Two faced city fans

Go to croke park for a gaa match and the fans sit amongst each other, it's called "atmosphere".
Said it before, rivalry shouldn't ever go past banter.
Must have been some right knobs who decide enough enough and time to wade in! Grow up.
I was up in 219 for this game. There were shitloads of Gladbach fans over in 220. They went nuts when they scored and all a steward did was ask them to chill out.

Now I don't mind away fans going in the home end if they respect the other fans and be a bit subtle, but last night was a bit too brazen for my liking.

Having said that, the display their fans put on in their end was electric and really made the atmosphere. If only we could show that much energy!

Also met a load of their fans on the tram after the game, they joined in on the city songs, tried to teach us a few of theirs and were generally a really sound bunch.
Talking to some lads outside they said 6,000 had travelled, not sure what their allocation was, but I'd guess it was about half that. It's far easier to keep a low profile in the away end when your on your own, when there's a large number of you it's normal to get caught up in the atmosphere particularly if you're winning. I'd like to say that myself and the City fans around me behaved with impeccable dignity and respect whilst sitting with the home fans in Seville, but we didn't, we went mental when we scored albeit there was no piss taking towards the home fans. Whatever the rights and wrongs of last night the club need to get to the bottom of it and make sure it doesn't happen again.
I sit in 212 and there were loads in there with it being adjacent to the away block. They were stood up the whole game and were joining in with the singing, but other than that they were no problem.

The City fans around them were going apocalyptic though, trying to get the stewards and the coppers to throw them out, squaring up to them. One city fan kept gesturing to a BM fan to get out and kept getting the same reply “Why”.

All very embarrassing by the City fans to be honest. I have been to most of the away CL games and seen the City fans in the home sections celebrating with no problems, even in Sevilla.

Can’t help feeling we are applying double standards here, we should be able to tolerate away fans in our areas for CL games. Its only Premier games that I would object to, knowing that you can’t do it in the PL games as its more tribal and long running troubles with opposition PL fans fester over the years.

I have no problem with the majority of European fans who are usually welcoming and you can talk to and have a drink with, without any mither.
Probably at the time they thought we would sell out no problem
I was told by a steward last night that BMG had requested a much larger allocation than the 3,000 to begin with so City must have realised that there was a good chance of BMG fans getting into home sections.
Show respect and you will get respect back. Take the p*ss and jump up and taunt home fans when you are in their end then you can't complain if the home fans take exception. Football IS tribal. It's one of the reasons imo that make it a better spectator sport than any other. Passion and loyalty to your team.
Go to croke park for a gaa match and the fans sit amongst each other, it's called "atmosphere".
Said it before, rivalry shouldn't ever go past banter.
Must have been some right knobs who decide enough enough and time to wade in! Grow up.
I don't ever want football to become a sport where rival fans sit together and have 'banter'. Fuck that. Once the whistle goes I want to be with my own fans and not have to worry about a group in front of me buzzing because my teams getting beat.
I'll happily chat, buy a beer have a laugh before and after but once I'm in my seat that stops.
Thinking you need to be sat with the opposition to create atmosphere is a load of bollocks.
Speaking of someone who has been to dozens of German football league games over the last few years, what their fans did last night is considered normal behaviour over there. If the away allocation sells out, at any venue where there are still seats left in the home end, the away fans are perfectly entitled to buy tickets in the home end and they usually buy them in a block near to their own fans, as per 211 last night.

Not only is it considered normal to sit in with the home ends, it’s also perfectly acceptable to wear your colours and cheer as loudly as you would stood amongst your own fans when your own team scores. Nobody takes offence, nobody beats you up. In fact, sharing a beer with supporters of other clubs is a regular occurrence

The mistake these Gladbach fans made last night was to believe that English football fans can behave in a similar adult fashion. As soon as I saw a number of their fans in our end I knew there would be kerfuffle because there are far too many moronic cretins who turn into a frothing lunatic when they see someone in a ground cheering for the opposition. The best bit is, it’s probably these same cretins who think it’s fantastic when City go over there and there are thousands in the home end; that it’s proof of how great our supporters are. They are probably the same people who went in the home ends at Blackburn and started jumping all over the home supporters when we scored four there to get promoted. It’s doubtless that the hypocrisy will be lost on all of them.

None of those fans came for any bother. In a civilised country they should be allowed to cheer for who they want, where they want. That’s why going to a match over there is a treat. You don’t have to fear for your life supporting your club in the ‘wrong’ area of the ground. People tolerate and welcome the diversity.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of idiots we have at our grounds here. When you get a bloke screaming his head off at a middle aged bloke and a young teenage girl, calling them ‘German scum’ and virtually man-handling a steward as he barked at him to throw them out, it really does make you thoroughly embarrassed of what we have become like over here.

