Tickets home - Real Madrid - Sold out

Virtually nothing left in the corporates - on site hospitality sold out. Only thing left is £300 for a 3rd tier seat and a meal in Vermillion.

Going to be packed on Tuesday.

It's the first time, post expansion, that I've felt that the stadium is still seriously undersized. £300 for offsite corporate is one step removed from legalised touting. Given the unfulfilled demand from Cityzen members caused in part by the club's incompetence in selling general admission tickets ,they should be ashamed.
Why would I Wum!
My Spanish mate asked me if I could get him and his lad tickets for Barca last season and I didn't
This time I had the opportunity and took it. He's a really good friend and I owe him a favour
It was similar with the Liverpool fan, however it was a long fucking drive home with a gloating Scouser in the car
Have you never taken a non City supporting mate to a match?

Wracking me small brain m8 but can't remember doing so,, took a few city fan m8s and gave tickets away to city m'8s when I couldn't attend (st holder so was mine to give )
But taking someone on a ticket that are yours, not quite the same as getting tickets for someone then leaving other blues unable to get one,

I'm just a bit suprised that all, iv admired your stance at not attending due to price, even though I think your nuts even more so with the semi being priced at the same as the 1/4. but I assumed that you was taking the stance like others on behalf of, I don't know , other fans, making a point for other fans , i know it don't make sense what I'm writing, seems I just got it wrong what your particular stance / protest on the whole tickiting price was .

I assumed it was a stance against the club for you and other blues, but buying for someone who's not even a blue when your not attending just doesn't sit right with the whole lets protest /make a stance over prices for blues in general..
Iv misread your stance that's all, sorry my mistake, posable mixed up yourself with other posters that had idioladgy about ticket prices on the other thread ...
Bit disappointed that your ok with that though , you come across as a decent well rounded guy on the post iv read and I must have got you mixed up with someone else like I said . and fair play for coming right out with it, if it was me I'd have expected a shit storm from those who didn't manage to get one(not caught up yet so maybe you have already )
It is your prerogative to do as you please with your allocation although I'm guessing there be a few who disagree ... Hope your Spanish m8 and his lad has a shit time watching his team get mullered although in all honesty It is just a hope, and hope they don't get any greef shouldn't it not go great for us, even more so hoping he not sat next to me ...
, but buying for someone who's not even a blue when your not attending

Thanks for your thoughts and comments in such a long post. For clarification I am going the the Real Madrid game
Here's my long post, try to understand where I am
I really believed that £50 was too much for the PSG game and I really hoped that the club would have priced the semi at what I believed was reasonable, £35
In hindsight the £35 for the semi is too low, but I still truly believe that £50 for PSG was too high
What I really hope is that supporters who are on the cup scheme remember what happened with regard to ticket prices and poor performances and on the cup scheme you have no option other than to buy no matter the cost
The upside to being on the cup scheme is what happened on Monday. City's IT was absolutely piss poor when the semi tickets went on sale with the system in melt down and the club royally fucked up on the way it allowed seasoncard holders, such as myself, to purchase two tickets per card
The first season the cup scheme was introduced I joined, but found that because of low demand for the cups these were the best games for me to take the kids, which in turn meant I had to contact the ticket office to relocate because of the two other tickets I was buying. So apart from the loyalty points the cup scheme really had no advantages for me. And this is the crux of the cup scheme. Unless you need to have double loyalty points, there's absolutely no reason to be on the cup scheme. We have a 55,000 seat stadium and 40,000 season ticket holders. If you're a season card holder and want a ticket for a cup match you will always get one. That is of course if City get their fucking arses into gear and only allow one ticket per card for the really big matches eg. Champions league semi final
Now onto me purchasing these extra tickets for my friend and his son
The PSG match only just sold out. It actually sold out the day before the match and I believe the stadium was full of "tourists" as these people snapped up an awful lot of the tickets that supporters such as myself decided to swerve for whatever reason
As I have already said, he asked if I could get him Barca tickets last season and the opportunity arrived on Monday where I could get him two, not only for a top quality team from his homeland but also in a Champions league semi final and he'll probably never get a ticket to see a match of this importance again in his life
I bought the extra two (and he will pay me for them) knowing that it would sell out, but the stadium would have a number of tourists in there anyway. So what's another two!
Is it my fault that I was allowed to buy extra and did, or is it City's for the way they priced the PSG game so sales were slow which made them panic over semi final sales?

Onto ticket prices in general. I went to Wembley for the rags semi final and the to the Final itself vs Stoke
The cup run that season, culminating in us winning our first silverware since 76, was total euphoria and worth the money
The following season I allowed my friend who I sit next to at the Etihad and who is also a season card holder, to use my number to purchase a semi ticket vs Chelsea and the cup final vs Wigan and for the two league cup finals we've played in since. He took members of his family to these games
I didn't go because I believe that it's just too much money for the tickets that aren't in the gods, plus all the other expenses of a day out at Wembley, plus I've done it now and nothing will beat the feeling of that long awaited cup final win
Football is entertainment and I think it's too expensive considering all the money that is swilling round in the game. I love my football that's why I buy a season ticket, but the club has to be careful because a lot of supporters are on that line now of not renewing as we've read in the season card thread and we've all had our opinions regarding the PSG ticket prices
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Exactly, it's been 3 days and nothing. This is all leading up to ridiculous scenes on the night if they make us wait until the day to pick up at the ticket office :(
Getting a bit nervous! Has there been no information from the club at all regarding this? I'm still waiting for my City Express train tickets too.
In a nutshell the club fucked up allowing 2 tickets per ST

How they thought it wouldn't sell out fuck knows

Not on Cup scheme but got tickets as ST

Not got mates tickets, if they want tickets get a fucking ST themselves
How they thought it wouldn't sell out fuck knows
Maybe they thought that a sc concession when scard holders would know a City fan who wanted to go was a better idea than loads of non-City fans going. The assumption that they thought it wouldn't sell out is wrong
Getting a bit nervous! Has there been no information from the club at all regarding this? I'm still waiting for my City Express train tickets too.

My train ticket didn't turn up for PSG but it was quite a simple process to get a replacement. Just had go to the Virgin 1st class lounge upstairs at Euston was sorted in 5 minutes
In a nutshell the club fucked up allowing 2 tickets per ST

How they thought it wouldn't sell out fuck knows

Not on Cup scheme but got tickets as ST

Not got mates tickets, if they want tickets get a fucking ST themselves

Maybe they thought that a sc concession when scard holders would know a City fan who wanted to go was a better idea than loads of non-City fans going. The assumption that they thought it wouldn't sell out is wrong

As I said in my long post, the club made a real mess of pricing for the PSG game, so the uptake was really slow
The club had 9 days to sell Real Madrid tickets and because of the mess created in the previous round, this led to them panicking

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