Today's shooting in America thread

Watching Santorum argue that making guns illegal won't stop criminals from getting guns on CNN.

How is that any different than saying "We shouldn't make murder illegal because it won't stop murderers from killing people?"

It's the dumbest fucking argument in history. "Why make laws? Criminals will just break them anyway." That is the literal argument.

Of course Santorum has the IQ of a hazelnut.
America decided it was okay with mass shootings a long time ago. This won't change anything.

Wah Mee massacre, San Ysidro, Edmond, GMAC Office, Luby's, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, the Aurora movie theatre, Sandy Hook, Charleston, San Bernardino, Orlando nightclub, Vegas 2017, Sutherland Springs, Stoneman Douglas, Santa Fe 2018, Pittsburgh synagogue, Thousand Oaks, Virginia Beach, El Paso, now Dayton.

If all of those shootings can happen without a change to the constitution, more of them will continue to do so.

The saddest thing of all is that I'm a well-educated American who pays close attention to the news, and I can't remember about a quarter of those.
The saddest thing of all is that I'm a well-educated American who pays close attention to the news, and I can't remember about a quarter of those.
And they're just the ones where the death toll made it into double figures (Charleston aside).
America decided it was okay with mass shootings a long time ago. This won't change anything.

Wah Mee massacre, San Ysidro, Edmond, GMAC Office, Luby's, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, the Aurora movie theatre, Sandy Hook, Charleston, San Bernardino, Orlando nightclub, Vegas 2017, Sutherland Springs, Stoneman Douglas, Santa Fe 2018, Pittsburgh synagogue, Thousand Oaks, Virginia Beach, El Paso, now Dayton.

If all of those shootings can happen without a change to the constitution, more of them will continue to do so.
Absolutely fucking shocking. 22.
The only way to fix this is Americans willingly giving up their guns but that isn't going to happen because how could people protect themselves? As soon as the government try to take guns from people you'll just reinforce their need to have them as the right to bear arms is as much to do with protection from government as it is from criminals. Plus why criminalise the people that use them safely?

There is no single simple solution to this sadly. However creating a more positive political climate that is not based on fear and what is being 'stolen' from people and encourages inclusivity and compassion may prevent some of these manifesto led terrorist acts. You can't take guns out of the system but creating a more just and tolerant society for all might reduce the desire for people to take matters into their own hands.
For those unaware of how f*cked up the USA is:

Since posting this video online (what the f*ck was he thinking?), he has been expelled from school and arrested.

Another demonstration of the most inherent evil — the utter disregard if not contempt for or delight in the negative consequences on others of one’s actions.

Trump demonstrates this every single day. Is it any wonder others do?

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