Tourists at games

I’ve just got back from New York and in the 9 years since I’ve been I’ve got to say there has been an explosion in the popularity of ‘soccer’
There were prem kits everywhere, even one guy in a Wolves kit (the mind boggles).
We even have a club shop on the avenue of the America’s.
PSG had one on 5th Avenue also
I watched the Chelsea game at Amity hall and spoke to quite a few of our NY based fans. A lot had flew over for the FA cup final and charity shield.
I would imagine others will just be coming over for the experience, much like us going across there to take in an NFL, NBA game.
Good luck to them I say
Noel Gallagher will go back to Arsenal, seems to think we all forgot his comments in late 90's

It’s a long time ago but weren’t his comments along the lines of…I know my daughter isn’t going to support City because we’re shit. So I’m going to make sure SHE supports Arsenal, rather than United?
Me and the lad came over last year and was lucky enough to be given tickets by an old friend for the Brighton game. My boy was born in Oz and is City mad but in his 14 years never been to the uk until then and I’ve only been to a couple of home and away games since leaving nearly two decades ago. It was a weird feeling but I actually felt like a tourist each time I’ve been. It’s a different feeling than when you live there and take every match for granted so god knows how day trippers feel when they only get one game in their lives. Certainly explains all the time they spend filming and taking photos.
American here - we have a lot of family friends with kids who are very into “soccer” and are interested in seeing games abroad. I’m on the East Coast so it’s a shorter trip to London and generally families interested in football here are more affluent. Because the London Stadium is big, I know a lot of people end up there when they just want to see a game - they don’t necessarily have a specific team they support. Friends went there last year and ended up sitting next to long time Hammers who told them all kind of stories and taught them the songs and they came back to the US as fans for life. Not all tourists are terrible! And many I know are smart enough to know to behave and dress appropriately whatever side they sit with, even if they usually support another team (obviously support is more fluid here in the states).
That is the social bubble or general local area you live in that makes you say what you did.

Where I live, there are loads of kids who play football. Some are wealthy, some middle class and some working class or working poor. There are many immigrants from Central and South America, as well as Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe who are football mad.

The difference is, they can't afford to go on "football holidays" like you, your friends, and neighbours. And if they somehow could, they wouldn't be in the hospitality suites eating prawn sandwiches and drinking chardonnay like everyone you know.

Carry on.

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