Two City fans murdered in the space of a week!!

bluestew666 said:
Shocking this, happened a 2 minute walk from me and the missus had to take the lad to school today walking past the tent that's still up. Obviously the questions started, but how do you tell a 7 year old about the fuckwits in the world.

Rip blue

Yeah i live round corner there as well had to take my little girl past the tent,

Poor poor lad feel for his family and friends RIP blue.

Police need a show of force round there the streets are full of little scrots.
BringBackSwales said:
black mamba said:
blue underpants said:
Does anybody know if its football related, sounds like something a gang of rags would do, or is it just local scroats ganging up on someone

Unless the victim (or his friends) had any city wear on , i can't really see how it was football related .....

he had been out somewhere celebrating the win with friends , and they didn't get a taxi to castle street , close to Countys ground , until the early hours of Sunday ..... where his friends then go is not clear , but he then buys a takeaway , and it doesn't look like these yobs are in that particular shop ..... yet he runs into them only yards from the shop , as he makes his way home.

He appeared to have been drinking for quite some time betwwen the time the game ended , and the time of him calling that taxi ....... it's possible that he was looking the worse for wear , and it's probable that he was just in the wrong place , at the wrong time.

not sure where you get the "worse for wear" comment from - you KNOW this do you?

Bit ridiculous .....

no one could 'know it' for sure .... unless they were there

but at gone one o clock in the morning , after 'celebrating' all night , it's probably likely , isn't it ??

That's not the point though , the guy is entitled to enjoy his time off , as anybody else is .....

But it doesn't take someone having the appearance of possibly being a bit 'merry' for these yobs to attack you these days ..... just for you to be in the wrong place , at the wrong time.
Apparently he had arrested one of them previously and he was recognised, apparently one punch is all it was and a smashed head on the hard floor, this is what I was told today

Very sad indeed
big blueballs said:
Apparently he had arrested one of them previously and he was recognised, apparently one punch is all it was and a smashed head on the hard floor, this is what I was told today

Very sad indeed

They should sling the fuckers in jail , and throw the keys away.
01282 said:
I know what you're saying pal in that once they've started wading in they run the risk of murder. However, I knew the receipent of something similar and the offender got 7 for manslaughter and was out in 4 whilst doing two in an open which by all accounts is an holiday camp. Is there any wonder scum are behaving like this saturday night when they may only get 2 years hard graft for it? Like you say I'm sure they'll be a few digs dished out whilst they're in custody and rightly so but the unfortunate thing is they're deserving of something a lot more severe than that. Same goes for the scum with knives in Salford.

You're saying 2 years as if that's equivalent to a Holiday. I don't know a single person who has done time that's actively looking forwards to going back inside. My best mate's Brother did a short stretch for drugs offences and was a shadow of his former self when he got released. If you're not as hard as you think you are then Prison can be a real eye opener.
blue underpants said:
black mamba said:
01282 said:
The sad part is they'll plead guilty to manslaughter and be back in the streets 4 years from now.

Three of the shithouses attacking a guy who was simply walking home after a night out ...

they shouldn't be allowed to plead manslaughter .... they knew the score when they waded into him , all it takes is one bang on the head ....... they clearly intended to cause the guy harm , ... and if they were prepared to take the risk of killing him , then they should be charged with murder.

I suspect that the cops will give all three of em' a few digs too , behind closed doors , seeing as it was a copper they killed .
Does anybody know if its football related, sounds like something a gang of rags would do, or is it just local scroats ganging up on someone
It wasn't football related from what I have heard, he was coming out of a take away and the 3 wankers were coming out of The Bobby Peel pub, apparently one of the lads who has been charged is related to a local supposed Football Hoolighan if you could call him that I would rather use the words no mark knob head
Anyway the off duty cop had arrested one of the wankers at some point and they recognised him and so they decided to have a pop at him,
The pubs on Edgeley used to be ok but it attracts plastic gangsters and fucking wankers now from the local areas Adswood, Bridge Hall estate etc and is now a proper shit hole
peoffrey said:
01282 said:
I know what you're saying pal in that once they've started wading in they run the risk of murder. However, I knew the receipent of something similar and the offender got 7 for manslaughter and was out in 4 whilst doing two in an open which by all accounts is an holiday camp. Is there any wonder scum are behaving like this saturday night when they may only get 2 years hard graft for it? Like you say I'm sure they'll be a few digs dished out whilst they're in custody and rightly so but the unfortunate thing is they're deserving of something a lot more severe than that. Same goes for the scum with knives in Salford.

You're saying 2 years as if that's equivalent to a Holiday. I don't know a single person who has done time that's actively looking forwards to going back inside. My best mate's Brother did a short stretch for drugs offences and was a shadow of his former self when he got released. If you're not as hard as you think you are then Prison can be a real eye opener.
You hit the nail on the head with your comment about people being as hard as they think they are and that's because no two people are the same, I know lads who have been inside multiple times and prison doesn't effect them in anyway they come out the same guy who went in but a little bit wiser
the only thing that bothers them is the fact there freedom has been taken away doing time to them is no problem when it comes to prison life but missing their family, friends and freedom is what really hurts
I agree this isn't the same for everyone and effects others differently but prison itself is not necessarily a deterrent for some

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