Tonight / Operation One End / Away fans relocation {merged}

The stewards told a guy in our block to sit down and he said he thought that this was the standing section and the steward said it's not this block it's that one (2 blocks nearer Colin Bell) so if they were allowing standing in one area there goes all the regulations bollocks and they did as much as they could bs. Like someone has already said they could have worked harder to keep the kids and parents together so they weren't offended - I am sure there will be a number who tried it tonight who wont come back because of the standing up and some pretty poor language and that's a shame
i can't start a thread yet, but someone needs to.....
Somethings up with Mancini, did any one see him out on his own at least 5 minutes before the second half.
And if you've bothered to look at the OS, he looks well pissed off. Me thinks there is big problems.

rambo said:
i can't start a thread yet, but someone needs to.....
Somethings up with Mancini, did any one see him out on his own at least 5 minutes before the second half.
And if you've bothered to look at the OS, he looks well pissed off. Me thinks there is big problems.


lets not discuss, theres nothing wrong with Mancini
I'm sure alot of other clubs with "an end " get away with standing. In fact, the whole bottom tier of the SS stands anyway, just that at the moment it's half away fans. I really think this could work and be great with the away fans on SS tier two or the south west corner. The club would have to push it as the place to be for singers.
On another note no one seemed impressed with my verse of "why don't you whip out a teabag and make us a bru, PG or tetleys either'll do!" *sadface*
have you watched the interview ??? he looks well unhappy to me, and what message does it send to the fans when he's out on his own 5 minutes before the start of an important half, when he should be delivering a motivational half time talk....
glad i didn't move now, looked like an epic fail to me,

credit to those who constantly stood up and started singing, and the ones who tried to start things but were told to sit down,

soon as the game started i looked across and saw pretty much the whole of the stand sit down apart from the backs, knew it wasn't gonna be the night.
Freestyler said:
glad i didn't move now, looked like an epic fail to me,

credit to those who constantly stood up and started singing, and the ones who tried to start things but were told to sit down,

soon as the game started i looked across and saw pretty much the whole of the stand sit down apart from the backs, knew it wasn't gonna be the night.

when they all sat down i couldnt believe it!!!

i was like get the away fans back there if you are going to sit down atleast we can have some banter with them
rambo said:
have you watched the interview ??? he looks well unhappy to me, and what message does it send to the fans when he's out on his own 5 minutes before the start of an important half, when he should be delivering a motivational half time talk....
I was quite happy with how he handled the half-time team talk. It's quite clear that he went in there, told them they were shit, and that they must win. No excuses. Nothing more had to be said. In fact, the blunter he was, the better. They needed telling short and sweet.

*Walk in*. "That was shit lads. Go back out there, improve, and win." *Walk out*.
rambo said:
have you watched the interview ??? he looks well unhappy to me, and what message does it send to the fans when he's out on his own 5 minutes before the start of an important half, when he should be delivering a motivational half time talk....

they came back out and attacked wigan from the off,

i couldn't care less whether hes in the changing rooms 5 seconds or 5 minutes, if it gives it to the lads and sticks a rocket up their arses and they come out attacking like we did i really don't see a problem.

a motivational speech doesn't take 15 minutes,

i once remember when i was playing in a semi-final cup game, we were 2-0 down at HT, we were garbage the first half, manager bollocks us rightly so, he then says i'm going, you can sit here and think to yourselves how much of a disgrace you were in the first half, and how ashamed he was to be our manager,

we sat there like idiots disappointed with ourselves knowing we played like idiots, and between us all we started to get at each other, it fired us up, we knew we had to go out and play, our captain stood and took control on the situation, we went out won 5-2 without breaking a sweat.

sometimes it doesn't always take a managers word to get you going, the players between themselves can do that, i could imagine toure in that dressing room standing up and willing the lads on himself,

like i said it doesn't always come from the manager, self-motivation.

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