R59 Award
The award shall be rendered by a majority decision, or in the absence of a majority, by the President alone. It shall be written, dated and signed. The award shall state brief reasons. The sole signature of the President of the Panel or the signatures of the two co-arbitrators, if the President does not sign, shall suffice.
Before the award is signed, it shall be transmitted to the CAS Director General who may make rectifications of pure form and may also draw the attention of the Panel to fundamental issues of principle. Dissenting opinions are not recognized by CAS and are not notified.
The Panel may decide to communicate the operative part of the award to the parties, prior to the reasons. The award shall be enforceable from such notification of the operative part by courier, facsimile and/or electronic mail.
The award, notified by the CAS Court Office, shall be final and binding upon the parties subject to recourse available in certain circumstances pursuant to Swiss law within 30 days from the notification of the award by mail or courier. It may not be challenged by way of an action for setting aside to the extent that the parties have no domicile, habitual residence, or business establishment in Switzerland and that they have expressly excluded all setting aside proceedings in the arbitration agreement or in an agreement entered into subsequently, in particular at the outset of the arbitration.
The operative part of the award shall be communicated to the parties within three months after the transfer of the file to the Panel. Such time limit may be extended by the President of the Appeals Arbitration Division upon a reasoned request from the President of the Panel.
A copy of the operative part of the award, if any, and of the full award shall be communicated to the authority or sports body which has rendered the challenged decision, if that body is not a party to the proceedings.
The award, a summary and/or a press release setting forth the results of the proceedings shall be made public by CAS, unless both parties agree that they should remain confidential. In any event, the other elements of the case record shall remain confidential.