Todays other games

In last 6 league matches they conceded 3 goals only. And played against Spurs, Pool too.

Conceding 3 only in 7 matches with Spurs, Pool, Everton matches in it is very great defensive record.

Seems like Fergie was able to improve their defence before they take on Real Madrid.
Not the bullshit "I know whats wrong I will correct it" and nothing happens.

De Gea has a big part in it too, he had some top saves vs Spurs and Pool too.
Everton playing some great stuff

Movement off the ball, quick play, and lots of hard work

Moyes is a quality manager
greasedupdeafguy said:
SebastianBlue said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
No they wouldn't don't be so deluded, they've been successful for the past 20 years without him and last season they finished level on point with us with him.

I am not deluded. Read my recent response. I am not making an extreme statement, nor am I saying they are awful. And I am only making the argument for the last three years (I am honest enough to admit they were dominant for long periods as a team before these last few years).

For someone reason people seem to be reading my posts and thinking of someone else's argument.
Take van persie out and they still have an excellent squad. Its there system which makes them so successful not individual players. For us its the opposite.

You are not arguing against my point, though. I said they would be an average side (ie, top ten, maybe top six if they overacheived). Take Van Persie out of the squad and how many points would they have this season? Take Rooney out last year and how close would they have been to us? I am an economist so I know those questions are very simplistic and don't factor all sorts of variables dependent and independent on their inclusion/exclusion but my overall point is the probability of their success goes down significantly based on their current level of influence. You cannot make the same argument of the exclusion of De Gea, Giggs, Evra, Vidic, Hernandez, or perhaps even Rooney (this season). That is the definition of a squad carried primarily by one player. I never said Ferguson didn't know what he was doing; in fact he very much does. That is the unfortunate situation we have to deal with: a manager that can win things with an ok squad and a marquee player.
Have to say, Fellaini should be a target in the summer, quality in the air and just the type of player we need to put some workrate into midfield.

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