Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....{merged}

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Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

In previous seasons Ive understood why people have stayed away as we have been shite but Mark Hughes has made it clear he wants to win this trophy by fielding FULL STRENGTH teams and then the players run out to a crowd like that, they must think the fans aren't arsed about winning a trophy and it sends out the wrong message.

The rags and other teams played reserves so stay aways have the right if Hughes is playing a full team and taking it seriously then we owe to our manager and players to turn up.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

tell u why i didnt go because i just paid £42 for an old trafford ticket spent £150 on day out 3 days later we play again i'm working because not everyone has day jobs so why should I hang myself in shame BET U DIDN'T GO DERBY SUNDAY DID U???????????????
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
Tricky_Trev said:
Look at the highlights programme now on BBC1. There are loads of empty seats at every ground. Old Trafford, Villa Park, KC Stadium, COMS, etc. It's been the trend in the League Cup for a long time. It's not just at City. A significant fraction of the entire nation of footy fans feel that their personal circumstances dictate that their time is better spent elsewhere. They are entitled to that view.

I don't care what happened at Old Trafford or anywhere else.

Neither do I, nor do I care that the stadium was half empty. Tickets for the first CC of the season at home should be free to season ticket holders, I know a couple of clubs already do this. I wish I hadnt bothered tonight, and I can assure you that if we get Scunthorpe or some other shite at home in the next round, I'll think twice about it. If that makes me a joke in your eyes, fair enough.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
You obviously had valid reasons then but I did say those with invalid reasons are a joke in my OP if you read it.

Its you that can't read (your own posts).....

Your post title....

Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Followed by.....

24,000 , I know Fulham brought only 91 fans but still the stay away fans tonight should be ashamed of themselves. We have waited years to get some money and a decent team together and still have the fans can't be arsed turning up, it makes me mad. Even the club do there bit and reduce the ticket prices to £12 Adults and £5 for kid and yet you lazy twats can't be arsed. No excuse stay aways.

Who gives you the right to decide who has or hasn't got a valid reason ?

You went, big deal, but it doesn't mean you are better than anyone else, just a mouthy nobody.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Bilboblue said:
kiam06 said:
I don't care what happened at Old Trafford or anywhere else.

you really are an obnoxious twat aren't you?

So you went to a game, now we all know about it.

Bedtime you little hero you.

Truth has obviously hurt you.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

cleavers said:
kiam06 said:
You obviously had valid reasons then but I did say those with invalid reasons are a joke in my OP if you read it.

Its you that can't read (your own posts).....

Your post title....

Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Followed by.....

24,000 , I know Fulham brought only 91 fans but still the stay away fans tonight should be ashamed of themselves. We have waited years to get some money and a decent team together and still have the fans can't be arsed turning up, it makes me mad. Even the club do there bit and reduce the ticket prices to £12 Adults and £5 for kid and yet you lazy twats can't be arsed. No excuse stay aways.

Who gives you the right to decide who has or hasn't got a valid reason ?

You went, big deal, but it doesn't mean you are better than anyone else, just a mouthy nobody.

Be honest, people know when they have a valid reason and when they just can't be arsed. I don't decide, ask yourself could I have made it?
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

citytill1die84 said:


Truth has upset you too, I'm not letting you stay aways get away with it you are being smoked out tonight for what you really are!!
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
24,000 , I know Fulham brought only 91 fans but still the stay away fans tonight should be ashamed of themselves. We have waited years to get some money and a decent team together and still have the fans can't be arsed turning up, it makes me mad. Even the club do there bit and reduce the ticket prices to £12 Adults and £5 for kid and yet you lazy twats can't be arsed. No excuse stay aways.

To all the people who stayed away for invalid reasons can I just say..

You are a joke

Don't bother turning up for the Premier League games, you don't deserve to be there.

Fuck off you tw@t

who are you to say what is and isn't a valid reason for going to the game tonight

Fuck me why do we always get some prize prick on here after games slagging off fellow blues
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