Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....{merged}

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Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
Bilboblue said:
you really are an obnoxious twat aren't you?

So you went to a game, now we all know about it.

Bedtime you little hero you.

Truth has obviously hurt you.

Obviously NOT.

I have posted elsewhere on this site why i don't go so much anymore.
Financial circumstances are one, distance is one (I live in Southampton) and importance of games is another.

Now, can you please answer my other questions I asked you in a previous post when you chose to only answer ONE, the one that suited you?

Fucking hypocrite.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

I can remember in the 70`s hitching down to spurs with just enough money to get in, it was a lot tougher then regarding the violent side of things,managed to get a lift at newport pagnel services to the game, no beer, no food watched city come back from 2-0 down to 2-2 franny scored 2 I think then spent 8 hours trying to get back to the midlands where I live. I could tell a hundred stories like this including a few kickings I got from wearing colours, but I never called anyone a whatever for not turning up,just go when you can make it, thats all
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
24,000 , I know Fulham brought only 91 fans but still the stay away fans tonight should be ashamed of themselves. We have waited years to get some money and a decent team together and still have the fans can't be arsed turning up, it makes me mad. Even the club do there bit and reduce the ticket prices to £12 Adults and £5 for kid and yet you lazy twats can't be arsed. No excuse stay aways.

To all the people who stayed away for invalid reasons can I just say..

You are a joke

Don't bother turning up for the Premier League games, you don't deserve to be there.
this well said
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

I think 24,000 on a week night for Round 3 of the Carliing Cup in a recession ain't that bad actually...........................
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

Really don't understand this obsession some people have with crowd numbers.
I really couldn't give a fuck.
I go to watch MY team when finances and time/work allows.
I honestly couldn't care if I was the only supporter in the whole stadium, I watch City for MY own benefit, not so I can sit there counting empty seats.

Just go to the match when you can and enjoy it. Your life will be far more stress-free if you're not worrying what other fans are up to.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

citytill1die84 said:
tell u why i didnt go because i just paid £42 for an old trafford ticket spent £150 on day out 3 days later we play again i'm working because not everyone has day jobs so why should I hang myself in shame BET U DIDN'T GO DERBY SUNDAY DID U???????????????

Actually I did but you already knew that, can't knock you if you were working. Again READ the post.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
Be honest, people know when they have a valid reason and when they just can't be arsed. I don't decide, ask yourself could I have made it?

And what if the answer is something like, "yes, i could have gone, but i'd rather save my money to pay for something else that I need". To me, thats a "valid reason" for not going, but I suppose you think thats a "joke".
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

who gives a fuck?

if you went then great, if not then no worries you missed a shite game.

personally i went because i don't care if it is 47k or 470, i just enjoy watching us play.

wank thread.
Re: Tonight's stay aways should hang their heads....

kiam06 said:
Be honest, people know when they have a valid reason and when they just can't be arsed. I don't decide, ask yourself could I have made it?

You really don't get it do you, where do you live as a matter of interest ?

I don't need to ask myself, I already knew the answer.

Give it up you clown you're embarrassing yourself, and you know you are, the attendance was pretty good, better than i expected.
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