Finally finished the last season of Better Call Saul just last night, and yes, I do admit that I now see what all the fuss is about. In a previous post I expressed some impatience about the slow pacing of the previous seasons, but actually it all comes home in season 6 and you see that that pacing was necessary, to allow you to really soak up Jimmy, Kim, Gus, Mike and the Salamanca tribe. You look back at the long journey from Jimmy, the loveable card sharper always in the shadow of his brilliant brother, to Saul, where he really becomes an arsehole basically, and then his afterlife in Nebraska, where he's just marking empty time.
Perhaps in the middle of it all, the saddest story is Nacho's. He in any case is the one I felt saddest about.
I was glad that at the very end Jimmy does the right thing so that Kim doesn't have to spend the rest of her life paying for his stupidity (and her admitted complicity in it).
You can't completely hate Jimmy. You just can't, somehow. At the end of Breaking Bad, I hated Walter, as I think everyone does. He has turned into an unrecognisable monster. Even as Saul, Jimmy never turns into a monster. An arsehole, yes. But not a monster.