Tottenham - EFL Cup Final | Pre-Match Thread

Result Prediction

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This is my view as well. However you slice it, we play a much more important game on Wednesday. Make changes, let them do their best and give them all the support we can
In all fairness too we could do with players starting to step up to the plate too, Take Villa for example, Our bench looked short and that's because Sterling and Ferran have been piss poor of late so we are constantly reliant on Mahrez and Foden. Against PSG it would be nice to able to call upon both lads if our front men is having an off night, Wouldn't be a better way to boost your confidence scoring a winner in a cup final.

As you said no matter who starts we will support them. Massive week in our clubs history.
Read the bit around it that. In relation to where we were this time last week, being heavy favourites for 4 competitions then yes only winning the league is underwhelming because there's an opportunity for significantly more.

Just like last season when the scousers looked like winning everything and having an unbeaten season at one point and then ended the season with just the league, despite waiting 30 years for it, many were rightly putting that down as an underwhelming season for them because of what they should have won. The same applies here.
Yeah, I know the sensation you’re talking about, and it’s an easy one to fall into. But... that’s the wrong mindset to me. There was an external/media trope (and yep, a few blues too) about the quad, so anything less is “an underachievement”. I actually think for a lot of those people it might only matter if we won one, as long as it was the Champions League though. A domestic treble and they’d still be spinning it as a disappointment.
I don’t accept any of that, and put myself back to day 1 at the start of the season, any season, and there’s always the same objective; win the league. Every time. Always.
Just because we go far in the other tournaments shouldn’t and for me doesn’t take away from that. Going out in a cup competition, in the first round, or in the semi final, makes no difference to me - the effect is the same; you ain’t winning it (though it makes a prize money difference I guess). I do appreciate your pov,
I just really rail against it.
There’s a trophy to be won. The CL is irrelevant until Wednesday.

We have to be a trophy winning club, every season and cannot choose what to win in case others don’t go well for any reason, ref mistakes, var, shit finishing, whatever.

Strongest possible side, get it won.
Chelsea are better than Spurs so hopefully with a few changes it won’t give them the edge. Kane is out so that is good. Son is a problem. We need to keep a tight watch on him. Thorn in our side that fella.

The key with Spurs is starve their forwards. The rest of their side is shit.

I don’t mind some rotation as long as it doesn’t include Mendy and Torres. The former is crap and the latter is too raw for this game.

I would pick Ederson too but I doubt Pep will.

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