
champ16ns2012 said:
I sit on the back row of north west corner under score board and the seats behind are allways full of foriegn accents i have no problems with that at all i think they are paying £140 a ticket in there dont know if foods in that but all revenue is got to be good also was very odd to see tourists city and chelsea getting off the tram coming up the steps and clicking away with there cameras but i suppose i did the same when i went to madrid last year who didnt take a picture when in the ground.

On the way out of the ground yesterday there was a group of Oriental looking lads one of which dropped something. I called him but he never heard me and walked off. I turns out it was one of those card ticket wallets with ticket stubs and a receipt for tickets. They had bought four tickets for the south west corner on the 19/1/13 at the ticket office the tickets were £58 a piece. Whoever bought them got a total of 10 loyalty points.
Dunraven said:
NipHolmes said:
Not too bothered really.

The thing I do resent is the club pricing out modest income earning fans and their place being taken by wealthier 'plastic' fans. We'll lose our soul if we do that.

I once debated v United fans on facebook when they called us the Emptyhad. I said we were sold out and at least we didn't have as many tourists as them and then a guy posted a pic of an Asian bloke with a camera and he had a jacket on saying 'Chelsea' on the back. Now that's too much for me. I have no time for that. That's ammo for the rags :(

Anyway, back to subject, we need to embrace tourists as they will help us raise matchday revenue etc and it's all part of FFP. By refusing such types we simply cut our nose off to spite our face.

At Fulham away there was a bloke wearing an Arsenal tracksuit top sat four rows in from of me. Arsenal were playing Chelsea.

Just horrible. That's what I dislike about Football. People's fickleness to clubs and only following the better teams who win things.

As a lad from the Midlands I used to get hammered for being a blue. I never got a bit of hassle as a fan when we had Samaras and Vassell up front. Yet now I get questioned and that really hurts me. I get labelled unfairly and slotted in the same group as these shower of shit tourists who support about 3-4 premier league teams.

When I actually talk football it's ok but at first it's always justifcation of why I'm a fan. I personally wouldn't dare question people but that's the way it is now. Life goes on.

Come on Arsen.............I mean come on City!
trueblue gio said:
Spanish guy (I think) back of 101 asked the girl at the kiosk what was a meat and potato pie, she plainly answered its a pie with meat and potato, he then asked how do I eat it, with a straight face she just said you bite into it. He walked away with it held out infront of him to his mates who all stood around examining it. Was the funniest thing I have seen in ages. Perhaps we should be serving tapas for our new fans. 101 has loads of tourists every game (especially Bosnians). I don't have a problem with them, they have paid for the ticket and must have come wedged up for the weekend, its just a little surreal sometimes.

Try and explain gravy!!!
NipHolmes said:
Dunraven said:
NipHolmes said:
Not too bothered really.

The thing I do resent is the club pricing out modest income earning fans and their place being taken by wealthier 'plastic' fans. We'll lose our soul if we do that.

I once debated v United fans on facebook when they called us the Emptyhad. I said we were sold out and at least we didn't have as many tourists as them and then a guy posted a pic of an Asian bloke with a camera and he had a jacket on saying 'Chelsea' on the back. Now that's too much for me. I have no time for that. That's ammo for the rags :(

Anyway, back to subject, we need to embrace tourists as they will help us raise matchday revenue etc and it's all part of FFP. By refusing such types we simply cut our nose off to spite our face.

At Fulham away there was a bloke wearing an Arsenal tracksuit top sat four rows in from of me. Arsenal were playing Chelsea.

Just horrible. That's what I dislike about Football. People's fickleness to clubs and only following the better teams who win things.

As a lad from the Midlands I used to get hammered for being a blue. I never got a bit of hassle as a fan when we had Samaras and Vassell up front. Yet now I get questioned and that really hurts me. I get labelled unfairly and slotted in the same group as these shower of shit tourists who support about 3-4 premier league teams.

When I actually talk football it's ok but at first it's always justifcation of why I'm a fan. I personally wouldn't dare question people but that's the way it is now. Life goes on.

Come on Arsen.............I mean come on City!

I've done the justification thing a few times myself. Back in the eighties and nineties it was an amazed "what the fuck are you doing up here watching City?" a real welcome to the club attitude when ever I turned up. I've had the Glory hunter cops giving me suspicious looks in Mary D's a few times this season.
There was what seemed to be a youth group from somewhere down south spread out around me in CB L3. At least half of them wanted Chelsea to win. One of the lads who sits along from me gave them some stick when we scored. Did the game go to general sale? No chance they had loyalty points.
i'd be lucky just to get to manc and the etihad! and when i do, when that day comes, i will be alone or with the significant other, win or lose, champions or relegated, belting out "blue moon you saw me standing alone" from the top of my lungs, decked out in only authentic city gear.

though that trip has yet to come to fruition...i'm working on it. just don't die on me the lot of u eh
Should have added, it might be 'small club mentality' or whatever but it does make me uncomfortable that people are just tagging onto us. Soon these Johnny-come-lately fans will be a large section of our support and our reputation will take a knock. The reaction I get when I tell people I'm a blue has definitely changed in the last five years. It shouldn't bother me but it does. I don't want watching City to become like a game at the swamp.

Rags are universally seen as wankers and that's largely because their support is built on exactly the same twats who are now declaring themselves City fans. It's a sacrifice you make I suppose for a winning team.
Hi thought I'd add my tuppence worth! My son and I came down from Motherwell to watch City yesterday, we are Motherwell season ticket holders but I mangaged to get a few tickets for Chelsea game when they went on general sale. When I was younger my "other" team was city (Motherwell sold you a keeper in 1973 Keith MacCrae and the link was forged) thankfully my son loves watching the team Yaya, Sergio, Silva etc so we've come down to a few games and always felt really welcome. To be honest I think most of the City fans are too reserved my son and I shout, sing and get up off the seat more than most of the locals around us (we were near the rear of CB stand) surely it doesn't matter where fans come from if they are giving their full backing to City??

Must admit though I couldn't quite believe the friendship scarves lol!!

Say's it all really...

People with Seasoncards cashing in. Not just selling their seat on this site, but there are many other sites like this that will sell your seat at profit.

We need an expansion yesterday. As many seats as possible, many will be unsold for League up 3rd rnd games but meh I can guarantee it will be a sell out for high profile matches when the Tourists want in.

This is part reason why I want Safe standing area as we can then attempt to maintain somewhat a football type atmosphere with Blues who don't want the whole plastic experience.

When you pull your face at a Tourst, just ask yourself: where/how did he obtain his ticket?
even go and ask him.
Many "local" blues with Mancunian accents, yea those proper dedicated die hard City fans who are so uber cool and proper mad fer it, yea they are so loyal man... Those are the ones probably flogging their ticket in town to some Korean tourist for £200 or as said on some tourist website.

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