Two journalists have been shot dead during a live TV report

Sad news but this seems to be happening every week over there. When the second amendment was put into law they had muskets in mind for an agrarian society at risk of future invasion by the British, totally removed from the situation today where you can buy semi automatic rifles from Walmart, its insane and got to change IMO or these shooting will carry on indefinitely.
Why can't you amend the Constitution to remove it?
We could but in the current climate I doubt the constitution is amendable.

Our country is so politically divided ATM that we can't even pass a budget, which just requires a majority in the house and 60/100 in the senate. A constitutional amendment requires two-thirds of both houses and 3/4 of the states to ratify it.

Removing the 2A is currently impossible. Especially when the overwhelming majority of American believe citizens should be able to arm themselves. 73% of Americans wouldn't even ban handguns. Repealing the 2A polls so low that few if any pollsters bother spending money to poll it.


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Sad news but this seems to be happening every week over there. When the second amendment was put into law they had muskets in mind for an agrarian society at risk of future invasion by the British, totally removed from the situation today where you can buy semi automatic rifles from Walmart, its insane and got to change IMO or these shooting will carry on indefinitely.
Believe it or not, Walmart announced today that it will no longer sell semi automatic assault type rifles and will replace them with hunting rifles and shotguns. Might not be meaningful to people outside the U.S., but of note here.

That said, I agree with your sentiments, as do tens of millions of Americans.
We could but in the current climate I doubt the constitutional is amendable.

Our country is so politically divided ATM that we can't even pass a budget, which just requires a majority in the house and 60/100 in the Senate. A constitutional amendment requires two-thirds of both houses and 3/4 of the states to ratify it.

Removing the 2A is currently impossible. Especially when the overwhelming majority of American believe citizens should be able to arm themselves. 73% of Americans wouldn't even ban handguns, repealing the 2A polls so low that few if any pollsters bother spending money to poll it.



Well stated. Thank you.
Has anyone mentioned that a sub-human criminal scumbag murdered these journalists? One who would probably have done it with a knife like OJ Simpson did had a gun not been available.

Using this tragedy to push a gun control agenda is fucking low.
I know you're just a wum. So I am not going to enter into debate with you about this.
What an unbelievably tragic event :(

When you watch the video of him starting to shoot - how on earth is she still able to run? Or does he initially miss her?

They had this on Qi a few years ago. It's a Hollywood myth that people fall over or get blasted backwards when they've been shot. Unless they hit the brain, heart or sever your spinal cord, the chances are that you'll still be able to move. In other words, still be able to run away as fast as you can.
Even if you get shot by one of the high velocity assault rifles that are issued to the majority of the worlds armies, the chances are unless it hits a vital organ you will survive. Military thinking being that if you wound a man you take him and the people who will be tending his wounds out of the battle, and then use up even more of your enemies valuable resources treating him whilst he recovers. They've had to rethink it in Afghanistan, and it's likely they will be changing back to a higher calibre round.
Why is there a Second Amendment?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The reason it was included is no longer relevant. Unless of course Her Maj decides to revoke your independence and claim back the colonies.
Believe it or not, Walmart announced today that it will no longer sell semi automatic assault type rifles and will replace them with hunting rifles and shotguns. Might not be meaningful to people outside the U.S., but of note here.

That said, I agree with your sentiments, as do tens of millions of Americans.

Only in America can you get ur hummus and assault rifles in the same shopping basket, it is a very alien place for most Brits.

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