowledge of the first phone call I'd made, I'd have assumed that it was a sell-out.
The Blue said:
Biggsy1 said:
Anyone else had problems, we've been trying to get 6 tickets since Thursday kept getting told tomorrow tomorrow, eventually they took our card details and membership numbers and were told we would be called back, fuck all and now after calling them again we're told sold out!!! Shite customer service fucking shite!!!!!!!!!!

Thats bad, i phoned up at 8am friday got told to call back at 9am when they expected the extra allocation to come through - i did and i got 4 tickets.

they are so full of shit. I did exactly the same as you on Friday at 8 a.m but when i phoned at 9 got told to phone again in an hour and so on and so on....In the end I went to the ground and got one, no problem, over the counter.

why are they so fucking clueless and inconsistent with their info?
Tell me about it, the ticket office sold me a ticket a day early for burnley, I hAd to cards, one eligible on the weds and one on the thursday yet they gave meboth tickets on the Wednesday :-) just no consistency with them plus the very poor communication!<br /><br />-- Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:30 pm --<br /><br />Tell me about it, the ticket office sold me a ticket a day early for burnley, I hAd to cards, one eligible on the weds and one on the thursday yet they gave meboth tickets on the Wednesday :-) just no consistency with them plus the very poor communication!
monk1976 said:
haha, biggsy i just came on here an saw the title of the thread and knew it would be you starting it. I'd just seen your rant on your facebook as well!

You have me at a disadvantage sir, who the fuck are you ;)
Tell me about it, the ticket office sold me a ticket a day early for burnley, I hAd to cards, one eligible on the weds and one on the thursday yet they gave meboth tickets on the Wednesday :-) just no consistency with them plus the very poor communication!
Biggsy1 said:
Anyone else had problems, we've been trying to get 6 tickets since Thursday kept getting told tomorrow tomorrow, eventually they took our card details and membership numbers and were told we would be called back, fuck all and now after calling them again we're told sold out!!! Shite customer service fucking shite!!!!!!!!!!
New approach by the club. After a lot of complaints about the poor atmosphere at away games, they are being more selective about who they sell tickets to. As someone who sits there, never sings and only opens his mouth to moan, slag someone off or shout at someone to shut up and sit down, you're off the list.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Biggsy1 said:
Anyone else had problems, we've been trying to get 6 tickets since Thursday kept getting told tomorrow tomorrow, eventually they took our card details and membership numbers and were told we would be called back, fuck all and now after calling them again we're told sold out!!! Shite customer service fucking shite!!!!!!!!!!
New approach by the club. After a lot of complaints about the poor atmosphere at away games, they are being more selective about who they sell tickets to. As someone who sits there, never sings and only opens his mouth to moan, slag someone off or shout at someone to shut up and sit down, you're off the list.

Christ it's going to be empty
Just found out the wife's cousin has got a couple of tickets via a supporters club on a TWO year old season ticket , I think Portsmouth have got more points than he has on his season ticket ?<br /><br />-- Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:45 pm --<br /><br />
Ja Salford Blue said:
mullsy said:
They need to make up there mind at the ticket office I have spoken to 2 people today and they are insistant that there are no more tickets left , even for people like me who left our details last Saturday , 4700 points and still cant get a ticket ?

-- Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:37 pm --

Oh and I know what my first question is on Thursday at the fans forum " Sort the feckin ticket office out "

Good shout mate ive got 3900 points but only put my name down yesterday, I reckon we will just have to wait and see. The biggest joke is how the fuck they were allowed to drop the point by 1000 per day considering we only had 2000 tickets! they were taking bookings off any season card holder yesterday FFS!

To be honest this is the first time this has happend to me , but the ticket office always shafts me somehow every year . Why cant they all sing off the same hymn sheet , it cant be that hard !

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