If any Monchengladbach fan is reading this, I’d like to offer my apologies on behalf of the decent ones amongst us. We’re not all like that, but that is the impression their fantastic set of supporters are going to have of us, I’m afraid.
Speaking of someone who has been to dozens of German football league games over the last few years, what their fans did last night is considered normal behaviour over there. If the away allocation sells out, at any venue where there are still seats left in the home end, the away fans are perfectly entitled to buy tickets in the home end and they usually buy them in a block near to their own fans, as per 211 last night.

Not only is it considered normal to sit in with the home ends, it’s also perfectly acceptable to wear your colours and cheer as loudly as you would stood amongst your own fans when your own team scores. Nobody takes offence, nobody beats you up. In fact, sharing a beer with supporters of other clubs is a regular occurrence

The mistake these Gladbach fans made last night was to believe that English football fans can behave in a similar adult fashion. As soon as I saw a number of their fans in our end I knew there would be kerfuffle because there are far too many moronic cretins who turn into a frothing lunatic when they see someone in a ground cheering for the opposition. The best bit is, it’s probably these same cretins who think it’s fantastic when City go over there and there are thousands in the home end; that it’s proof of how great our supporters are. They are probably the same people who went in the home ends at Blackburn and started jumping all over the home supporters when we scored four there to get promoted. It’s doubtless that the hypocrisy will be lost on all of them.

None of those fans came for any bother. In a civilised country they should be allowed to cheer for who they want, where they want. That’s why going to a match over there is a treat. You don’t have to fear for your life supporting your club in the ‘wrong’ area of the ground. People tolerate and welcome the diversity.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of idiots we have at our grounds here. When you get a bloke screaming his head off at a middle aged bloke and a young teenage girl, calling them ‘German scum’ and virtually man-handling a steward as he barked at him to throw them out, it really does make you thoroughly embarrassed of what we have become like over here.

If any Monchengladbach fan is reading this, I’d like to offer my apologies on behalf of the decent ones amongst us. We’re not all like that, but that is the impression their fantastic set of supporters are going to have of us, I’m afraid.
From two weeks ago ...
Speaking of someone who has been to dozens of German football league games over the last few years, what their fans did last night is considered normal behaviour over there. If the away allocation sells out, at any venue where there are still seats left in the home end, the away fans are perfectly entitled to buy tickets in the home end and they usually buy them in a block near to their own fans, as per 211 last night.

Not only is it considered normal to sit in with the home ends, it’s also perfectly acceptable to wear your colours and cheer as loudly as you would stood amongst your own fans when your own team scores. Nobody takes offence, nobody beats you up. In fact, sharing a beer with supporters of other clubs is a regular occurrence

The mistake these Gladbach fans made last night was to believe that English football fans can behave in a similar adult fashion. As soon as I saw a number of their fans in our end I knew there would be kerfuffle because there are far too many moronic cretins who turn into a frothing lunatic when they see someone in a ground cheering for the opposition. The best bit is, it’s probably these same cretins who think it’s fantastic when City go over there and there are thousands in the home end; that it’s proof of how great our supporters are. They are probably the same people who went in the home ends at Blackburn and started jumping all over the home supporters when we scored four there to get promoted. It’s doubtless that the hypocrisy will be lost on all of them.

None of those fans came for any bother. In a civilised country they should be allowed to cheer for who they want, where they want. That’s why going to a match over there is a treat. You don’t have to fear for your life supporting your club in the ‘wrong’ area of the ground. People tolerate and welcome the diversity.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of idiots we have at our grounds here. When you get a bloke screaming his head off at a middle aged bloke and a young teenage girl, calling them ‘German scum’ and virtually man-handling a steward as he barked at him to throw them out, it really does make you thoroughly embarrassed of what we have become like over here.

If any Monchengladbach fan is reading this, I’d like to offer my apologies on behalf of the decent ones amongst us. We’re not all like that, but that is the impression their fantastic set of supporters are going to have of us, I’m afraid.
Didnt come for trouble? Haha!
I was stopped by a group before the game asking me if I was with City's lads and do I know where the meet was for a fight.
I'm glad that we're not like Germany and I'm glad there's an element of rivalry in this country.
Your utopia sounds dull as dishwater and football will be a poorer sport if it ever goes that way over here.

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