ticket prices for semi- final

I think the whole situation proves we don't have many U.K. based day trippers and glory hunters and yet we are castigated by all and sundry, the mind boggles.
According to report that between 1500 and 2000 not sold then 31000 have been sold which is a lot more than 20000 some scare monger we're posting on here. More will sell over the day or so and don't think it's a bad effort considering its Sunday kick off and other problems highlighted particularly the problems with kids getting back late with school on the Monday and its semi not a final.
Fantastic turnout
This will by 6th trip to the new wembley but as a club we have had 9 trips in 6 years with a potential 10th on the horizon. The tickets were like gold dust for the rags semi final but it has lost the novelty factor and the game is on a Sunday. 31,000 isn't too bad considering we don't have the levels of fanbase as arsenal do and a lot further to travel. I'm up for it anyway, let's make loads of noise and be the 12th man like we have been so many times in these big games.
My lad always worries about attendances,don't get me wrong,I also want every game sold out,but I always tell him...."as long as me and you are in there,I don't give a fuck"!!!!!!!
Yes, the info from the club is zero!

Why isn't this info about tickets stuck on the home page of the OS?

Exactly who is running the tickets office?

Exactly who is running the media department?

And why aren't the well paid directors at City making sure the above and more is done to sell semi-final tickets?

Social media and the matchday experience rammed down our throats, but little if anything via communication from the club and pushing remaining semi-final tickets.
Remember the original allocation was around 32,000. The 33,000 figure is based on the FA giving both clubs an extra 1000 tickets so if the figures in that article are accurate then only 500-1000 of the original allocation remain. They could easily go by tomorrow. And we might sell the other 1000 too.
According to report that between 1500 and 2000 not sold then 31000 have been sold which is a lot more than 20000 some scare monger we're posting on here. More will sell over the day or so and don't think it's a bad effort considering its Sunday kick off and other problems highlighted particularly the problems with kids getting back late with school on the Monday and its semi not a final.

That was an utterly laughable post claiming only 20000 had been sold. We have a go at those Rags who spout inaccurate bollocks about our club yet some of our own are just as bad if not worse.
Any season card holder can buy 2 extra and other members can get one. Been on the website for several days.
I had an email about it and on returning from a trip to Paris on Saturday, I bought 2 for a friend and his son, they arrived in the post today and I posted them of Shrewsbury for him.
We could shift 300000 tickets in the right circumstsnces, this game just isn't hitting tge spot for many, and many also aren't taking up the option of additional tickets for family and friends I guess.
Sales stop on Friday so if you are considering extra tickets, best be sharpish.
Quite agree. Don't care what other fans/media think. I was there when we were shit and I'll be there Sunday as will thousands of other blues

Good man! All anyone can do is buy their own ticket and enjoy the day.

It'll be as near as full anyway come the day. Apart from club Wembley, which, by the way, is a joke.
Second Wembley trip I've missed, it's killing me reading this thread, but the boozer it is for me on Sunday.

While I'd love to be there, I do think the FA have ruined the Semi final to an extent. For most supporters it would be much more of a novelty having half of a decent sized neutral stadium like Old Trafford, St. James Park, the London Stadium or the Emirates. You could add the Etihad and Spurs new stadium to that list for next season as well.

The match against Arsenal is attractive for most, which is just as well as if it was a less attractive draw as there would def have been more than the thousand or two unsold tickets we are looking at now.

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