Trouble in the East Stand??

the video has left me shaking with rage. My dad has heart trouble and if i'd have actually seen what happened (im row k ) I'm sorry but I would have jumped on the showsec ****. They really will have to their backs now / not even show his face again.

Block 109 is standing so fuck off all you plastic fans, I was Row A 107 last season and got sick of the constant ABUSTE from showsec. The stewards told me to move away to DIRECTLY where that old fella is sat so they were ENDORSING it as standarding.

The city stewards are sound its these wannabe fighter cunts that cause this. Saturday was blown up and very very nearly caused a FULL on riot or even worse, something really terrible could have happened to that old fella. I'm hoping that showsec guy got decked by the way? The police should tell showsec to do one because the Police dont want things like this blowing up out of nothing.

SORT IT CITY. Not a single person in109 wants to sit down. They should extend the standing parts. The atmosphere in 109 was ellectric towards the end on saturday. De Jong just stood watching us in amazement when Blue Moon kicked in.
SWP's back said:
WNRH said:
Lets just forget about manhandling an old man with heart problems after he reminded them 5 times, whether 109 is standing or sitting, whether there was complaints from people in the block and how they are aggressive jumped up bullies ect for 1 second.

The one thing i just cannot understand in all of this is their "strategy" for solving the problem.

Now when there is a problem, logic and common sense tells you you have to go to the route of the problem to solve it. So in this case the problem is persistent standing in a block, now i may not have University degree's or even good GSCE grades but surely the route of the problem in this case is the first row, or the 2nd or whenever the standing begins. If someone stands in front of you and you have paid £40 for a ticket, you are going to stand too. Now this guy on the video looks like he was 3 or 4 rows up, maybe even more, so why are they targeting him when it is not his fault, what is he supposed to do? sit down and look at someone's arse whilst listening to the crowd noise or checking his phone to see how the game is going on? No, they targeted him because he was old and he looked like he would be an easy person to reject to make an example out of which is a joke and everyone who is involved in this decision should hang their heads in shame.

The whole thing stinks and no amount of complaining on here or petitions on the press will do anything about it. This is modern football, you pay £40 to be treated like shit and if you don't like it they will ban you, there is no freedom of speech or freedom to do anything once you step into a football ground and it will never change because football fans are too selfish to do anything about it.

Football fans get treated like shit because they are mugs, you see the change in attitude from the football authorities when you hit them where it hurts the most.....the pocket but this will never happen.

He was on the 2nd row with no one in front of him stood up.
It doesn't matter if the person directly infront was sat, there was still other first rowers stood and that would obstruct his view too. The game isn't played exactly infront of where you sit, you have to look all over the pitch.
Blootoof said:
maurizio said:
I sit above 109 and watched it happen. I am just an average fan who avoids aggro but was incensed by the incident, got me screaming and swearing and baying for Showsec blood. Because it seemed that an old guy was being picked on when everyone else was standing (including the villa fans) and one particular steward was wading in and enjoying it. People say its a seating area someone was standing, so they don't understand why fans are upset, but it just seemed so unjust and the stewards and police almost caused a riot when it could of been dealt with in so many better ways.

I know for a fact that some of these cunts that we as a club employ to 'steward' enjoy their day of taking the piss out of blues
this. I have mates that have stood next to showsec stewards in the away end at city and seen them all cheer on the other team as a lot of them are rags.
Myself and quite a few other Newcastle fans are outraged at that mans treatment, and this incident is beginning to cause quite a stir. I really hope that this starts a motion to bring safe standing to this country, because currently we have people being thrown out the ground for standing at St James. Good luck.
Telford_Blue_Hixxy said:
cant wait for tomorrow, im sure there will be alot of venting going on
lets see them banners and flags!

dont chicken out ;) lets show them show sec fuckers who we are :D
I have seen repeated acts of bullying tactics from Showsec on friends and strangers. The level of aggression is totally uncalled for.

I've entered into written dialogue with Peter Fletcher and found him to be completely obstinate. He showed no inclination of finding out the truth, instead hiding behind the lies of his enforcers, whose word he treats as gospel.

One of the worst incidents was a new woman being shown the ropes by her Showsec colleagues. They trooped in the toilets near 140 en masse at HT to find a few smokers. The two women waited outside. The experienced steward said:

"This should be good, we always catch someone".

The stewards exited with no-one caught. At this point, the experienced female could hardly hide her disappointment:

"I can't believe that. Don't worry, we'll get someone at the next toilets".

This for me sums up their attitude. They should be happy no-one was smoking in the toilets. However they have to justify their existance. After all it's easy money, wading in mob handed, with police and the stadium security officer backing you up and turning a blind eye to any misdemeanours.

So much of what our club does off the pitch is excellent. That includes the turnstile and aisle stewarding by the MCFC employees. However these subcontracted gorillas are a stain on our club and need to be removed. Along with the person who decided to employ them, who I assume is Peter Fletcher.'er said:
the video has left me shaking with rage. My dad has heart trouble and if i'd have actually seen what happened (im row k ) I'm sorry but I would have jumped on the showsec ****. They really will have to their backs now / not even show his face again.

Block 109 is standing so fuck off all you plastic fans, I was Row A 107 last season and got sick of the constant ABUSTE from showsec. The stewards told me to move away to DIRECTLY where that old fella is sat so they were ENDORSING it as standarding.

The city stewards are sound its these wannabe fighter cunts that cause this. Saturday was blown up and very very nearly caused a FULL on riot or even worse, something really terrible could have happened to that old fella. I'm hoping that showsec guy got decked by the way? The police should tell showsec to do one because the Police dont want things like this blowing up out of nothing.

SORT IT CITY. Not a single person in109 wants to sit down. They should extend the standing parts. The atmosphere in 109 was ellectric towards the end on saturday. De Jong just stood watching us in amazement when Blue Moon kicked in.
Again, simply not true. The vast majority want to stand but some don't and complain.
At the end of the day, he was easy prey for the spotty headed shit bags, and that goes for the pigs too. The fucking pigs are praying for the old days to come back believe me

Adolf Fletcher can go fuck himself while I'm at it
bluebannana said:
Telford_Blue_Hixxy said:
cant wait for tomorrow, im sure there will be alot of venting going on
lets see them banners and flags!

dont chicken out ;) lets show them show sec fuckers who we are :D

oh i shant ;)
just need some help putting this flag on display when the teams walk out
might let city know how we are all feeling at the moment!

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