Trouble in the East Stand??

I would assume the club employ ShowSec because they can provide a large number of (supposedly) trained and SIA registered staff, which the club can't. The overhead of training and managing them would presumably be far too onerous for the 25 times a years they're needed

Peter Fletcher is not personally responsible for the behaviour of ShowSec stewards but I'd like to know what instructions have been given to them, if any, by the club. What I do know is that their actions were far more dangerous than people simply standing and very nearly caused a full scale riot. They essentially had to be rescued by the police from the consequences of their actions.

People should definitely be contacting the FSF over this and also their MP's. I know my MP, Ivan Lewis, is a Blue as is the Withington MP John Leech. Tony Lloyd is the MP for Manchester Central, which is the constituency the ground is in I believe, and he's a rag but very sound on football related stuff and on the side of the ordinary fan.

As regards the council, Chief Exec Howard Bernstein & Council Leader Richard Leese are Blues as is Paul Murphy, Chair of the GM Police Authority.
Thomas Woodworth said:
Does anybody know how the old man is?..

Someone said last night he was ok afterwards. I think that is blood by his foot at 1.06 in the video. Just watched the whole thing again and its worse this time round.. How the fuck does this happen? They quite simply targeted the easiest (an elderly man) and just would not let it go. He was pleadeing to be left alone and still they carried on and the result, a man unconscious and who will probably never go to watch his beloved blues ever again due to concerns over his safety. The city fans HAVE to take a hard stand on this.
bammy blue said:
if you look on the video from 1:06-1:12 is that blood on the floor by the old guys left foot?
No, it isn't. It was a bottle of Oasis, erm, yeah, bottle of Oasis.<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:44 am --<br /><br />
rickmcfc said:
Someone said last night he was ok afterwards. I think that is blood by his foot at 1.06 in the video. Just watched the whole thing again and its worse this time round.. How the fuck does this happen? They quite simply targeted the easiest (an elderly man) and just would not let it go. He was pleadeing to be left alone and still they carried on and the result, a man unconscious and who will probably never go to watch his beloved blues ever again due to concerns over his safety. The city fans HAVE to take a hard stand on this.
Trust me, it 100% isn't blood.
Thomas Woodworth said:
Does anybody know how the old man is?..

Yea he walked out of the first aid room between 110-111 and seemed fine, I was stood there so told him to make sure he exposes these bar stewards and he has all our backing and he kind of tapped me on chest to say thanks, in glad the guy is fine but it makes u wonder how bad this could get and what it will take for it to stop
Being a bit of a Luddite i wouldn't have a clue how to post the youtube links but if someone in the know can they should sent it via Twitter to various news outlets esp the MEN, Blue Tuesday,broadsheets etc.

It is plainly obvious Showsec have a selection of thugs, bullies and shithouses working for them so make sure you get them photographed on your phones, record them acting etc.
Bluemoon115 said:
Fuckin discraceful.

Someone with some knowhow needs to create a standard letter that we can send en masse to bomboard GMP, MCFC, Showsec, MP's etc, because that is a fucking disgrace.

I tell you what, I'd pull a sickie on Tuesday Mr. Showsec, because one word out of line and you'll find a good few hundres fists flying at you. We outnumber you, never fucking forget that.

Bunch of power mad cunts.

This happens rarely, if ever. Let's face it, lots of people get the hump with stewards, security, bouncers, the police in all kinds of situations and the mob could always take them on given the numbers are on their side, but when did you ever see it happen? Never mind the fact that people are wary of CCTV filming their every move these days and most people don't fancy spending a night in the cells or appearing in front of the beak.
Ricster said:
For those of you who dont know, i work as a security supervisor for a large security company. Last August, while at work, i was verbally abused for 15 minutes by a male who had been unsuccessful in an interview i conducted for a position with the comnpany i worked for. The male came to my place of work and i was subjected to being called a wanker, ****, prick, fucking this, fucking that for the full duration.

Everyone has a breaking point, and after 15 minutes i had had enough of the abuse and grabbed the male by the wrist because i wanted the police to deal with him for all the verbal abuse i had been subjected to. The male pulled away and took off out of the management suite at my work. This was all witnessed by a colleague and was also on CCTV.

About an hour later i was arrested, spent 4 hrs in a cell, was charged with assault, and when it went to court was fined £200. The male who verbally abused me wasn't charged with anything, not even a public order offence. The other guys record spoke volumes. Thanks to the help of someone on here, this was sorted out.

The point to my story and experience is to show, by the law, as i have first hand experience of it, the showsec steward in this video has comitted an assault by grabbing this elderly male by the wrist. Security/Stewards have no right to arrest someone for a public order offence and that is what this man has comitted. The Showsec steward should be charged with assualt, AND WITH PETER FLETCHER BEING AN EX GMP SUPERINTENDENT, MR FLETCHER SHOULD KNOW THIS TOO, SO WE AS FANS WILL BE EXPECTING EXPECT MR PETER FLETCHER OF MCFC, TO BACK THE FAN TO THE HILT AND LOOK TO SUPPORT THE ELDERLY FAN IN PROCEEDING WITH CHARGES ON THE SHOWSEC STEWERD.

Just pointing out the difference between this story Ric and yesterday....

The elderly gentleman wasn't verbally abusing anybody.
Sure he defied orders to "sit down" but eventually he did sit down.

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