TV Series

Excellent documentary showing his rise to fame and concentrating on his character. It also gives some background to Lana Clarkson and how they met. Yea Spector was a musical genius producing some of the greatest music ever (IMHO), but Jesus he was one unhinged weirdo and deserved to be found guilty.
Spoiler alert:-)
I watched the first episode, load of bollocks. Being a pedant I picked up on the following:-

Someone (woman in stupid glasses) telling the OIM he works for her and should follow her instructions. I don't think so!!
Everyone outside the accommodation without safety glasses, been mandatory for more that 30 years to wear them.
Going outside the control room in to the the production module in a pair of pants and a shirt, no way!!
The old miserable twat that argues and acts like a dick, he would be beached after 2 days.
Wearing boots and overalls in the recreation room/accommodation, not likely.
Random people in the sick bay when the medic is treating a casualty and knocking over things because he is upset, Impossible!!
Arguing about the cost of shutting down production because of a safety issue, this is 2023 not 1970!
Liquid carry over to the flare tip?? Time for a new flare!!
Dense fog and no fog horns blaring away?

There were others but you gt the drift!!

apart from that..... not for me thanks!!

So it’s a fictional tv series, made for entertainment and not a documentary then?
I guess when you have worked offshore for 11 years inaccuracies in the depiction of offshore grate on you.

I know what you mean.
I studied history and the Flintstones drives me mad - dinosaurs and mankind at the same time (wtf!) they were many millions of years apart.

Makes me shake my fist at the sky!

And there’s nowhere, not even in the credits, where they explicitly point out that it’s not a documentary.

I can’t even watch top cat (I’ve known cats and they don’t talk) ;-)

PS. Joking aside, I nearly went offshore myself, many years ago. Did the survival training at the RGIT (great fun) but the accommodation rig was held up, due to a strike at Camel Lairds, so they put me on standby money for 8 weeks. I’d not jacked my old job so I got paid twice every week for a while and by the time they’d sorted it out I’d moved on again and got a job with better pay on dry land.
Binge-watched The White Lotus over 2 nights, the new HBO comedy drama set in a luxury Hawaiian holiday resort. Pokes a lot of fun at the american upper classes. A yank version of Benidorm it ain't. Very dark and extremely funny (if a bit crude) in places.
Didn't realise it had been out that long (post from 2021!).
Finished the last ep of Season 1 last night and thought it was utterly brilliant.
Everything you want from a TV show.

Looking forward to Season 2 but will miss that cast.

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