Tickets - Carabao Cup Final - East Stand 4:30pm

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We were sat in that section for the dippers game. Kicked off royal cos someone wouldn't sit down

well we were in 2nd teir and there was several little pockets where people stood and were grumbled at (I stood up and sang and was moaned at).

Thing is it is an away game and nobody sits at away games.

that's the problem the bottom tier is a shite view imho and I aint paying/cannot afford any more that the £57 ticket so 2nd tier is prefered and I know others who do the same, then you get those that want to sit in silence mixed with those that want to stand and sing.

Also not everybody who wants to stand and sing are pissed up and on the ale all day.
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The miserable twat section would definitely get my vote. I like a drink but if I am driving down and back I don’t bother. If I do have a drink, I am happy with just a couple. You see some particularly at away matches they are that pissed they cannot even follow what’s going on and ruin it for everyone. If I go to the pub I don’t head for the table next to the drunk, so why should I have to sit next to one at the match. They are a fucking nuisance.
That is the issue at neutral venues isnt it?
Heard of quite a few incidents on our recent trips to wembley when the wasted have been mixed in with the sober, the families in the with groups of sniffy young lads etc, which naturally happens a lot less at home matches for obvious reasons
Every visit to Wembley it's happened around me, and I've sat in all sections, cheap to expensive. Now, either I'm a magnet for knob heads, or some people just can't handle their drink, drugs, mouth or anti social attitude to others around me. People who know me, know my background, and I hate to see bullies and the like in action. I find I now resort, when necessary, to facilitating conversation between said arseholes more often than not, because I'm now 55, and although the skills are still there, I've mellowed, so I talk, calmly. So people, lets just get on....
its one of these...
Must admit she looked better in TLBD as she served us at the presidential dinner..
Must admit she looked better in TLBD as she served us at the presidential dinner..
I prefer pop music to Opera as I can never make out what their singing in opera so can’t sing along.. My cat used to make a similar noise to an opera singer when I used to take the prawns out of the fridge to make a butty. The only way to shut her up was to give her some. So nice body shame about the voice.
The miserable twat section would definitely get my vote. I like a drink but if I am driving down and back I don’t bother. If I do have a drink, I am happy with just a couple. You see some particularly at away matches they are that pissed they cannot even follow what’s going on and ruin it for everyone. If I go to the pub I don’t head for the table next to the drunk, so why should I have to sit next to one at the match. They are a fucking nuisance.

I remember being at Wembley for the Chelsea Semi-Final, a guy was that drunk he was asleep on the floor at the turnstile and a copper was trying to wake him up whilst standing on his ticket so the wind didn't blow it away. In the end the copper lifted him up told him he wasn't going in and carried him away. Why go all that way to be like that come kick off? Just stay in your local pub watch the match on TV then go home.
I remember being at Wembley for the Chelsea Semi-Final, a guy was that drunk he was asleep on the floor at the turnstile and a copper was trying to wake him up whilst standing on his ticket so the wind didn't blow it away. In the end the copper lifted him up told him he wasn't going in and carried him away. Why go all that way to be like that come kick off? Just stay in your local pub watch the match on TV then go home.
That is exactly my sentiments. My brother in law treated Me and The Mrs to the Rugby League Cup final at Wembley around 10 years ago. The day involved quaffing down as many pints as possible before kick off with all his Rugby mates and then off too the match. I remember very little about it other than the amount of times I had to move everyone to get up and go for a piss. One of the worse days out ever and needless to say we declined the invite the following year. I like a few scoops as much as the next man, but for me there is a time and place. If I am at Wembley I am there to watch my team hopefully win. There are 364 other days in the year to get stoned off my face
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