Two faced city fans

Forgetting the seats in CB level two that are offered to away teams because UEFA demands it can someone explain how probably a couple of thousand away fans found their way into the home end when buying tickets is apparently based on being a season card holder or a member etc. Someone in the ticket office needs to explain the farce that occurred yesterday as the potential for serious trouble was there. I suspect the club knew all about it as there appeared to be a larger than normal presence of stewards and police.
Whilst the Germans were mainly good natured in South Level 3 (314) it was an absolute powder keg waiting for a spark to set it off. Personally I had no problem with them, ive been home ends myself and sat on my hands (as I said to my dad if id been in a home end with 700 City fans id have been ballooning aswell) but had I taken my 11 year old lad with me id have probably been pissed off with 5 or 6 German lads jumping all over me/him when they scored.

The police and stewards were completely absolved of any blame they were in an absolute no win situation they couldnt move the large number of away fans so had to do the best they could and move the City fans with kids to a different part of the stand, this is where my gripe comes in, the club are an absolute disgrace selling tickets in home sections to away fans, if it kicked off up where I was last night there would have been mayhem, there were 5 policemen and 6 stewards who would have been swallowed up by it!!

I spoke to 1 of the coppers and he said his commander would have had to give City the ok to sell all these tickets to away fans but it wouldnt affect him sat in the control room. All in all a disgraceful almost ludicrous decision by the club to even suggest selling these tickets to away fans
I asked a steward that if a group of Swansea fans were in the City end on Saturday what would happen and he said they wuld be evicted

He said the UEFA games are different and that it is UEFA policy to allow tickets to go on open sale so we had the situation we had last night. I believe this will cause issues at future matches and who knows we could find ourselves with running pitched battles within the stadium something that hasnt happened in the Premier league that I can recall
Good job the 6000 or more city fans in the Blackburn end all sat on there hands when we got promoted. Could have been carnage!
Plenty of double standards in this thread, I've seen Blues celebrating in the home sections at various European aways without the threat of getting a slap.

Given that the match was never going to sell out why didn't the club have the foresight to leave a block empty next to the away section on each tier to accommodate any excess BMG fans?
Plenty of double standards in this thread, I've seen Blues celebrating in the home sections at various European aways without the threat of getting a slap.

Given that the match was never going to sell out why didn't the club have the foresight to leave a block empty next to the away section on each tier to accommodate any excess BMG fans?
Probably at the time they thought we would sell out no problem
Given our inability to anywhere near sell out the champions league games and the large numbers of away fans in the home support, wouldn't it make sense to offer the opportunity to other teams to have 6000 tickets ?
Football is an emotive sport and when your team are losing it hurts.To have someone laughing and gloating in your face at the same time is going to raise the hackles just a little bit...even the most pacifist fan on this thread must agree with that i would think? Now in a perfect world everyone would have a jolly little banter but we all know life isn't like that and one or two might decide to clump someone blatantly winding them up,i am not condoning it but i could understand why. The way football has evolved that was handbags,in the old days it would have been pure carnage trust me.

I have been in loads of away ends and believe me if i would have even jumped up shouting ''Yeeeees get in there!!!!'' when we scored i would have got a slap and probably been evicted.If i was laughing and doing a victory jig in front of the home fans i might just have stopped off at the hospital on my way home.Such is life,like it or lump it.

On a more serious note with the supposed increase in security due to the heightened terrorist threat the ease in which fans in numbers are getting in areas they are not supposed to be in is a recipe for disaster.Inadequate stewarding and policing to deal with the situation makes it even more so.A tad worrying.

When so many are in the home end, the convention of keeping quiet is bound to break. Its just about possible to do when you are one of just a few, but if there were a couple of hundred City fans in a block it would be impossible for them to keep quiet.

I do find it perplexing why City fans get so worked about being sat near away fans when those fans aren't being offensive or aggressive. So many City fans in 105 who were almost incandescent with rage when they celebrated scoring. The poor steward received awful abuse from several City fans who seemed to expect her to wade in a drag a couple of hundred Gladbach fans out of their seats. What was she supposed to do? They might have a case for complaining to the club about the situation but why take it out on a steward who was placed in an impossible situation?
When so many are in the home end, the convention of keeping quiet is bound to break. Its just about possible to do when you are one of just a few, but if there were a couple of hundred City fans in a block it would be impossible for them to keep quiet.

I do find it perplexing why City fans get so worked about being sat near away fans when those fans aren't being offensive or aggressive. So many City fans in 105 who were almost incandescent with rage when they celebrated scoring. The poor steward received awful abuse from several City fans who seemed to expect her to wade in a drag a couple of hundred Gladbach fans out of their seats. What was she supposed to do? They might have a case for complaining to the club about the situation but why take it out on a steward who was placed in an impossible situation?

I think it's more a british thing than a city thing, possibly because we don't know what they're saying but can usually pick up on a few things. There were five behind me in 101 and I didn't mind the singing of their own songs and cheering - it made for a good atmosphere - but one of them was constantly taking the piss out of our songs, every time we won a corner, he'd sarcastically mock our cheering and clapping. I could hear him say 'Man City' then start laughing in a derisory tone. There's a way to behave and that wasn't it. I put up with it but there were many around me getting worked up and they got it back when the 3rd and 4th went in. If they had had something to realistically play for last night, it would have kicked off somewhere.

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