Todays Mirror

Brendan110_0 said:
Gingers Dad said:
It's a typically snide article from the Mirror but there are some valid points in there.

There's no valid points at all, another day we get 20 shots ON target, worst team that we've played, 1 - 0 down and they still never came out of their half. Respect to them for getting every effort on target though.

But he is bang on regarding dzeko and Garcia !!
Got to agree on some of the points made jut glad we won the game coz it would of been a major fu.k up I we hadn't. The pressure is on but we hopefully will deliver this season I think pellegrini is doing a really good job.
If anyone came on this forum and took bits and pieces from most of the topics on here,
that would give you that whole article word for word.
What is it with city fans, you write all this shit on a city supporters forum and then piss and moan when some lazy journo puts YOUR thoughts and ideas in print.
What do you expect. ?????????
I stopped paying attention to what this pile of shit and it's associated publications print when they faked those torture pictures, supposedly in Iraq.

Any organization that can try to slight our forces in that way should be forced out of business then the people responsible have to serve on the front line.

lastmanback said:
If anyone came on this forum and took bits and pieces from most of the topics on here,
that would give you that whole article word for word.
What is it with city fans, you write all this shit on a city supporters forum and then piss and moan when some lazy journo puts YOUR thoughts and ideas in print.
What do you expect. ?????????
We aren't a newspaper
syedorf said:
lastmanback said:
If anyone came on this forum and took bits and pieces from most of the topics on here,
that would give you that whole article word for word.
What is it with city fans, you write all this shit on a city supporters forum and then piss and moan when some lazy journo puts YOUR thoughts and ideas in print.
What do you expect. ?????????
We aren't a newspaper

Neither is the mirror, not a respectable one anyway just another tabloid and that is what they do.

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