UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

100% There is something strange going on, I doubt they will ever get to the bottom of it, Robert Bigelow had for years and worked with the USA government so anything is possible, I think it has been used as a nuclear waste dump and the government are keeping an eye on it, if they get to close I can see the army coming in and stopping it and shut them down
There are uranium deposits in Utah, I believe.
Did you ever see anyone drill into a mountain/macer with a flexible drill aiming it upwards even if your not into DIY ya know your not getting anywhere like that.
Now they found some pink stuff according to Travis it’used by NASA haha. Realistically would the state government come out to watch proceedings, ? Or Travis who worked in the Pentagon on UFO/UAP risk their reputations by being involved if the government hadn’t asked them to.

They will probably get to the big reveal and say the government closed us down

Travis was working as a double agent and got found out and had to come clean with the rest of them.

I do believe that something is going on there and questions need to be asked like that 1.6 GHz sound being broadcast and where from, Yep and once they get too close the plug will be pulled
I'd say 99 9% of folk involved in all this are just desperately wanting aliens to be real.
There's an insatiable need to not feel alone in the big black.
Alas, I think it's all a load of bollocks!!!
Maybe. But my daughter and I saw something we couldn't explain. I'm not a nutter and I don't assign everything odd to being aliens or whatever.

Seeing it convinced me there are things in our skies that aren't terrestrial origin.
Maybe. But my daughter and I saw something we couldn't explain. I'm not a nutter and I don't assign everything odd to being aliens or whatever.

Seeing it convinced me there are things in our skies that aren't terrestrial origin.
OK. Give some more details. I am interested in genuine sightings, but, as I say, most of it is a leap of hope rather than rationality.
Can't figure out what that light is in the sky? Must be aliens.
People will get a surge of adrenaline when it happens. That feeling can be intense. And the knowledge that you have glimpsed behind the veil is intoxicating.
I saw that space X thing in the sky (before i read about it) that looks like a diagonal line of stars. I thought immediately that it was otherworldly, but alas, it was that wanker billionaire with his god complex.
For the last thirty years or so I have been keeping my telescope trained on different aspects of this phenomenon by occasionally looking at what academics/scientists have had to say about it.

For example, arch-sceptic Susan Blackmore (author of a number of publications on consciousness) thinks that alien abduction experiences are a product of a condition called sleep paralysis, while the late psychologist Michael Persinger was of the view that overactive temporal lobes were responsible for what he referred to as encounters with a 'sensed presence'.

On the other hand there is Harvard psychiatrist John Mack. Having interviewed many of those who believed that they had been kidnapped by aliens, he risked his professional reputation by insisting that their stories should be taken seriously. See here:

This is a classic earlier study of close encounters and UFO's that is still worth reading:


More recently, academics like Jeffrey Kripal and Diana Pasulka have ventured into this territory. Here is an intriguing interview with Pasulka:

So am going to give this a whirl shortly:

Fun fact I used to work in the office that took calls for people reporting ufos, lots of piss heads reporting lights in the sky usually a fucking street lamp!
Maybe. But my daughter and I saw something we couldn't explain. I'm not a nutter and I don't assign everything odd to being aliens or whatever.

Seeing it convinced me there are things in our skies that aren't terrestrial origin.
You are up to date on the latest US aircraft tech then?

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